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English-German Dictionary

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cinnamon-crested spadebill [Platyrinchus saturatus] Zimtkopf-Spatelschnabeltyrann {m}
cinnamon-crested spadebill [Platyrinchus saturatus] Zimtkopf-Breitschnabeltyrann {m}
cinnamon-faced tyrannulet [Phylloscartes parkeri] Zimtgesicht-Laubtyrann {m}
cinnamon-headed green pigeon [Treron fulvicollis]Zimtkopf-Grüntaube {f}
cinnamonic zimtig
cinnamon-like odour [Br.]zimtartiger Geruch {m}
cinnamon-rumped foliage-gleaner [Philydor pyrrhodes]Zimtbürzel-Blattspäher {m}
cinnamon-rumped trogon [Harpactes orrhophaeus]Zimtbürzeltrogon {m}
cinnamonspot / cinnamon-spot pondweed [Potamogeton polygonifolius, syn.: P. oblongus] Knöterich-Laichkraut {n}
cinnamon-tailed fantail [Rhipidura fuscorufa]Zimtfächerschwanz {m}
cinnamon-tailed sparrow [Aimophila sumichrasti]Zimtschwanzammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
cinnamon-throated hermit [Phaethornis nattereri]Zimtkehleremit {m}
cinnamon-throated hermit [Phaethornis nattereri]Zimtkehl-Schattenkolibri {m}
cinnamon-throated woodcreeper [Dendrexetastes rufigula] Zimtkehl-Baumsteiger {m}
cinnamon-vented piha [Lipaugus lanioides] Graukopfpiha {f}
cinnamon-vented piha [Lipaugus lanioides]Graubraune Piha {f}
cinnamyl alcohol Zimtalkohol {m}
cinnarizine [C26H28N2]Cinnarizin {n}
cinobufagin [C26H34O6] Cinobufagin {n}
cinoxacin [C12H10N2O5] Cinoxacin {n}
cinquain Cinquain {n}
Cinque Ports {pl}Cinque Ports {pl} [südengl. Städtebund: Hastings, Romney, Hythe, Dover und Sandwich]
cinquecentoCinquecento {n}
cinquefoil Fünfpass {m}
cinquefoil [genus Potentilla] Fingerkraut {n}
cinquefoil skipper [Pyrgus cirsii] Ramburs Dickkopffalter {m} [selten]
cinquefoil skipper [Pyrgus cirsii]Spätsommer-Würfel-Dickkopffalter {m}
cinquefoil skipper [Pyrgus cirsii] Spätsommer-Würfeldickkopf {m}
cinquefoil skipper [Pyrgus cirsii]Fingerkraut-Dickkopffalter {m} [selten]
cinyra [obs.] [harp]Cinyra {f} [Frühform der Harfe]
cion [archaic] [scion]Spross {m}
cionitis Cionitis {f}
cionitisGaumenzäpfchenentzündung {f}
ciotóg [Irish]Linkshänder {m}
ciotóg [Irish] [left-handed]linkshändig
cipher Chiffre {f}
cipher Chiffrierungsverfahren {n}
cipher Verschlüsselungsverfahren {n}
cipher Codierschlüssel {m}
cipher Geheimkode {m} [Rsv.]
cipher Namenszug {m}
cipher Ziffer {f}
cipherGeheimcode {m}
cipher [Arabic numeral, numeric character]Zahl {f} [(arabische) Ziffer]
cipher [dated] [zero]Null {f}
cipher [on the organ, a note that persists in sounding through some failure in the action]Hänger {m} [hängenbleibender Ton, bes. Orgel]
cipher clerk Chiffrierbeamter {m}
cipher code Chiffrierkode {m} [Rsv.]
cipher department Verschlüsselungsabteilung {f}
cipher disk [Am.] Chiffrierscheibe {f}
cipher equipment Chiffriergerät {n}
cipher key Chiffrierschlüssel {m}
cipher key Kodeschlüssel {m} [Rsv.]
cipher language Geheimsprache {f}
cipher machineChiffriermaschine {f}
cipher machineSchlüsselmaschine {f}
cipher messageGeheimbotschaft {f}
cipher notation Ziffernnotation {f}
cipher noughtZahl {f} Null
cipher officer Chiffrierbeamter {m}
cipher stencilChiffrierstift {m}
cipher system Verschlüsselungssystem {n}
cipher telegramGeheimtelegramm {n}
cipher zeroZahl {f} Null
ciphered bass [rare] [figured bass] bezifferter Bass {m}
ciphered data verschlüsselte Daten {pl}
cipheringVerschlüsselung {f}
ciphering equipment {sg} Verschlüsselungsgeräte {pl}
ciphering method Verschlüsselungsverfahren {n}
ciphering system Verschlüsselungssystem {n}
ciphersChiffren {pl}
ciphertextGeheimtext {m}
ciphertext [encrypted information]Chiffretext {m} [Geheimtext]
ciphonyChiffrierung {f}
ciphonyChiffrierverkehr {m}
Cipó Mountains spindle snake [Atractus spinalis]Cipó-Spindelnatter {f}
cipolinCipollin {m}
cipollata Cipollata {f}
cippus Zippus {m}
ciprofloxacin [C17H18FN3O3] Ciprofloxacin {n}
circa <ca., c.> [abbreviation "c." often with dates, e.g. born c. 1701] circa <ca.>
circa <ca.> zirka
circa <ca.> schätzungsweise
circa <ca.>ungefähr
circa <ca.> etwa
circa <ca>gegen [+Akk.]
circa <ca.> Pi mal Daumen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
circa <ca.> [a hundred people] an die [hundert Leute]
circadian tagesrhythmisch
circadianüber den ganzen Tag verteilt
circadian clock <CC> zirkadiane Uhr {f}
circadian clock <CC>innere Uhr {f} [zirkadiane Uhr]
circadian dysrhythmia Störung {f} des Tag-Nacht-Rhythmus [Wach-Schlaf-Rhythmus]
circadian dysrhythmiacircadiane Dysrhythmie {f}
circadian oscillator [biologic clock] zirkadiane Uhr {f}
circadian rhythminnere Uhr {f}
« cilicimbcinecinecinncinncirccirccirccirccirc »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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