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city limit sign [Am.] Ortsendeschild {n} [Ortstafel Rückseite] [Straßenverkehrsordnung der BRD]
city limit sign [Am.]Ortsausgangsschild {n} [Ortstafel Rückseite] [Straßenverkehrsordnung der BRD]
city limit sign [Am.]Ortsendetafel {f} [nach österreichischer Straßenverkehrsordnung] [Deutschland: Ortsendeschild / Ortsausgang]
city limit sign [Am.] Ortsendetafel {f} [schweiz.] [Rückseite der Ortschaftstafel; Signalisationsverordnung]
city limits {pl} [Am.] Stadtrand {m} [Stadtgrenze]
city limits [Am.]Stadtgrenzen {pl}
city limits sign [Am.]Ortseingangsschild {n}
city lover Stadtmensch {m}
city magazine Stadtmagazin {n}
city manager [Am.] Oberstadtdirektor {m}
city manager [Am.]Stadtdirektor {m}
city map Stadtplan {m}
city marathon Stadtmarathon {m}
city market Stadtmarkt {m}
city marketingStadtmarketing {n}
city militia Stadtmiliz {f}
City Minister [Br.] [Commercial Secretary to the Treasury]Finanzstaatssekretär {m}
city mission Stadtmission {f}
city moat Stadtgraben {m}
city model Stadtmodell {n}
city morgue städtisches Leichenschauhaus {n}
city name Stadtname {m}
city network Städtenetz {n}
city oasis Stadtoase {f}
city of 120,000 (residents) Stadt {f} mit 120.000 Einwohnern
city of a million people Millionenstadt {f}
City of Angels [Brad Silberling] Stadt der Engel
City of Angels [nickname for Los Angeles] Stadt {f} der Engel [Spitzname für Los Angeles]
city of artistic interest Stadt {f} von künstlerischem Interesse
City of Bad Men [Harmon Jones] Die Geier von Carson City
City of Bones [Michael Connelly]Kein Engel so rein
city of canals [Venice, Bruges, Amsterdam, etc.] Grachtenstadt {f} [meist bezüglich Amsterdam]
City of Glass [Paul Auster] Stadt aus Glas
City of Hope [John Sayles]Stadt der Hoffnung
City of Light [Paris] Lichterstadt {f} [Paris]
City of London City of London {f}
City of Los Angeles Police Department [officially for: Los Angeles Police Department, LAPD]Los Angeles Police Department {n} <LAPD> [die Polizeibehörde von Los Angeles, Kalifornien]
city of love [Paris] Stadt {f} der Liebe [Paris]
city of Mozart Mozartstadt {f} [ugs. für Salzburg]
City of New York Police Department <NYPD, NYCPD> [ New York City Police Department]New York City Police Department {n} <NYPD, NYCPD>
city of over a million inhabitantsMillionenstadt {f}
city of refuge Zufluchtsort {m}
city of science Wissenschaftsstadt {f}
city of short distances Stadt {f} der kurzen Wege
City of the Beasts [Isabel Allende]Die Stadt der wilden Götter
city of three rivers Dreiflüssestadt {f}
city of WagnerWagnerstadt {f} [ugs. für Bayreuth]
City of White NightsStadt {f} der weißen Nächte [St. Petersburg]
(City of) Atlanta Atlanta {n}
(City of) Bagiuo [Philippines] Bagiuo City {f}
(City of) Boston Boston {n}
(City of) CalgaryCalgary {n}
(City of) Dapitan Dapitan (City) {n}
(City of) Detroit Detroit {n}
(City of) IndianapolisIndianapolis {n}
(City of) Ligao Ligao {n} [philippinische Stadt]
(City of) Makati Makati {n}
(City of) MilwaukeeMilwaukee {n}
(City of) Pula [also: Pulo] Pola {n} [auch: Pula]
(City of) San Antonio [city in Texas, USA]San Antonio {n}
(City of) Sausalito [California, USA]Sausalito {n} [Kalifornien, USA]
(City of) Tagbilaran Tagbilaran {n}
(City of) VancouverVancouver {n}
(City of) Winnipeg Winnipeg {n}
(City of) YokohamaYokohama {n}
city officeStadtbüro {n}
city official Stadtbeamter {m}
city officials {pl}Stadtführung {f} [ugs.] [Stadtregierung] [Deutschland]
city orchestra städtisches Orchester {n}
city ordinance Stadtverordnung {f}
city organistStadtorganist {m}
city painter [officially appointed] Stadtmaler {m} [amtlich eingesetzt]
city palaceStadtschloss {n}
city palace Stadtpalast {m}
City Palace [Potsdam]Stadtschloss {n}
city palacesStadtpaläste {pl}
city parkStadtpark {m}
city parkstädtische Grünanlage {f}
city park benchStadtparkbank {f}
city parliamentStadtparlament {n}
city pastor Stadtpfarrer {m}
city peopleStadtleute {pl}
city people Stadtmenschen {pl}
city person Stadtmensch {m}
city physician Stadtphysicus {m}
city pigeon [Columba livia (f. domestica)] Stadttaube {f}
city plan Stadtplan {m}
city planner Stadtplaner {m}
city planner Städtebauer {m}
city planner Städteplaner {m}
city planner [female]Stadtplanerin {f}
city planner [female]Städteplanerin {f}
city planner [female]Städtebauerin {f}
city planningStadtplanung {f}
city planningStädtebau {m}
city planning Städteplanung {f}
city planning officer Stadtplanungsbeamter {m}
city planning officer [female]Stadtplanungsbeamtin {f}
city policeStadtpolizei {f}
city politics [treated as sg. or (less often) pl.] Stadtpolitik {f}
« citaciticitrcitrcitycitycityciviciviciviCivi »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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