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Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament <CND> [UK] Kampagne {f} für nukleare Abrüstung [auch: Kampagne zur nuklearen Abrüstung]
Campaign for Real Ale <CAMRA> [Br.][Britische Organisation zur Erhaltung der traditionellen Bierbraumethoden]
campaign funds {pl} Fonds {m} für den Wahlkampf
campaign goodyWahlgeschenk {n}
campaign group Aktionsgruppe {f}
campaign group Initiative {f} [Aktionsgruppe]
campaign headquarters {pl} Wahlkampfzentrale {f}
campaign in the west [WWII, Germany]Westfeldzug {m} [2. WK, Deutschland]
campaign issue Wahlkampfthema {n}
campaign leader Kampagnenleiter {m}
campaign leader [female] Kampagnenleiterin {f}
campaign life [esp. blast furnace] Ofenreise {f} [bes. Hochofen]
campaign logo Kampagnenlogo {n}
campaign managerWahlkampfmanager {m}
campaign manager Wahlkampfleiter {m}
campaign manager [female] Wahlkampfmanagerin {f}
campaign manufacture Kampagne-Betrieb {m}
campaign of conquest Eroberungszug {m}
campaign of defamation Diffamierungskampagne {f}
campaign of destructionVernichtungsfeldzug {m}
campaign of intimidation Einschüchterungskampagne {f}
campaign of lies Lügenkampagne {f}
campaign of vengeanceVergeltungsfeldzug {m}
campaign operationKampagne-Betrieb {m}
campaign opponents Wahlkampfgegner {pl}
campaign pledge Wahlversprechen {n}
campaign pledgeWahlkampfversprechen {n}
campaign poster Wahlkampfplakat {n}
campaign promise Wahlversprechen {n}
campaign rallyWahlkundgebung {f}
campaign rally Wahlkampfkundgebung {f}
campaign rally Wahlkampfveranstaltung {f}
campaign sloganKampfparole {f}
campaign slogan Wahlkampfparole {f}
campaign speechWahlkampfrede {f}
campaign staff Wahlkampfteam {n}
campaign star [Am.] [also battle star, service star, or engagement star, issued for participation of US Navy vessels in military actions][auch battle star, service star, oder engagement star, Kampfauszeichnung der US Navy für Marinefahrzeuge für deren Teilnahme an militärischen Kampagnen]
campaign start Kampagnenstart {m}
campaign stopWahlkampfbesuch {m}
campaign strategist Wahlkampfstratege {m}
campaign strategistWahlstratege {m} [Wahlkampfstratege]
campaign strategy Wahlkampfstrategie {f}
campaign strategyKampagnenstrategie {f}
campaign streamer [also battle streamer]Fahnenband {n}
campaign streamers [also battle streamer]Fahnenbänder {pl}
campaign swing [Am.] (kurze) Wahlkampftour {f}
campaign team Wahlkampfteam {n}
campaign team Wahlkampfmannschaft {f}
campaign trail Wahlkampftour {f}
campaign visit Wahlkampfbesuch {m}
campaign volunteer(freiwilliger) Wahlhelfer {m}
campaigner Wahlmacher {m}
campaigneralter Soldat {m}
campaignerVeteran {m}
campaigner Vorkämpfer {m}
campaigner Aktivist {m}
campaigner [e.g. for independence, civil rights] Kämpfer {m} [z. B. für Unabhängigkeit, Menschenrechte]
campaigner [election campaigner] Wahlkämpfer {m}
campaigner [election campaigner] [female] Wahlkämpferin {f}
campaigner [female]Vorkämpferin {f}
campaigner [female]Aktivistin {f}
campaigner (for sth.) [fig.] Befürworter {m} (von etw.)
campaigner for women's rights [female] Frauenrechtlerin {f}
campaigning agitierend
campaigningWahlkampf {m}
campaignlet [rare] [small campaign] Minikampagne {f}
campaigns Feldzüge {pl}
campaigns Kämpfe {pl}
campaign's staff Wahlkampfteam {n}
campana [rare] [church bell]Kirchenglocke {f}
campanero [Procnias averano] Bartkotinga {f}
Campania Kampanien {n}
CampanianCampanium {n} [Stufe der Oberkreide]
CampanianCampan {n} [kurz für: Campanium]
campaniform [bell-shaped] campaniform
campaniform sensillum campaniforme Sensille {f}
campanile Glockenturm {m}
campanileCampanile {m} [bes. österr.]
campanile Kampanile {m}
campanologistCampanologe {m} [Glockenkundler]
campanologist Kampanologe {m} [Rsv.] [Campanologe]
campanologist Glockenkundler {m}
campanology Glockenkunde {f}
campanologyCampanologie {f}
campanology Kampanologie {f}
campanula [bellflower] Campanula {f} [Glockenblume]
campanula family {sg} [family Campanulaceae] Glockenblumengewächse {pl}
campanula family {sg} [family Campanulaceae] Campanulaceen {pl}
campanula pug [Eupithecia denotata] [moth] Nesselglockenblumen-Blütenspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
campanula pug [Eupithecia denotata] [moth] Glockenblumen-Blütenspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
Campanularia colony Campanularienstock {m}
campanulate glockenförmig
Campari ® Campari ® {m}
campbedCampingbett {n}
campbedCampingliege {f}
campbed Liege {f} [Campingmöbel]
Campbell albatross [Thalassarche impavida]Campbell-Albatros {m}
Campbell Cliffs Campbell-Kliffs {pl}
Campbell de Morgan spot [Haemangioma senilis] [senile hemangioma] Altersblutschwämmchen {n}
« camecamecameCamicam-CampCampcampcampcanlCana »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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