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chvaleticeite [(Mn,Mg)SO4·6H2O] Chvaleticeit {m}
Chvátal's theoremSatz {m} von Chvátal
chvilevaite [Na(Cu,Fe,Zn)2S2]Chvilevait {m}
Chvostek's sign <CS> [also: Chvostek sign] Chvostek-Zeichen {n}
ChyhyrynTschyhyryn {n}
chylascitesChylaszites {m}
chyleChylus {m}
chyle Milchsaft {m}
chyleDarmlymphe {f}
chyle Speisesaft {m} [Chylus]
chyle leak [chylothorax]Chylothorax {m}
chylesSpeisesäfte {pl}
chyliferous chylusbildend
chyliform chylusartig
chylomediastinum Chylomediastinum {n}
chylomicron <CM> Chylomikron {n} <CM>
chylomicron retention disease <CRD>Chylomikronen-Retentions-Krankheit {f}
chylomicron retention disease <CRD> Chylomikronenretentionskrankheit {f}
chylomicrons <CMs>Chylomikronen {pl} <CM>
chylopericardium Chyloperikard {n}
chylorrhea [Am.] [discharge of chyle] Chylorrhö {f} [Ausfluss von Chylus]
chylorrhea [Am.] [discharge of chyle]Chylorrhoe {f} [Ausfluss von Chylus]
chylorrhoea [Br.] [discharge of chyle]Chylorrhoe {f} [Ausfluss von Chylus]
chylothorax Chylothorax {m}
chylous chylös
chylous chylusartig
chyluria Chylurie {f}
chymase Labferment {n}
chyme Speisebrei {m}
chymeChymus {m}
chymification [conversion of food into chyme] Chymifikation {f}
chymopapain Chymopapain {n}
chymopoiesis [chymification] Chymopoese {f} [selten] [Chymifikation]
chymosin Chymosin {n}
chymotrypsin Chymotrypsin {n}
chymotrypsin inhibitor <CTI> Chymotrypsin-Inhibitor {m} <CTI>
chymotrypsinogenChymotrypsinogen {n}
chymotryptic chymotryptisch
chymous chymusartig
chymusSpeisebrei {m}
chyron [Am.] [coll.] [lower third]Bauchbinde {f} [Einblendung am unteren Bildrand]
chytridiomycosisChytridiomykose {f}
chytrids [Chytridiomycota] Töpfchenpilze {pl} [auch: Flagellatenpilze]
C.I. acid red 18 [E-124]Cochenillerot A {n} [E 124]
C.I. Acid Red 2 [methyl red] 4'-Dimethylamino-azobenzol-2-carbonsäure {f} [Methylrot]
CI5: The New Professionals Die Profis – Die nächste Generation
CIA agent CIA-Agent {m}
CIA agent [female] CIA-Agentin {f}
CIA DirectorCIA-Direktor {m}
CIA station chief [also: C.I.A. station chief] CIA-Verbindungsbeamter {m} [örtlicher CIA-Chef, vgl. Legalresident]
ciabatta Ciabatta {f} {n}
ciambottaCiambotta {f}
cianciulliite [Mn(Mg,Mn)2Zn2(OH)10·2-4H2O] Cianciulliit {m}
Ciao! [coll.]Ciao! [ugs.]
cibell [spv.] Cibell {f} [Rsv.] [en. Tanz des 17. Jh.]
cibophobia Cibophobie {f}
ciboriumZiborium {n}
ciborium Ciborium {n} [Hostiengefäß]
ciborium veil Ziboriumvelum {n}
cibosity [obs.] Lebensmittellager {n}
cicada Zikade {f}
cicada Heuschrecke {f}
cicada Zirpe {f} [regional für: Zikade]
cicada nymphZikadennymphe {f}
cicada parasite beetles [family Rhipiceridae] Fächerkäfer {pl}
cicada species Zikadenart {f}
cicada species {pl}Zikadenarten {pl}
cicadas Zikaden {pl}
cicadas [family Cicadidae] Singzikaden {pl}
cicatrice Narbe {f}
cicatricesNarben {pl}
cicatricial narbig
cicatricial emphysema Narbenemphysem {n}
cicatricial stenosis Narbenstenose {f}
cicatricial tissueNarbengewebe {n}
cicatricotomy Narbenrevision {f}
cicatricotomy Narbendurchtrennung {f}
cicatrisation [Br.]Vernarbung {f}
cicatrisation [spv.] Narbenbildung {f}
cicatrised [Br.] vernarbt
cicatrixNarbe {f}
cicatrixZikatrix {f}
cicatrizant narbenbildend
cicatrizant (agent)Vernarbungsmittel {n}
cicatrizationVernarbung {f}
cicatrization Narbenbildung {f}
cicatrization [scarification]Skarifizierung {f}
cicatrized vernarbt
cicchetti Cicchetti {pl}
ciccioli Grieben {pl}
cicer milkvetch [Astragalus cicer] Kicher-Tragant {m}
ciceroneFremdenführer {m}
cicerone Cicerone {m}
« churchurChurchurchurchvaCicecigaciggciliCind »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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