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English-German Dictionary

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clinocervantite [SbSbO4] Klinocervantit {m}
clinochalcomenite [CuSeO3·2H2O]Klinochalkomenit {m}
clinochlore [(Mg,Fe)5Al(Si3Al)O10(OH)8] Klinochlor {m} [ein Chlorit]
clinoclase [Cu3(AsO4)(OH)3]Klinoklas {m}
clinodactyly Klinodaktylie {f}
clinoenstatite [Mg2Si2O6] Klinoenstatit {m} [ein Klinopyroxen]
clinoferroholmquistite [Li2 [(Fe)3Al2]Si8O22(OH,F)2] Klinoferroholmquistit {m}
clinoferrosilite [(Fe2+,Mg)2Si2O6] Klinoferrosilit {m} [ein Klinopyroxen]
clinograde klinograd
clinohedrite [CaZnSiO4·H2O] Klinoedrit {m}
clinojimthompsonite [(Mg,Fe)5Si6O16(OH)2] Klinojimthompsonit {m}
clinokurchatovite [Ca(Mg,Fe,Mn)B2O5] Klinokurchatovit {m}
clinomania [excessive desire to stay in bed]Bettsucht {f}
clinometaborite [HBO2] Clinometaborit {m}
clinometerKlinometer {n} [Neigungsmesser]
clinometer Neigungsmesser {m}
clinometerNeigungsanzeiger {m}
clinophosinaite [Na12(Ca,Sr)4(PO4)4(Si4O12)] Klinophosinait {m}
clinoptilolite-Ca [(Ca,Na,K)2-3(Si,Al)18O36·11H2O] Klinoptilolith-Ca {m}
clinoptilolite-K [(K,Na,Ca)2-3(Si,Al)18O36·11H2O]Klinoptilolith-K {m}
clinoptilolite-Na [(Na,K,Ca)2-3(Si,Al)18O36·11H2O] Klinoptilolith-Na {m}
clinopyroxene Klinopyroxen {m} [Mineraluntergruppe]
clinopyroxene-noriteKlinopyroxen-Norit {m}
clinopyroxeniteKlinopyroxenit {m}
clinosafflorite [(Co,Fe,Ni)As2] Klinosafflorit {m}
clinostrengite [FePO4·2H2O]Klinostrengit {m} [Phosphosiderit]
clinotobermorite [Ca5 [Si3O8(OH)]2·5H2O]Klinotobermorit {m}
clinovariscite [AlPO4·2H2O] Klinovariscit {m} [Metavariscit]
clinozoisite [Ca2Al3(SiO4)3(OH)] Klinozoisit {m}
clinozoisite-(Sr) [CaSrAl3(Si2O7)(SiO4)O(OH)] Klinozoisit-(Sr) {m}
clinquant [glittering, esp. with tinsel] glitzernd
clintFlachkarre {f}
Clinton [grape] Erdbeertraube {f} [schweiz.] [Uva Americana, Uva fragola]
Clinton and Nadine / Blood Money [Jerry Schatzberg] [also: Blood Money: The Story of Clinton and Nadine]Tropic War / Blutiges Geld
Clinton appointeevon Clinton ernannte Person {f}
Clintonesque [Am.] [hairsplitting] clintonesque [spitzfindig, wortklauberisch]
Clintonesque [of or relating to Bill or Hillary Clinton]clintonisch
ClintoniansClinton-Verbündete {pl}
clintonite [Ca(Mg,Al)3(Al3Si)O10(OH)2] Clintonit {m} [Xanthophyllit]
ClioKlio {f}
Clio GlacierClio-Gletscher {m}
cliodynamics [treated as sg.] Kliodynamik {f}
cliometrics [treated as sg.] Kliometrie {f}
clip Aufspannplatte {f}
clip Ausschnitt {m}
clipClipschelle {f}
clip Klemme {f} [Haar, Papier etc.]
clipSchelle {f}
clipTaschenklemme {f}
clip Trommel {f} des Revolvers
clipHeftklammer {f}
clip Klammer {f}
clipLadestreifen {m}
clip Clip {m}
clip Klip {m} [z. B. zur Wundnaht, Blutstillung] [Rsv. selten]
clip Klipp {m} [z. B. zur Wundnaht, Blutstillung]
clip Kurzfilm {m}
clip Clips {m}
clip Klips {m}
clip [blow]Hieb {m}
clip [coll.] [speed] Tempo {n}
clip [haircut]Haarschnitt {m}
clip [paperclip] Büroklammer {f}
clip [shearing] Schur {f}
clip [wool yield from shearing]Wollertrag {m} der Schur
clip boltHakenschraube {f}
clip connection Klammerverbinder {m}
clip connectorFederleiste {f}
clip earringOhrclip {m}
clip fasteningKlipsbefestigung {f}
clip frameKlemmrahmen {m}
clip frame[rahmenloser] Bilderhalter {m}
clip housing Clip-Gehäuse {n}
clip joint [Am.] Nepplokal {n}
clip licence agreement [Br.] Klammerteilauswertung {f}
clip nut Klippmutter {f}
clip profile Klipsprofil {n}
clip prosthesisClip-Prothese {f}
clipboard Ablage {f}
clipboard Klemmbrett {n}
clipboardPapierklemmbrett {n}
clipboard Zwischenablage {f}
clipboardNotizbrett {n}
clipboard [computer memory area]Clipboard {n} [Speicherbereich]
clip-clop [of hooves] Getrappel {n} [von Hufen]
clip-clop [of hooves] Klippklapp {n} [von Hufen]
clip-in frog [removable bow frog]Steckfrosch {m}
clipless pedal Klickpedal {n}
clip-lock Bügelverschluss {m}
clip-on device Andruckbauelement {n}
clip-on microphoneAnsteckmikrofon {n}
clip-on picture frame Wechselrahmen {m}
clip-on sunglasses {pl} [one pair]Sonnenbrillen-Clip {m} [Sonnengläser zum Aufstecken]
clip-on tie Clipkrawatte {f}
clip-on tie Ansteckkrawatte {f}
clipped mit Klammern befestigt
clipped gestutzt
clipped [coll.] geneppt [ugs.]
« climclimclimclinclinclinclipclitcloacloccloc »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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