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English-German Dictionary

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chirruping wedgebill [Psophodes cristatus] Buschflöter {m}
chiru [also Tibetan antelope] [Pantholops hodgsonii] Tschiru {m} [auch Orongo oder Tibetantilope]
chiru [Pantholops hodgsonii] Tibetantilope {f}
chisel Meißel {m}
chiselStemmeisen {n}
chiselBeitel {m}
chisel cultivator Untergrundgrubber {m}
chisel cultivatorSchwergrubber {m}
chisel cultivator Stoppelgrubber {m}
chisel cultivatorSchälgrubber {m}
chisel edgeQuerschneide {f}
chisel hand-guardMeißelhandgriff {m}
chisel plough [Br.] Tiefgrubber {m}
chisel plough [Br.] Meißelpflug {m}
chisel plow [Am.]Tiefgrubber {m}
chisel pointSpitzmeißel {m}
chisel tine Schwertwerkzeug {n} [eines Grubbers]
chisel toothNagezahn {m}
chiseled kantig
chiseled [Am.] gemeißelt
chiseled [Am.]gemetzt [schweiz.] [sonst veraltet]
chiseler [Am.] [coll.] Gauner {m}
chiseler [Am.] [coll.] Schlitzohr {n} [ugs.]
chiselers [Am.] [coll.]Gauner {pl}
chiseling [Am.] Abmeißeln {n}
chiseling [Am.]Stemmen {n} [Meißeln]
chiseling [Am.]Ausstemmen {n}
chiselled wohlgeformt
chiselled [Br.] gemeißelt
chiselled [fig.]ausgeprägt
chisellerSteinmetz {m}
chiseller [Br.] [coll.] Gauner {m}
chisellers [Br.] [coll.] Gauner {pl}
chiselling [Br.]Abmeißeln {n}
chiselling [Br.] Stemmen {n} [Einmeißeln]
chiselsMeißel {pl}
chisels and gouges Flach- und Hohlmeißel {pl}
chisel-shaped meißelförmig
chisel-teeth lizards [family Agamidae]Siedleragamen {pl}
chiseltooth wrasse [Pseudodax moluccanus]Meißelzahn-Lippfisch {m}
chisel-toothed kangaroo rat [Dipodomys microps] Meißelzahn-Kängururatte {f}
Chisholm Trail [cattle route, USA, 19th C.]Chisholm Trail {m} [Herdenweg in den Vereinigten Staaten]
Chisinau Kischinau {n}
chi-square Chiquadrat {n}
chi-square distributionChi-Square-Verteilung {f}
chi-square distributionChi-Quadrat-Verteilung {f}
chi-square testChi-2-Unabhängigkeitstest {m}
chi-square testChi-Quadrat-Test {m}
chi-squared test Chi-Quadrat-Test {m}
(Chistmas) (glass) bauble [esp. Br.] Glaskugel {f} [Weihnachtsbaumkugel]
chistyakovaite [Al(UO2)2(AsO4)2(F,OH)·6.5H2O]Chistyakovait {m}
Chisum [Andrew V. McLaglen] Chisum
chitKindchen {n}
chitkleines Ding {n}
chit Gutschein {m}
chit junges Ding {n} [ugs.]
chit Rechnung {f} [in Gaststätte, Restaurant]
chit [certificate of recommendation] Zeugnis {n} [für einen Dienstboten usw.]
chit [signed voucher of a small debt for food and drinks] Verzehrbeleg {m} [für eine noch auszustellende Rechnung]
chit [young girl] Mädchen {n}
chit of a girl [slightly pej.]kleines Mädchen {n}
chit (of a girl) [slightly dated]Göre {f} [ugs.]
ChitaTschita {n}
Chita spindle snake [Atractus nigriventris] Santander-Schwarzbauch-Spindelnatter {f}
chital (deer) [Axis axis] Axishirsch {m}
chital (deer) [Axis axis]Chital {m}
Chitalpa tashkentensis [×Chitalpa tashkentensis] Baumoleander {m} [Handelsname; Kreuzung eines Catalpa bignonioides mit einem Chilopsis linearis] [Chitalpa tashkentensis]
chitarra battente Wölbgitarre {f}
chitarrone Chitarrone {f} [auch {m}]
chitchat Geplauder {n}
chit-chat Geplauder {n}
chitchatGeschwätz {n}
chitchatKlatsch {m}
chitchatTratsch {m}
chitchatSchwatz {m}
chitchat Plausch {m}
chitchat Schnack {m} [nordd.]
chitchat Klönschnack {m} [nordd.]
chitchat [coll.] Gerede {n} [ugs.]
Chite Tschita {n}
chitinChitin {n}
chitin capsule Chitinkapsel {f}
chitin preservation Chitinerhaltung {f}
chitin synthesis Chitinsynthese {f}
chitinase Chitinase {f}
chitinoid chitinoid
chitinous bristle Chitinborste {f} [chitinöse Borste]
chitinous cuticle Chitincuticula {f}
chitinous exoskeleton Chitinpanzer {m}
chitinous lamellaChitinlamelle {f}
chitinous plate Chitinplatte {f}
chitinous spine Chitinstachel {m}
chitinozoans [Chitinozoa]Chitinozoen {pl}
chitism [rare] [speech defect / articulation disorder of "ch"] Chitismus {m} [fehlerhafte Aussprache / Fehlbildung des Lautes ch]
chitlins [Am.]Gekröse {n} [vom Schwein]
chitobiase Chitobiase {f}
chitobiose Chitobiose {f}
« ChinChinChiochipchirchirchitchlochlochoachoc »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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