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choice of suppliersLieferantenauswahl {f}
choice of technology Technologiewahl {f}
choice of texts Textwahl {f}
choice of textsTextauswahl {f}
choice of the masses Massengeschmack {m}
choice of topic [Br.]Themenwahl {f}
choice of topicsThemenauswahl {f}
choice of transport mode Verkehrsmittelwahl {f}
choice of tree speciesBaumartenwahl {f} [Holzbau]
choice of tyres [Br.] Reifenwahl {f}
choice of words Wortwahl {f}
choice quality erlesene Qualität {f}
choice quality erste Qualität {f}
choice selection of auserlesenes Sortiment {n} von
choice viands auserlesene Lebensmittel {pl}
choice vintage auserlesener Wein {m}
choice wineauserlesener Wein {m}
choice wineQualitätswein {m}
choice winesauserlesene Weine {pl}
choice wines erlesene Weine {pl}
[choice and positioning of the microphone / microphones]Mikrofonierung {f}
choiceless [rare] [offering or permitting no choice, unable to choose] keine Wahl habend
choicenessErlesenheit {f}
choiceness Auserlesenheit {f}
choiceness Auserwähltheit {f}
choicenessGewähltheit {f}
choice-of-forum clause Gerichtsstandvereinbarung {f}
choice-of-forum clause Gerichtsstandsvereinbarung {f}
choices Auswahlen {pl}
choices Auswahlmöglichkeiten {pl}
choicest auserlesenste
choicest allerfeinste
choicest chocolates erlesenste Schokoladen {pl}
choil Schor {m} [Falsche Schneide]
choir Chor {m}
choir Kirchenchor {m}
choirSängerchor {m}
choir Gesangsverein {m} [Chor]
choirGesangverein {m} [Chor]
choir Chorraum {m}
choir Altarraum {m}
choirChorempore {f}
choir Presbyterium {n}
choir ambulatoryChorumgang {m}
choir apse Chorapsis {f}
choir area Chorbereich {m}
choir barrier Chorschranke {f}
choir blouse Chorbluse {f}
choir book Chorbuch {n}
choir boyChorknabe {m}
choir cantorisNordchor {m} [selten {n}]
choir chapelChorkapelle {f}
choir clerestoryChorobergaden {m}
choir competitionChorwettbewerb {m}
choir decaniSüdchor {m} [selten {n}]
choir directorChorleiter {m}
choir division [organ][Werk en. Orgeln, vergleichbar dem Rückpositiv]
choir dressChorkleidung {f}
choir dressChorgewand {n}
choir festival Chorfestival {n}
choir floorChorfußboden {m}
choir girl Mädchen {n} vom Chor
choir leader Chorleiter {m}
choir leaderChorregent {m} [südd.]
choir loft Chorempore {f}
choir master Chorleiter {m}
choir master [female] Chorleiterin {f}
choir member Chormitglied {n}
choir members Chormitglieder {pl}
choir of angels Engelschor {m}
choir (of strings) Saitenchor {m} [von Tasteninstrumenten]
choir office Choramt {n}
choir office Chordienst {m}
choir organ Chororgel {f}
choir pitchChorton {m}
choir practice Chorprobe {f}
choir practiceSingstunde {f} [regional] [Chorprobe]
choir schoolChorschule {f}
choir school pupil Chorschüler {m}
choir schoolboyChorschüler {m}
choir screen Chorgitter {n}
choir screenLettner {m}
choir screenChorschranke {f}
choir singing Chorsingen {n}
choir stallChorstuhl {m}
choir stalls {pl} Chorgestühl {n}
choir window Chorfenster {n}
choir windows {pl} [collectively] Chorverglasung {f}
choir with ambulatory Umgangschor {m}
choirbook Chorbuch {n}
choirboy Chorknabe {m}
choir-boy Sängerknabe {m}
choirboy Sängerknabe {m}
choirboy Kapellknabe {m} [veraltet] [noch in Chornamen]
choirboys Chorknaben {pl}
choirmasterDirigent {m}
choirmasterChorleiter {m}
choirmaster Chordirigent {m}
choirmaster Chormeister {m}
« chloChobchocchocchocchoichoicholcholchonchop »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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