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chip-enable Chip-Freigabe {f}
Chipewyan {pl}Chipewyan {pl}
chipless spanlos
chiplessohne Späne [nachgestellt]
chipless forming spanlose Umformung {f}
chiplog Handlog {n}
chipmakerSpeicherhersteller {m}
chipmaker Chiphersteller {m}
chip-manufacturing Chipherstellung {f}
chipmuck [Am.] [archaic] [chipmunk]Streifenhörnchen {n}
chipmunkStreifenhörnchen {n}
chipmunk Backenhörnchen {n}
chipmunk scat {sg} Exkremente {pl} des Streifenhörnchens
chipmunksBackenhörnchen {pl}
chipmunksStreifenhörnchen {pl}
chipmunks [genus Tamias] Chipmunks {pl}
chipolataChipollata {f} [kleine, scharf gewürzte Wurst]
chip-on-board technology <COB>Nacktchipmontage {f}
chip-on-board technology <COB> Chip-on-Board-Technologie {f} <COB>
chipotle [smoke-dried jalapeño] [esp. in Mex.]Chipotle {f} [geräucherte Jalapeño] [bes. in Mex.]
chipped abgeschnitzelt
chippedangeschlagen [Geschirr etc.]
chipped [tooth, cup] abgeplatzt
chipped [fitted with a microchip]gechippt [mit einem Mikrochip versehen]
chipped [slightly damaged at the rim, e.g. china, pottery]bestoßen [abgestoßen, z. B. Porzellan, Keramik]
chipped potatoes Bratkartoffeln {pl}
chipped wood {sg} Holzspäne {pl}
Chippendale chair Chippendalestuhl {m}
chipperHackmaschine {f}
chipper gut gelaunt [munter]
chipper gutgelaunt [Rsv.] [munter]
chipper [coll.]aufgeweckt
chipper [Am.] [for organic matter, woodchipper]Häcksler {m}
chipper [coll.] putzmunter [ugs.] [vergnügt]
chipper [coll.] quietschfidel [ugs.]
chipper [coll.]munter [lebhaft, gut gelaunt]
chipper [coll.] aufgekratzt [ugs.] [gut gelaunt, putzmunter]
chipper [coll.] quickfidel [ugs.]
chipper [coll.] bumsfidel [ugs.]
chipper [coll.] mopsfidel [ugs.]
chipper [Irish] [coll.] Fish-und-Chips-Bude {f} [ugs.]
chipper canter Profilspaner {m} [Holzverarbeitungstechnik]
chipperly [esp. Am.]munter [quietschfidel]
chipperness [Am.]Heiterkeit {f} [Fröhlichkeit]
chippie [Br.] [coll.]Fish-and-Chips-Laden {m}
chippie [Br.] [coll.]Tischler {m}
chippie [Br.] [coll.]Schreiner {m} [bes. westmd., südd., schweiz.: Tischler]
chippie [Br.] [coll.]Zimmermann {m}
chippiness [being touchy] Verletzbarkeit {f} [Empfindlichkeit]
chipping Abblätterung {f}
chipping Schnitzel {n}
chipping Span {m}
chippingSplitter {m}
chipping Zerspanung {f}
chipping Absplittern {n}
chipping Späne {pl}
chipping Spanen {n}
chipping Abblättern {n}
chipping green [golf]Chipping-Grün {n} [auch: Chippinggrün] [Golfplatz]
chipping hammerSchlackenhammer {m}
chipping of dried fruits Dörrobstschnitzel {pl}
chipping sparrow [Spizella passerina]Schwirrammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}] [auch: Schwirr-Ammer]
chipping technologyspanende Formgebung {f}
chippings Splitter {pl}
chippings Späne {pl}
chippings {pl} Abfall {m}
chippings {pl} Bohrklein {n}
chippings [Br.] Abplatzungen {pl}
chippyBratkartoffeln {pl}
chippy splitterig
chippy splittrig
chippy [Am.] [Can.] [rough and belligerent]aggressiv
chippy [Am.] [sl.] Nutte {f}
chippy [Br.] [Can.] [coll.] [ill-tempered, morose]schlechtgelaunt
chippy [Br.] [coll.]Zimmermann {m}
chippy [Br.] [coll.]Fish-und-Chips-Bude {f} [ugs.]
chippy [Br.] [coll.] [chip shop]Frittenbude {f} [ugs.]
chippy [dated] [crockery] angeschlagen [Geschirr etc.]
chippy [sl.] [also chippie] [promiscuous young woman]Flittchen {n} [ugs.] [pej.]
chippy [Spizella passerina, syn.: S. socialis] Schwirrammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}] [auch: Schwirr-Ammer]
chipsBratkartoffeln {pl}
chips Hackschnitzel {pl}
chips Jetons {pl}
chips Chips {pl}
chips {pl} [waste material]Abfall {m} [Späne]
chips [Am.] Chips {pl}
chips [Br.]Pommes frites {pl}
chips [Br.] Pommes {pl} [ugs.]
chips [Br.] Fritten {pl} [ugs.]
chips [swarf]Späne {pl} [kurz für: Metallspäne]
CHiPs / [later:] CHiPs PatrolCHiPs
chips and gravy [Br.] [britische Pommes frites mit Bratensoße]
chips crumbs [Am.] Chipskrümel {pl}
chips of stoneSteinsplitter {pl}
chips stall [Br.]Pommes-frites-Bude {f} [seltener für: Pommesbude]
chips stall [Br.]Pommes-frites-Stand {m} [seltener für: Pommesstand, Pommes-Stand]
chips stand [Br.] Pommes-frites-Bude {f} [seltener für: Pommesbude]
chips stand [Br.] Pommes-frites-Stand {m} [seltener für: Pommesstand, Pommes-Stand]
« ChinChinChinChinchiochipchipchirchitchlochlo »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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