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clockworky [routine] routinemäßig
clodKloß {m}
clodKlumpen {m}
clodAckerscholle {f}
clodTrampel {m} {n} [ugs., pej.: unbeholfener Mensch]
clod [Br.] [coll.]Dummkopf {m} [pej.]
clod [coll.] [pej.] [stupid person] Hohlroller {m} [ugs.] [pej.] [Dummkopf]
clod crusher Sternwälzegge {f}
clod of dirt Erdenkloß {m}
clod of earthErdklumpen {m}
clod (of earth) Erdscholle {f}
clod (of earth) Scholle {f} [Erdscholle]
clod of loam Lehmklumpen {m}
cloddish [behavior]ungeschlacht [pej.] [Benehmen]
clodhopper Scharrhans {m} [altertümlich]
clodhopper [pej.]Bauer {m}
clodhopper [pej.] Bauerntölpel {m} [pej.]
clodhoppers [coll.] Quadratlatschen {pl} [ugs.]
clodhoppers [coll.]Bauerntölpel {pl}
clodpole [Br.] Trottel {m} [Dummkopf]
clog Pantoffel {m}
clog Fessel {f}
clog Hemmnis {n}
clogHolzschuh {m}
clogKlotz {m}
clog Holzklotz {m}
clog Clog {m}
clog Holzpantoffel {m}
clog Holzpantine {f}
clog [dance song]Clog {m} [Tanzstück]
clog [to impede movement]Last {f} [physisch]
clog danceHolzschuhtanz {m}
clog sandal Clog-Sandale {f}
cloggedverschmiert [Videokopf]
clogged toiletverstopfte Toilette {f}
clogged up blockiert [verstopft]
clogginghemmend [behindernd, verstopfend]
clogging Zusetzen {n}
clogging Holzschuhtanz {m}
clogging [folk dance] Clogging {n}
clogging indicator [for filter e.g.] Verschmutzungsanzeige {f} [z. B. für Filter]
cloggy [coll.]klumpig
clog-makerHolzschuhmacher {m}
clogs Pantoffeln {pl}
clogs Holzschuhe {pl}
clogs Clogs {pl}
clogs Holzzockeln {pl} [bes. österr.] [ugs.]
cloisonné Zellenemail {n}
cloisonné Zellenschmelz {m}
cloisonné Cloisonné {n}
Cloisonnism Cloisonismus {m}
cloister Kreuzgang {m}
cloister Bogengang {m}
cloister Säulengang {m}
cloisterWandelgang {m}
cloister gedeckter Gang {m}
cloister Kreuzgang-
cloister Kloster-
cloister [convent, monastery]Kloster {n}
cloister [life in a convent, monastery] Klosterleben {n}
cloister areaKlosterareal {n}
cloister bellKlosterglocke {f}
cloister columns Kreuzgangsäulen {pl}
cloister complexKlosterkomplex {m}
cloister courtyardKlosterinnenhof {m}
cloister format [bricks] Klosterformat {n} [Ziegel]
cloister garden Klostergarten {m}
cloister gardenKreuzgarten {m}
cloister island Klosterinsel {f}
cloister vault Kreuzganggewölbe {n}
cloister wingKreuzgangflügel {m}
(cloister) garthKlostergarten {m} [von einem Kreuzgang umgeben]
cloistered abgeschieden [geh.] [weltabgeschieden, klösterlich]
cloistered abgeschlossen
cloistered weltabgeschieden
cloistered courtyard Klosterhof {m} mit Kreuzgang
cloisters Kreuzgänge {pl}
clomidazole Clomidazol {n}
clomipramine Clomipramin {n}
Clonakilty [Irish: Cloich na Coillte]Clonakilty {n}
clonal klonal
clonal colony Genet {n}
clonal deletion klonale Deletion {f}
clonal expansion klonale Expansion {f}
clonal plumose anemone [Metridium senile, syn.: Actinia plumosa, A. pallida, A. senilis, Priapus senilis, Sagartia pallida] Seenelke {f}
clonal selection theory Klon-Selektionstheorie {f}
clonazepamClonazepam {n}
cloncurryite [(Cu,VO)Al2(PO4)2(F,OH)2·4.5-5H2O] Cloncurryit {m}
clone Ebenbild {n}
clone Nachbau {m}
clone Klon {m}
cloneable klonbar
cloned nachgebildet
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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