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English-German Dictionary

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« backPage 363 for words starting with C in the English-German dictionarynext page »
cholangioscopy Cholangioskopie {f}
cholangitis Cholangitis {f}
cholangitis Gallengangsentzündung {f}
cholate Cholat {n}
cholatesCholate {pl}
c-hole [e.g. viols] C-Loch {n} [Schallloch]
cholecalciferol [C27H44O] [vitamin D3] Cholecalciferol {n} [Vitamin D3]
cholecalciferol [C27H44O] [vitamin D3] Colecalciferol {n} [Vitamin D3]
cholecystectomyCholezystektomie {f} <CHE, CCE>
cholecystectomyGallenblasenentfernung {f}
cholecystectomy <CCE> Gallenblasenresektion {f} [Cholezystektomie]
cholecystitis Cholezystitis {f}
cholecystitis Gallenblasenentzündung {f}
cholecystocholangiography <CCC> Cholezystocholangiographie {f}
cholecystocholangiography <CCC>Cholezystocholangiografie {f}
cholecystogramCholezystogramm {n}
cholecystographic cholezystografisch
cholecystographical cholezystographisch
cholecystographical cholezystografisch
cholecystographically cholezystografisch
cholecystography Cholezystographie {f}
cholecystographyCholezystografie {f}
cholecystokininCholecystokinin-Pankreozymin {n}
cholecystokinin <CCK> Cholecystokinin {n} <CCK>
cholecystokinin <CCK> Cholezystokinin {n} <CCK> [Rsv.]
cholecystolithiasis Cholezystolithiasis {f}
cholecystolithiasis Cholecystolithiasis {f}
cholecystolithiasis Gallenblasensteinleiden {n} [Cholezystolithiasis]
cholecystolithiasis Steingallenblase {f} [Gallenblasensteinleiden]
cholecystopathy Cholezystopathie {f}
choledochal cyst Choledochuszyste {f}
choledochogram Choledochogramm {n}
choledochographyCholedochographie {f}
choledochography Choledochografie {f}
choledocholithiasis Choledocholithiase {f} [selten] [Choledocholithiasis]
choledocholithiasisGallengangssteinleiden {n} [Choledocholithiasis]
choledocholithiasis Choledocholithiasis {f}
choledochoscopeCholedochoskop {n}
choledochoscopy Choledochoskopie {f}
cholegraphy Cholegraphie {f}
cholegraphy Cholegrafie {f}
cholekinesis Cholekinese {f}
cholekinetic (drug)Cholekinetikum {n}
cholekinetic drugs Cholekinetika {pl}
cholekinetics Cholekinetika {pl}
cholelith Cholelith {m}
cholelithiasis Gallensteinleiden {n}
cholelithiasis Cholelithiasis {f}
cholelithotripsy Gallensteinlithotripsie {f}
cholelithotripsy Cholelithotripsie {f}
cholelithotripsyGallensteinzertrümmerung {f} [mit Lithotripter]
cholelithotrity Cholelithotritie {f}
cholemia [Am.]Cholämie {f}
cholemia [hemobilia] Bilhämie {f} [Hämobilie]
cholent Tscholent {m}
cholepoiesis Cholepoese {f}
cholerZorn {m}
choler [humour] [also fig.] Galle {f} [Zorn, cholerisches Temperament]
cholera Cholera {f}
cholera bacillusCholerabazillus {m}
cholera bacteria Cholerabakterien {pl}
Cholera broke out.Die Cholera brach aus.
Cholera carried him off.Er starb an Cholera.
cholera epidemicCholeraepidemie {f}
cholera outbreak Choleraausbruch {m}
cholera patient Cholerapatient {m}
cholera toxin < CTX, Ctx, CT>Choleratoxin {n} <CTX>
choleresis Cholerese {f}
choleretic choleretisch
choleretic (agent)Choleretikum {n}
choleretic agents Choleretika {pl}
choleretically choleretisch
choleretics Choleretika {pl}
choleric reizbar
choleric zornmütig [geh.]
cholericleicht aufbrausend
cholericCholeriker {m}
cholerickollerig [ugs.]
choleric [female] Cholerikerin {f}
choleric [person] Häferl {n} [österr.] [ugs.] [Choleriker]
choleric person Choleriker {m}
choleric person Gifthaferl {n} [bayer.] [ugs.] [pej.]
choleric typeCholeriker {m}
cholerophobia Cholerophobie {f}
cholescintigram Choleszintigramm {n}
cholescintigraphic choleszintigraphisch
cholescintigraphically choleszintigrafisch
cholescintigraphy Choleszintigraphie {f}
cholescintigraphy Choleszintigrafie {f}
Cholesky decomposition Cholesky-Zerlegung {f}
Cholesky factorization [Am.] Cholesky-Faktorisierung {f}
cholestane [C27H48]Cholestan {n}
« chocchocchocchoichoicholcholchonchopchorchor »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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