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clausilium Clausilium {n}
Clausius-Clapeyron equation <CCE> Clausius-Clapeyron-Gleichung {f}
Clausius-Clapeyron relationClausius-Clapeyron-Beziehung {f} [auch: Clausius-Clapeyron'sche Beziehung]
Clausius-Clapeyron's equation <CCE> Clausius-Clapeyron'sche Gleichung {f}
Clausius-Mossotti equation <CME> [also: Clausius-Mossotti's equation] Clausius-Mossotti-Gleichung {f}
Clausius-Mossotti equation <CME> [also: Clausius-Mossotti's equation] Clausius-Mossotti'sche Gleichung {f}
Clausius-Mossotti relation <CMR> [also: Clausius-Mossotti's relation] Clausius-Mossotti-Beziehung {f}
Clausnitzer Glacier Clausnitzer-Gletscher {m}
clausthalite [PbSe] Clausthalit {m}
claustral prior Klaustralprior {m}
claustrophilia Klaustrophilie {f}
claustrophobiaEngegefühl {n}
claustrophobia Klaustrophobie {f}
claustrophobia Platzangst {f} [nicht fachspr. für: Raumangst, Klaustrophobie]
claustrophobiaRaumangst {f}
claustrophobic beengend [Ort, Atmosphäre]
clausula [linear cadence]Klausel {f}
claval field Clavalfeld {n}
claval lobeClavallappen {m}
clavate gekeult [z. B. Fühler]
clavate keulenförmig
clavate [club-shaped] keulig
claveKlangstab {m}
clave [one of a pair of wooden sticks (claves); usually used in plural] Klangholz {n} [Musikinstrument; eines der zwei Holzstöcke (Claves)]
clave [rhythmic pattern] Clave {f}
claves Klangstäbe {pl}
clavesClaves {pl}
clavesKlanghölzer {pl} [Claves]
claves Rumbahölzer {pl}
claves [rhythmic patterns]Claven {pl}
claviature [rare] [keyboard] Klaviatur {f}
clavichordClavichord {n}
clavichord Klavichord {n}
clavichord gusliGusli {f} [in Tischform]
clavichord playerClavichordspieler {m}
clavichord player [female]Clavichordspielerin {f}
clavichordist Clavichordspieler {m}
clavichordist [female]Clavichordspielerin {f}
clavicle [Clavicula]Schlüsselbein {n}
clavicle [Clavicula]Clavicula {f}
clavicle [Clavicula] Klavikula {f}
clavicle fracture Schlüsselbeinbruch {m}
clavicle fracture Schlüsselbeinfraktur {f}
clavicle fracture Klavikulafraktur {f}
clavicle plate Klavikulaplatte {f}
clavicular klavikular
clavicular breathing Klavikularatmung {f}
clavicular breathing [high breathing] Schlüsselbeinatmung {f} [Hochatmung]
clavicular fracture Schlüsselbeinbruch {m}
clavicular fracture <CF> [Fractura claviculae]Schlüsselbeinfraktur {f}
clavicular fracture <CF> [Fractura claviculae] Claviculafraktur {f}
clavicular nonunion [nonunion of the fractured clavicle]Klavikulapseudarthrose {f}
clavicylinder [instrument] Clavicylinder {m}
clavicytherium [upright harpsichord] Clavicytherium {n} [Rsv.]
clavicytherium [upright harpsichord] Klavicitherium {n}
clavier [keyboard] Klaviatur {f}
Clavier-Übung [keyboard practice] [four volumes I-IV] Clavierübung [vierteilige Sammlung] [Johann Sebastian Bach]
Clavietta [member of the melodica family] Clavietta {f}
claviform [club-shaped]keulig [keulenförmig]
claviform [club-shaped] keulenförmig
claviform stigma Zapfenmakel {f}
claviharpKlavierharfe {f}
Clavinet ®Clavinet ® {n} [Hohner]
clavioline Clavioline {f}
claviorgan Claviorganum {n}
claviorganum Claviorganum {n}
clavi-tube [keyed trumpet]Clavi-tube {f}
clavoscalids Clavoscaliden {pl}
clavulanic acid Clavulansäure {f}
clavus Klavus {m} [Rsv.]
clavusClavus {m}
clawFang {m} [Vogelkralle]
clawKlaue {f}
clawKralle {f}
claw Nagelklaue {f} [im Hammer]
claw Greifer {m}
claw Schale {f} [Klaue]
claw [fig.] [pej. for hand] Pratze {f} [ugs.] [pej. für Hand]
claw [pincer of a crab, scorpion, or other arthropod] Schere {f} [Greifwerkzeug bestimmter Krebse und Spinnentiere]
claw beakerRüsselbecher {m}
claw brook-moss [Hygrohypnum ochraceum] Rostgelbes Wasserschlafmoos {n}
claw chiselZahneisen {n}
claw clip Haarklemme {f}
claw coupling Klauenkupplung {f}
claw crane Greifautomat {m}
claw fastenerKrallenverbinder {m}
claw feet [on antique furniture] Pratzenfüße {pl}
claw foot Krallenfuß {m}
claw foot [Pes cavus] Klauenfuß {m}
claw foot [Talipes cavus] Talipes cavus {m}
claw forceps {pl} [one pair] Klauenzange {f}
claw hammer Klauenhammer {m}
claw hammer Tischlerhammer {m}
claw hammerZimmermannshammer {m}
claw hammerBauhammer {m} [Klauenhammer]
« clasclasclasclasclasclauclawclayclaycleaclea »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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