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climacteric kritische Zeit {f}
climacteric Klimax {f} [Klimakterium]
climacteric [period, event] kritisch [Punkt, Zeitpunkt]
climacteric periodWechsel {m} [Klimakterium]
climacteric period {sg}Wechseljahre {pl}
climacteric syndrome klimakterisches Syndrom {n}
climacterical klimakterisch
climactic eine Steigerung bildend
climactic sich steigernd
climactic klimaktisch
climactic(sich) zuspitzend [fig.]
climactic scene Höhepunkt {m} [Schlüsselszene in einem Film, Buch etc.]
climactically kulminierend
climagram Klimagramm {n}
climatal fluctuation Klimaschwankung {f}
climatarian Klimatarier {m}
climatarian klimatarisch
climatarian [female]Klimatarierin {f}
climate [also fig.]Klima {n} [auch fig.]
climate [obs.] [region] Himmelsstrich {m} [geh.] [Gegend]
climate accord Klimaabkommen {n}
climate action {sg} Klimamaßnahmen {pl}
climate activist Klimaaktivist {m}
climate activist [female]Klimaaktivistin {f}
climate adaptation Klimaanpassung {f}
climate agreement Klimaabkommen {n}
climate alarm Klimaalarm {m}
climate alarm Klima-Alarm {m}
climate anomalyKlimaanomalie {f}
climate anxiety Klimaangst {f}
climate archive Klimaarchiv {n}
climate area Klimagebiet {n}
climate bonus Klimabonus {m}
climate cabinetKlimaschrank {m}
climate catastrophe Klimakatastrophe {f}
climate changeKlimawandel {m}
climate change Klimaänderung {f}
climate change Klimaveränderung {f}
climate change Klimaentwicklung {f}
climate change {sg}Klimaänderungen {pl}
climate change act Klimaschutzgesetz {n}
climate change adaptationKlimaadaption {f}
climate change archeology [Am.] Klimaarchäologie {f}
climate change conditions Klimaänderungsbedingungen {pl}
climate change denialKlimawandelleugnung {f}
climate change denier Klimawandelleugner {m}
climate change denier Leugner {m} des Klimawandels
climate change denier [female]Klimawandelleugnerin {f}
climate change deniersKlimawandelleugner {pl}
climate change legislationKlimagesetzgebung {f}
climate change policy [attr.] klimapolitisch
climate change research [climate change and climate change impact]Klimafolgenforschung {f}
climate change sceptic [Br.] Klimaskeptiker {m}
climate change simulation Klimaänderungssimulation {f}
climate change summit Klimagipfel {m}
climate change swindle Klimaschwindel {m}
climate characteristics Klimaeigenschaften {pl}
climate chart Klimadiagramm {n}
climate comparisonKlimavergleich {m}
climate compatibilityKlimaverträglichkeit {f}
climate conceptKlimakonzept {n}
climate conditions Klimabedingungen {pl}
climate conditions Klimaverhältnisse {pl}
climate conferenceKlimakonferenz {f}
climate control Klimaregelung {f}
climate controlKlimabeeinflussung {f} [künstlich]
climate conversationKlimagespräch {n}
climate crisis Klimakrise {f}
climate cycle Klimazyklus {m}
climate data Klimadaten {pl}
climate debateKlimadebatte {f}
climate debate Klimadiskussion {f}
climate deterioration Klimaverschlechterung {f}
climate developmentKlimaentwicklung {f}
climate diagram Klimadiagramm {n}
climate discussion Klimadiskussion {f}
climate dynamics [treated as sg.]Klimadynamik {f}
climate economist Klimaökonom {m}
climate economist [female] Klimaökonomin {f}
climate economy Klimaökonomie {f}
climate emergencyKlimanotstand {m}
climate emergency Klima-Notstand {m}
climate endangeringKlimagefährdung {f}
climate engineeringClimate Engineering {n}
climate eventKlimaereignis {n}
climate events {pl} Klimageschehen {n}
climate evolution Klimaentwicklung {f}
climate experiment Klimaexperiment {n}
climate expert Klimaexperte {m}
climate expert [female] Klimaexpertin {f}
climate factorKlimafaktor {m}
climate fatigue [Br.] Klimamüdigkeit {f} [des Themas Klima überdrüssig sein]
climate fluctuation Klimaschwankung {f}
climate for growth Wachstumsklima {n}
climate for investmentsInvestitionsklima {n}
climate for negotiationKlima {n} für Verhandlungen
climate for negotiations Verhandlungsklima {n}
climate forcing Klimaantrieb {m}
climate forecasting Klimaprognose {f}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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