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English-German Dictionary

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cleaving [adhering]klebend [haftend]
cleaving sawSpaltsäge {f}
cleaving site Spaltstelle {f}
Clebsch-Gordan coefficient Clebsch-Gordan-Koeffizient {m}
Cleese's woolly lemur [Avahi cleesei]Cleese-Wollmaki {m}
clefNotenschlüssel {m}
clef Schlüssel {m}
clef sign Schlüssel {m}
clef signature Schlüssel {m}
cleflessohne Schlüssel [nachgestellt]
clefs Schlüssel {pl}
cleft Kluft {f}
cleft Riss {m}
cleft zerklüftet
cleftSpalte {f}
cleftFelsspalte {f}
cleft gespalten
cleft bog-moss [Sphagnum riparium] Ufertorfmoos / Ufer-Torfmoos {n}
cleft cheek Wangenspalte {f}
cleft chin gespaltenes Kinn {n}
cleft chin Popokinn {n} [ugs.] [hum.]
cleft chin Kinn {n} mit Grübchen
cleft graftGeißfußveredlung {f}
cleft graft Spaltpropfung {f}
cleft jawKieferspalte {f}
cleft lipHasenscharte {f} [ugs.] [fachspr. veraltet] [Lippenspalte]
cleft lipLippenspalte {f}
cleft lip [Labium fissum, Labium leporinum]Spaltlippe {f} [Lippenspalte]
cleft lip and palateLippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalte {f} <LKG-Spalte>
cleft nose Nasenspalte {f}
cleft of Larrey [Trigonum sternocostale sinistrum]Larrey-Spalte {f}
cleft of the buttocks Gesäßspalte {f}
cleft of the soft palateVelumspalte {f}
cleft palate Kieferspalte {f} [Gaumenspalte]
cleft palate [Palatum fissum, Rictus lupinus] Wolfsrachen {m}
cleft palate [Palatum fissum]Gaumenspalte {f}
cleft palate [Palatum fissum] Spaltgaumen {m}
cleft palate [Palatum fissum]gespaltener Gaumen {m}
cleft palate obturator Gaumenobturator {m}
cleft palate prosthesisGaumenspaltenobturator {m}
cleft palate prosthesis Gaumenobturator {m}
cleft sentencegespaltener Satz {m}
cleft uvula [Uvula bifida]Zäpfchenspalte {f}
clefter zerklüfteter
clefts Spalten {pl}
clegs [family Tabanidae] Bremsen {pl}
cleidectomyKleidektomie {f}
cleidectomy Klavikulektomie {f}
cleidocranial dysostosis <CCD> [Dysostosis cleidocranialis]kleidokraniale Dysplasie {f}
cleidocranial dysostosis <CCD> [ICD-10] Dysostosis cleidocranialis {f} <DCC> [ICD-10]
cleidocranial dysplasia <CCD> Dysplasia cleidocranialis {f} <DCC>
cleidocranial dysplasia <CCD> [Dysostosis cleidocranialis] kleidokraniale Dysostose {f} [auch: cleidocraniale Dysostose]
cleistocarpy Kleistokarpie {f}
cleistogamous kleistogam
cleistogamously kleistogam
cleistogamyKleistogamie {f}
cleistothecial Cleistothecien-
cleistothecial cleistothecial
cleistothecial wall Cleistothecienwand {f}
cleistotheciumCleistothecium {n}
cleit [Scot.] [stone storage hut on islands of the St. Kilda archipelago] Cleit {m} [Steinbau als Speicher auf den Inseln des St.-Kilda-Archipels]
clemastineClemastin {n}
clematis [genus Clematis] Klematis {f}
clematis [genus Clematis] Waldrebe {f}
clematis [genus Clematis] Clematis {f} [Rsv.]
clematis bark beetle [Xylocleptes bispinus] Clematis-Borkenkäfer / Clematisborkenkäfer {m}
clematis bark beetle [Xylocleptes bispinus] Waldreben-Borkenkäfer / Waldrebenborkenkäfer {m}
clematis sawfly [Rhadinoceraea ventralis] Clematis-Blattwespe / Clematisblattwespe {f}
clematis-flowered columbine [Aquilegia vulgaris, syn.: Aquilegia vulgaris var. stellata] [cultivar] Gemeine Akelei {f}
clemenciesNachsichten {pl}
clemency Milde {f}
clemencyNachsicht {f}
clemency Gnade {f}
clemency Schonung {f}
clemency appealGnadengesuch {n}
clemency board Begnadigungsausschuss {m}
clemency of treatmentschonende Behandlung {f}
clemency of weather Milde {f} des Wetters
clement gnädig [mild]
clement milde
Clement Klemens {m}
clement climate mildes Klima {n}
Clement I [Saint Clement of Rome] Clemens {m} von Rom [Clemens I., auch: Clemens Romanus]
clement months Schönwettermonate {pl}
Clement of Alexandria [Titus Flavius Clemens] Clemens {m} von Alexandrien
clementine [Citrus clementina] Clementine {f}
clementine [Citrus clementina] Klementine {f} [Rsv.]
clemently nachsichtig
clemizole [C19H20ClN3]Clemizol {n}
Clemmensen reductionClemmensen-Reduktion {f}
clemming [Br.] [dialect]Hungern {n}
clenbuterolClenbuterol {n}
clenched geballt [Faust]
clenched fistgeballte Faust {f}
« cleacleacleacleacleacleaclenclerclevclicclie »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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