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English-German Dictionary

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cholestasia Gallenstauung {f}
cholestasis Cholestase {f}
cholestasis Gallestauung {f}
cholestasisGallenstauung {f}
cholestasis-lymphedema syndrome <CHLS, CLS> [Am.] Cholestase-Lymphödem-Syndrom {n} <CHLS>
cholestasis-lymphedema syndrome <CLS, CHLS> [Am.] Aagenaes-Syndrom {n}
cholestasis-lymphoedema syndrome <CHLS, CLS> [Br.] Cholestase-Lymphödem-Syndrom {n} <CHLS>
cholestasis-lymphoedema syndrome <CLS, CHLS> [Br.] Aagenaes-Syndrom {n}
cholesteatoma Perlgeschwulst {f}
cholesteatoma Cholesteatom {n}
cholesteatoma Zwiebelgeschwulst {f}
cholesteatoma recurrence Cholesteatomrezidiv {n}
cholesteatosisCholesteatose {f}
cholesterinosisCholesterinose {f}
cholesterol Cholesterin {n}
cholesterol Cholesterol {n}
cholesterolGallenfett {n} [veraltet] [Cholesterin]
cholesterol biosynthesis Cholesterinbiosynthese {f}
cholesterol concentrationCholesterolkonzentration {f}
cholesterol contentCholesteringehalt {m}
cholesterol crystal Cholesterinkristall {m}
cholesterol derivativeCholesterolderivat {n}
cholesterol embolism Cholesterinembolie {f}
cholesterol embolus Cholesterinembolus {m}
cholesterol esterCholesterolester {m}
cholesterol levelCholesterinspiegel {m}
cholesterol levels Cholesterinwerte {pl}
cholesterol metabolism Cholesterolmetabolismus {m} [auch: Cholesterol-Metabolismus]
cholesterol metabolism Cholesterolstoffwechsel {m}
cholesterol pneumonia Cholesterinpneumonie {f}
cholesterol productionCholesterolproduktion {f}
cholesterol saturation Cholesterinsättigung {f}
cholesterol synthesisCholesterolsynthese {f} [auch: Cholesterol-Synthese]
cholesterol synthesis enzyme inhibitor <CSE inhibitor> Cholesterinsyntheseenzymhemmer {m} <CSE-Hemmer> [auch: Cholesterinsynthese-Enzymhemmer]
cholesterol treatmentCholesterinbehandlung {f}
cholesterol valueCholesterinwert {m}
cholesterol-dependent cholesterolabhängig [auch: Cholesterol-abhängig]
cholesterol-free cholesterinfrei
cholesterol-lowering drugsCholesterin senkende Medikamente {pl}
cholesterol-reduced cholesterinreduziert
cholesterosisCholesterosis {f}
cholesteryl esterCholesterolester {m}
choli Saribluse {f}
choliCholi {f}
choliamb ["limping" iambic verse] Hinkjambus {m}
choliamb ["limping" iambic verse] Choliambus {m}
choliamb ["limping" iambic verse] Skazon {m}
choliambic ["limping" iambic verse]Choliambus {m}
choliambic ["limping" iambic verse] Hinkjambus {m}
choliambic ["limping" iambic verse] Skazon {m}
cholic acid [C24H40O5]Cholsäure {f}
choline [[(CH3)3NCH2CH2OH]+]Cholin {n}
choline chloride Cholinchlorid {n}
choline phosphateCholinphosphat {n}
choline salicylate [C12H19NO4]Cholinsalicylat {n}
choline theophyllinate [C12H21N5O3]Oxtriphyllin {n} [auch: cholintheophyllinat]
cholinergic cholinerg
cholinergic cholinergisch
cholinergic crisis <CC> cholinergische Krise {f}
cholines Choline {pl}
cholinesterase <ChE>Cholinesterase {f} <ChE>
cholinesterase inhibitor Cholinesterasehemmer {m}
cholinesterase inhibitor <CI>Cholinesteraseinhibitor {m} <CI>
cholinesterase inhibitors <CIs> Cholinesterasehemmer {pl}
cholinoceptorCholinozeptor {m}
Cholo alethe [Alethe choloensis]Choloalethe {f}
choloalite [CuPb(TeO3)2] Choloalit {m}
cholorrhea [Am.] [obs.]Cholorrhoe {f} [abnorm hohe Gallenausscheidung]
cholyltaurine <CT> Cholyltaurin {n} <CT>
Chomolungma [Mount Everest] Chomolungma {m} [vormals Tschomolungma]
chomped gekaut
chompers [coll.] Zähne {pl}
chomping [coll.]mampfend [ugs.]
Chomsky hierarchy Chomsky-Hierarchie {f}
Chomsky normal form <CNF> Chomsky-Normalform {f} <CNF>
Chomsky-Schützenberger hierarchyChomsky-Schützenberger-Hierarchie {f}
ChomutovKomotau {n}
chondral ossificationchondrale Ossifikation {f} [indirekte Ossifikation]
chondral tissue Knorpelgewebe {n}
Chondrina arcadica [terrestrial snail in the family Chondrinidae, the snaggletooth snails]Östliche Haferkornschnecke {f}
Chondrina avenacea [terrestrial snail in the family Chondrinidae, the snaggletooth snails] Westliche Haferkornschnecke {f}
Chondrina avenacea [terrestrial snail in the family Chondrinidae, the snaggletooth snails] (Gemeine) Haferkornschnecke {f}
Chondrina avenacea [terrestrial snail in the family Chondrinidae, the snaggletooth snails]Haferkorn {n} [(Westliche) Haferkornschnecke]
chondrite Chondrit {m}
chondritis Chondritis {f}
chondritis Knorpelentzündung {f}
chondroblast [Chondroblastus]Chondroblast {m}
chondroblastomaChondroblastom {n}
chondrocalcinosis <CC> Chondrokalzinose {f} <CC>
chondrocranium Chondrocranium {n}
chondrocyte Chondrozyt {m}
chondrocyteKnorpelzelle {f}
chondrocyteChondrocyt {m}
chondrocytes Chondrozyten {pl}
« chocchocchoichoicholcholchonchopchorchorchor »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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