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climatic trendKlimatrend {m}
climatic variabilityKlimavariabilität {f}
climatic variation Klimaschwankung {f}
climatic yearKlimajahr {n}
climatic zoneKlimazone {f}
(climatic) health resort Luftkurort {m}
climatical klimatisch
climatically klimatisch
climatically favored [Am.]klimatisch begünstigt
climatically favoured [Br.] klimatisch begünstigt
climatological klimatologisch
climatologically klimatologisch
climatologistKlimaforscher {m}
climatologistKlimatologe {m}
climatologist [female]Klimatologin {f}
climatologist [female]Klimaforscherin {f}
climatologyKlimatologie {f}
climatology Klimakunde {f} [seltener] [Klimatologie]
climatologyKlimaforschung {f}
climatotherapyKlimatherapie {f}
climaxSteigerung {f}
climax Klimax {f} [Orgasmus]
climaxKrönung {f} [fig.] [Gipfel]
climaxKlimax {f}
climax [pinnacle] [also fig. for: orgasm]Höhepunkt {m} [auch fig. für: Orgasmus]
climax community [of a plant community]Klimaxgesellschaft {f}
climax of pleasureHöhepunkt {m} der Lust [Orgasmus]
climax stateKlimaxstadium {n}
climax vegetationKlimaxvegetation {f}
climaxesHöhepunkte {pl}
climaxingseinen / ihren / einen / den Höhepunkt erreichend
climbKletterei {f}
climb Steigflug {m}
climbAuffahrt {f}
climb [also fig.] Aufstieg {m} [auch fig.]
climb [cycling] Anstieg {m}
climb angle Steigwinkel {m}
climb cutting [circular saw]Gleichlaufsägen {n} [Kreissäge]
climb gradient Steiggradient {m}
climb milling Gleichlauffräsen {n}
climb performance Kletterleistung {f}
Climb right onto the roof! Steig bis aufs Dach!
climb speed Steiggeschwindigkeit {f}
Climb when ready! [esp. Br.] Nachkommen! [Kletterkommando]
climbazole [C15H17ClN2O2] Climbazol {n}
climb-down Rückzug {m}
climb-down Rückzieher {m} [ugs.]
climbdownRückzieher {m} [ugs.]
climb-down [fig.] Abstieg {m}
climbed gestiegen
climbed geklimmt [selten] [geklommen]
climbed [mountain] bestiegen
climbed down herabgestiegen
climbed up hinaufgestiegen
climber Bergsteiger {m}
climberKletterer {m}
climberKletterpflanze {f}
climber Ranker {m}
climberAufsteiger {m}
climber [cycling] Bergspezialist {m}
climber [cycling] Bergfahrer {m}
climber [cycling] Kletterer {m} [Radsport]
climber [female]Kletterin {f}
climber [plant] Schlingpflanze {f}
climbers Schlingpflanzen {pl}
climbers Klettereisen {pl}
climbers [mountaineers] Bergsteiger {pl}
climber's jersey [cycling]Bergtrikot {n}
climbingBergsteigen {n}
climbingKlettern {n}
climbingAuffahrt {f}
climbingAufstieg {m}
climbingKraxelei {f} [bayer.] [österr.]
climbing [soccer foul]Aufstützen {n} [Foulspiel]
climbing aidAufstiegshilfe {f}
climbing asparagus [Asparagus setaceus] Feder-Spargel {m}
climbing asparagus [Asparagus verticillata] Kletterspargel {m}
climbing beanKletterbohne {f}
climbing beanStangenbohne {f}
climbing bindweed [Fallopia convolvulus, syn.: Bilderdykia convolvulus, Fagopyrum carinatum, F. convolvulus, Helxine convolvulus, Reynoutria convolvulus, Tiniaria convolvulus] Acker-Flügelknöterich {m}
climbing bindweed [Fallopia convolvulus, syn.: Bilderdykia convolvulus, Fagopyrum carinatum, F. convolvulus, Helxine convolvulus, Reynoutria convolvulus, Tiniaria convolvulus](Gemeiner) Windenknöterich {m}
climbing boot Bergschuh {m}
climbing boot Bergstiefel {m}
climbing boots Kletterschuhe {pl}
climbing boots Bergstiefel {pl}
climbing buckwheat [Fallopia convolvulus, syn.: Bilderdykia convolvulus, Fagopyrum carinatum, F. convolvulus, Helxine convolvulus, Reynoutria convolvulus, Tiniaria convolvulus] (Gemeiner) Windenknöterich {m}
climbing catfishes [family Astroblepidae] Kletterwelse {pl}
climbing cavy [Kerodon acrobata]Klettermeerschweinchen {n}
climbing command Kletterkommando {n}
climbing command Seilkommando {n}
climbing contraptionKlettergerüst {n}
climbing corydalis [Ceratocapnos claviculata, formerly: Corydalis claviculata] Rankender Lerchensporn {m}
climbing courseKletterkurs {m}
« clicclieclimclimclimclimclimclimclinclinclin »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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