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English-German Dictionary

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Chinook State [nickname] [State of Washington] [Spitzname für den Bundestaat Washington, USA]
chinook wind [Am.] Föhn {m}
Chinookan languagesChinook-Sprachen {pl}
Chinooks / Chinook {pl} Chinook {pl} [eine Gruppe von Indianerstämmen in den nordwestlichen USA]
chinos {pl} [one pair]Chinohose {f}
chinos [more than one pair] Khakihosen {pl}
chinos [more than one pair] Kakihosen {pl}
chinotto (tree) [Citrus myrtifolia, syn.: Citrus aurantium var. myrtifolia, Citrus pumila] Chinotto-Baum {m}
chinquapin [Lepomis microlophus] Rotohr-Sonnenbarsch {m}
chinrest Kinnhalter {m} [Violine, Bratsche]
chinsKinne {pl}
chins Klimmzüge {pl}
chinspot batis [Batis molitor] Weißflankenschnäpper {m}
chinspot batis [Batis molitor] Weißflankenbatis {m}
chinstrap Sturmband {n}
chinstrap Kinnriemen {m}
chinstrap padding Kinnriemenpolster {n}
chinstrap penguin [Pygoscelis antarctica, syn.: P. antarcticus] Zügelpinguin {m}
chinstrap penguin [Pygoscelis antarctica] Kehlstreifpinguin {m}
chinstrap stopper Kinnriemensicherung {f}
chin-to-sternum distance <CSD> Kinn-Sternum-Abstand {m} <KSA>
chintz Baumwollstoff {m}
chintz Chintz {m}
chintz Zitz {m} [veraltet] [Chintz]
chintzy geschmacklos
chintzyauffällig bunt und billig
chintzy [Am.] [coll.] [pej.] [miserly] knauserig [ugs.] [pej.]
chintzy [Am.] [coll.] [pej.] [miserly]knickerig [ugs.] [pej.]
chinuk wawa [Chinook Jargon] Chinook Wawa {n} [Chinook-Jargon, Chinook-Pidgin]
chin-up Klimmzug {m}
chin-up bar Klimmzugstange {f}
chin-ups Klimmzüge {pl}
chin-wag [Am.] [coll.] Schwätzchen {n} [ugs.]
chin-wag [Br.] [coll.] Klatsch {m}
chin-wag [Br.] [coll.] Plauderei {f}
chin-wag [Br.] [coll.] Plausch {m}
chin-wag [Br.] [coll.]Tratsch {m}
chinwag [Br.] [coll.]Schwatz {m}
chinwag [Br.] [coll.] Klatsch {m}
chinwag [Br.] [coll.] Tratsch {m}
chinwag [Br.] [coll.] Plauderei {f}
chinwag [Br.] [coll.]Plausch {m}
chinwag [Br.] [coll.]Schwätzchen {n} [ugs.]
chiolite [Na5Al3F14] Chiolith {m}
chiolite [Na5Al3F14] Chiolit {m}
ChioneChione {f}
chionomania Schneewahn {m}
chionophile Chionophil {m}
chionophobia Chionophobie {f}
chionophyteChionophyt {m}
chionosphere Chionosphäre {f}
Chios tears {pl} [Chios mastix]Chios-Mastix {m}
(Chios) mastic tree [Pistacia lentiscus] Mastix-Pistazie {f}
(Chios) mastic tree [Pistacia lentiscus] Mastix-Baum / Mastixbaum {m}
(Chios) mastic tree [Pistacia lentiscus] Mastix-Strauch / Mastixstrauch {m}
chipChip {m}
chip integrierter Baustein {m}
chip integrierter Schaltkreis {m}
chip elektronischer Baustein {m}
chip Mikrobaustein {m}
chipSchnitzel {n}
chip Span {m}
chip Splitter {m}
chip Jeton {m}
chipSpielmarke {f}
chipBaustein {m}
chip [flaw]Schadstelle {f} [Absplitterung]
chip [flint] Abspliss {m}
chip [football / soccer]Heber {m} [Gefühlvoller, hoher Schuss über einen Gegenspieler, meistens den Torwart, hinweg.]
chip [golf] flacher Annäherungsschlag {m}
chip [small crack] Schmiss {m} [ugs.] [Riss, kleiner Bruch, abgeplatzte Stelle bes. an Porzellangegenständen]
(chip / semiconductor) topography right (Chip- / Halbleiter-) Topographieschutzrecht {n}
Chip and PIN [Br.][Zahlungssystem vermittels Chipkarte und Geheimzahl] [GB, Irland]
chip and run shot [golf] [also: chip-and-run shot]Chip-and-Run-Schlag {m} [Golf]
chip basket [Br.] Frittierkorb {m}
chip bird [Spizella passerina, syn.: S. socialis] Schwirrammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}] [auch: Schwirr-Ammer]
chip bondingChipbonden {n}
chip boxSpanschachtel {f}
chip breaker Spanleitstufe {f}
chip breakerSpanbrecher {m}
chip broken up into small fragments kurzgebrochener Span {m}
chip capacitorChip-Kondensator {m}
chip cardChipkarte {f}
chip carving Kerbschnitt {m}
chip conveyorSpäneförderer {m}
chip designChipentwurf {m}
chip design [microprocessor design] Chipdesign {n} [auch: Chip-Design]
chip developmentChipentwicklung {f}
chip disposalSpäneentsorgung {f}
chip fat [Br.]Frittenöl {n} [ugs.]
chip fork [Br.] Pikser {m} [für Pommes]
chip fork [Br.]Pommes-frites-Gabel {f}
chip fork [Br.]Pommesgabel {f} [ugs.] [Pommes-Frites-Gabel]
chip formation Spanbildung {f}
chip formationSpanentstehung {f}
chip formationSpanformung {f}
chip fracture Absprengungsfraktur {f}
« ChinChinChinChinChinChinchipchipchirChischiv »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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