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circular pattern snipsFigurenschere {f} [für Blech]
circular permutation zyklische Permutation {f}
circular pitchKreisteilung {f}
circular plane Kreisebene {f}
circular pocket [milling] Kreistasche {f} [Fräsen]
circular polarisation [Br.] zirkulare Polarisation {f}
circular polarisation [Br.] Zirkularpolarisation {f}
circular polarizationzirkulare Polarisation {f}
circular polarizationZirkularpolarisation {f}
circular polarizer <CP>Zirkularpolarisator {m} <ZP>
circular process zyklischer Prozess {m}
circular profile Kreisprofil {n}
circular (purple) scale [Chrysomphalus aonidum, syn.: C. ficus, Aspidiotus ficorum, A. ficus]Rote Florida-Schildlaus {f}
circular (purple) scale [Chrysomphalus aonidum, syn.: C. ficus, Aspidiotus ficorum, A. ficus] Schwarze Tellerschildlaus {f}
circular railway Ringbahn {f}
circular rampartRingwall {m}
circular reasoning Zirkelschluss {m}
circular reasoning Zirkelbeweis {m}
circular referenceZirkelbezug {m}
circular resolution Umlaufbeschluss {m}
circular resolution Zirkularbeschluss {m} [schweiz.]
circular resolutionRundlaufbeschluss {m}
circular rib knitting machine Rundstrickrippmaschine {f}
circular RNA <circRNA>zirkuläre RNA {f} <circRNA> [auch: circuläre RNA]
circular road Ringstraße {f}
circular route Rundwanderweg {m}
circular routeRundweg {m}
circular runout <↗> Rundlauf {m} [radial] <↗>
circular runout <↗>Planlauf {m} [axial] <↗>
circular saw Kreissäge {f}
circular saw attachmentVorsatzkreissäge {f}
circular saw bench Tischkreissäge {f}
circular saw blade Kreissägeblatt {n}
circular saw shell [Astralium phoebium, syn.: A. phoebia, Astraea longispina, A. phoebia, Lithopoma phoebium] Stern-Turbanschnecke / Sternturbanschnecke {f}
circular scale runde Skala {f}
circular scale [measurement engineering] Kreisskale {f} [Messtechnik]
circular scale [measurement engineering] Kreisskala {f} [Messtechnik]
circular scraper Rundräumer {m} [Abwasserreinigung]
circular sectorKreissektor {m}
circular segment Kreissegment {n}
circular segment Kreisabschnitt {m}
circular segment Segmentfläche {f}
circular segment area Kreissegmentfläche {f}
circular sequence Kreissequenz {f}
circular shapeKreisform {f}
circular slitting knifeTellermesser {n} [Papierherstellung]
circular stair Wendeltreppe {f}
circular staircase Wendeltreppe {f}
circular stairs {pl}Wendeltreppe {f}
circular system Kreissystem {n}
circular table sawTischkreissäge {f}
circular ticket Rundreisefahrkarte {f}
circular tile cutter Fliesenkreisschneider {m}
circular tour Rundreise {f}
circular tower Rundturm {m}
circular track Rundweg {m}
circular trail (for ramblers)Runderwanderweg {m}
circular trip Rundreise {f}
circular velocityKreisgeschwindigkeit {f}
circular village Rundling {m}
circular walk Rundwanderweg {m}
circular walk [walking tour] Rundwanderung {f}
circular wallEinfriedung {f}
circular wall Ringmauer {f}
circular wall Mauerring {m}
circular waveKreiswelle {f}
circular window [Fenestra cochleae rotunda, Fenestra cochleae, Fenestra rotunda] [round window] rundes Fenster {n}
circular wire circlipRunddrahtsprengring {m}
circular woven leno sack [packaging] rundgewebter Lenosack {m} [Verpackung]
[circular wall of sand built as a windbreak and to mark out a person's space on the beach]Strandburg {f}
circularisation [Br.] Bekanntmachung {f}
circularising [Br.]bekannt machend
circularising [Br.]bekanntmachend [Rsv.]
circularityKreisförmigkeit {f}
circularity Zirkularität {f}
circularity <○>Rundheit {f} <○>
circularizationBekanntmachung {f}
circularizing bekannt machend
circularizing bekanntmachend [Rsv.]
circularly polarised [Br.] zirkular polarisiert
circularly polarizedzirkularpolarisiert
circularly polarized <CP>zirkular polarisiert
circularly polarized antennazirkularpolarisierte Antenne {f}
circularly polarized coil <CP coil>CP-Spule {f}
circularsZirkulare {pl}
circulars Rundschreiben {pl}
circulated zirkuliert
circulated [rumour] kursiert
circulating ausleihbar
circulatingim Umlauf
circulating umlaufend
circulating air Umluft {f}
circulating air oven Umluftofen {m}
circulating air switchUmluftschalter {m}
circulating assets {pl}Umlaufvermögen {n}
circulating capital Betriebskapital {n}
circulating capital Umlaufvermögen {n}
circulating capital Umlaufkapital {n}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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