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chocolate gourami [Sphaerichthys osphromenoides]Schokoladengurami {m}
chocolate grinder Schokolademühle {f}
chocolate hazelnut spreadHaselnussbrotaufstrich {m}
Chocolate HillsChocolate Hills {pl} [Schokoladenhügel]
chocolate hind [Cephalopholis boenak]Braungestreifter Zackenbarsch {m}
chocolate ice Schokoladeneis {n}
chocolate ice Schokoeis {n} [ugs.] [kurz für: Schokoladeneis]
chocolate ice cream Schokoladeneis {n}
chocolate ice cream Schokoladeeis {n}
chocolate icing Schokoladeglasur {f}
chocolate icing Schokoladenguss {m}
chocolate icing Schokoladenglasur {f}
chocolate industry Schokoladenindustrie {f}
Chocolate is fattening.Schokolade macht dick.
chocolate lava muffin Lava-Törtchen {n} [Schokoladen-Törtchen mit zart schmelzender Füllung]
chocolate lily [coll.] [Fritillaria camschatcensis] [Kamchatka fritillary, Kamchatka lily] Schatten-Schachblume {f}
chocolate lily [Fritillaria affinis, syn.: Lilium affine] Sprenkel-Schachblume {f}
chocolate limpet [Lottia fenestrata, syn.: Acmaea cribraria, A. fenestrata, Collisella fenestrata, Notoacmaea fenestrata, Tectura fenestrata]Lottia fenestrata {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
chocolate liqueur Kakaolikör {m}
chocolate macaroonsSchokoladebusserln {pl} [österr.] [Makronen]
chocolate macaroonsSchokobusserln {pl} [ugs.]
chocolate machine [vending machine] Schokoladenautomat {m}
chocolate maker Chocolatier {m}
Chocolate makes one constipated. Schokolade stopft.
chocolate making [small, individual chocolates]Pralinenherstellung {f}
chocolate man Schokoladenmann {m}
chocolate manufacturer Schokoladenhersteller {m}
chocolate marshmallowMohrenkopf {m} [veraltet, heute diskriminierend] [Schokokuss]
chocolate marshmallowSchokokuss {m}
chocolate marshmallow Schwedenbombe {f} [österr.]
chocolate massage Schokoladenmassage {f}
chocolate massage Schokomassage {f} [ugs.]
chocolate milk Schokomilch {f}
chocolate milkSchokoladenmilch {f}
chocolate milk shake Schokoladenmilchshake {m}
chocolate mousse Mousse au Chocolat {f}
chocolate mousse Schokoladenmousse {f}
chocolate mousse recipe Schokoladenmousserezept {n} [auch: Schokoladenmousse-Rezept]
chocolate muffin Schokomuffin {m}
chocolate orchid [Gymnadenia nigra, syn.: Nigritella nigra] Schwarzes Männertreu {n}
chocolate orchid [Gymnadenia nigra, syn.: Nigritella nigra] Männertreu {f} {n}
chocolate orchid [Gymnadenia nigra, syn.: Nigritella nigra]Blutströpfchen-Kohlröschen / Blutströpfchenkohlröschen {n}
chocolate orchid [Gymnadenia nigra, syn.: Nigritella nigra] Schwarzes Kohlröschen {n}
chocolate orchid [Gymnadenia nigra, syn.: Nigritella nigra] Gewöhnliches Kohlröschen {n}
chocolate pearl [brown cultured pearl]braune Zuchtperle {f}
chocolate pleco [Pterygoplichthys scrophus]Nashorn-Segelflossen-Harnischwels {m}
chocolate pot Chocolatière {f} [Kakaokanne]
chocolate powder Schokoladenpulver {n}
chocolate pudding Schokoladenpudding {m}
chocolate pudding [Br.] Schokoladenkuchen {m}
chocolate pudding [Br.] Schokoladekuchen {m} [Rsv.]
chocolate pudding fruit [Diospyros nigra, syn.: D. digyna] Schokoladenpudding-Frucht {f}
chocolate pudding fruit [Diospyros nigra, syn.:D. digyna] Schwarze Sapote {f}
chocolate rabbitSchokoladenhase {m}
chocolate rabbitSchokohase {m} [ugs.]
Chocolate River [coll.] [hum.] [Petitcodiac River, Rivière Petitcodiac; Canada] Petitcodiac {m}
chocolate rouladeSchokorolle {f}
chocolate Santa Claus Schokoweihnachtsmann {m}
chocolate sauce Schokoladesoße {f} [seltener für: Schokoladensoße]
chocolate sauce Schokoladensoße {f}
chocolate sauce Schokoladensauce {f}
chocolate sellerSchokoladenverkäufer {m}
chocolate shavingsSchokoladenraspel {pl}
chocolate shavingsSchokoraspel {pl} [ugs.]
chocolate shopSchokoladeladen {m}
chocolate shop Confiserie {f} [österr.] [schweiz.] [Schokoladen- und Süßigkeiten-Geschäft]
chocolate shopSchokoladenladen {m}
chocolate soldierSchokoladensoldat {m}
chocolate souffléSchoko-Soufflé {n} [ugs.]
chocolate soufflé Schokoladensoufflé {n}
chocolate spread Schokoladencreme {f} [Aufstrich]
chocolate sprinkles Schokoladenstreusel {pl}
chocolate stain Schokoladenfleck {m}
chocolate stirrerSchokoladerührer {m}
chocolate substituteSchokoladeersatz {m}
chocolate syrupSchokoladensirup {m}
chocolate syrupSchokosirup {m} [ugs.]
chocolate tablet Schokoladetablette {f}
chocolate tang [Acanthurus pyroferus]Schokoladen-Doktorfisch {m}
chocolate tree Schokoladenbaum {m}
chocolate truffleSchokoladentrüffel {f} [ugs. meist {m}]
chocolate truffleSchokoladentrüffel {m}
chocolate truffle Trüffelpraline {f}
chocolate truffles Schokoladentrüffeln {pl}
chocolate vine [Akebia quinata]Fingerblättrige Akebie {f}
chocolate vine [Akebia quinata] Fünfblättrige Akebie {f}
chocolate vine [Akebia quinata]Schokoladenwein {m}
chocolate wafersChocolat-Waffeln {pl} [schweiz.] [Schokoladenwaffeln]
chocolate waffle Schokoladenwaffel {f}
chocolate with almonds Schokolade {f} mit Mandeln
chocolate with nutsNußschokolade {f} [alt]
chocolate with nutsNussschokolade {f}
chocolate with whole peanutsNegerbrot {n} [österr.] [veraltet] [heute tw. unter anderen Namen erhältlich]
chocolate wrapper Schokoladenpapier {n}
[chocolate Easter bunny wrapped in golden foil] Goldhase {m} [Schokoladen-Osterhase in Goldfolie]
[chocolate pudding with whipped cream] Mohr {m} im Hemd mit Schlagobers [österr.]
[chocolate similar to a Flake ® chocolate bar]Borkenschokolade {f}
[chocolate]Chokolade {f} [Rechtschreibung vor 1901] [Schokolade]
[chocolate-covered cake with vanilla pudding and sour cherries] Donauwelle {f}
[chocolate-covered cake with vanilla pudding and sour cherries] Schneewittchenkuchen {m} [ostd.]
« chitchlochlochlochocchocchocchoichoichokchol »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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