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clothing donationKleiderspende {f}
clothing drive Altkleidersammlung {f}
clothing drop-off Kleiderabgabe {f}
clothing engineeringBekleidungstechnik {f}
clothing expense {sg}Ausgaben {pl} für Kleidung
clothing factoryTextilfabrik {f} [Bekleidungsfabrik]
clothing factory Kleiderfabrik {f}
clothing factoryBekleidungsfabrik {f}
clothing guidelinesBekleidungsrichtlinien {pl}
clothing handout pointKleiderausgabe {f}
clothing industriesBekleidungsindustrien {pl}
clothing industry Bekleidungsindustrie {f}
clothing lice {pl}Kleiderläuse {pl}
clothing line Modelinie {f}
clothing manufacture Herstellung {f} von Kleidung
clothing manufacturer Bekleidungshersteller {m}
clothing manufacturerKleiderfabrikant {m}
clothing material Kleiderstoff {m}
clothing procedureEinkleiden {n}
clothing productionBekleidungsherstellung {f}
clothing production Kleiderproduktion {f}
clothing purposes Bekleidungszwecke {pl}
clothing ration book Kleiderkarte {f} [Karte zum Bezug rationierter Textilien]
clothing regulations Bekleidungsvorschriften {pl}
clothing researchBekleidungsforschung {f}
clothing retailerTextileinzelhändler {m}
clothing size Kleidergröße {f}
clothing starchWäschestärke {f}
clothing storeKonfektionsgeschäft {n}
clothing storeBekleidungsgeschäft {n}
clothing storeKlamottenladen {m} [ugs.]
clothing store [esp. Am.]Bekleidungshaus {n}
clothing store [storing place for free clothing] Kleiderkammer {f} [von Hilfsorganisation]
clothing styleKleidungsstil {m}
clothing style Bekleidungsstil {m}
clothing swapKleidertauschparty {f}
clothing swap Kleidertauschbörse {f}
clothing technology Bekleidungstechnik {f}
clothing trade Bekleidungsgewerbe {n}
clothing-account Kleiderkonto {n}
cloth-maker Tuchmacher {m}
Clotho [the spinner, one of the three Moirai]Klotho {f} [griech. Mythologie]
cloth-of-gold / cloth of gold [Crocus angustifolius, syn.: C. angustifolia, C. reticulatus var. reflexus , C. versicolor var. caucasicus]Goldbrokat-Krokus {m}
cloth-of-gold / cloth of gold [Crocus angustifolius, syn.: C. angustifolia, C. reticulatus var. reflexus , C. versicolor var. caucasicus] Goldlack-Krokus / Goldlackkrokus {m}
cloth-of-gold / cloth of gold [Crocus angustifolius, syn.: C. angustifolia, C. reticulatus var. reflexus , C. versicolor var. caucasicus]Schmalblättriger Krokus {m}
cloth-of-gold / cloth of gold cone [Conus textile, syn.: C. concatenatus, C. gloriamaris, C. tigrinus, Cucullus auratus, C. aurelius, C. auriger, Cylinder textile, Darioconus textilis]Weberkegel {m} [Meeresschneckenart]
cloth-of-gold / cloth of gold cone [Conus textile, syn.: C. concatenatus, C. gloriamaris, C. tigrinus, Cucullus auratus, C. aurelius, C. auriger, Cylinder textile, Darioconus textilis] Textil-Kegelschnecke {f}
cloth-of-gold / cloth of gold cone [Conus textile, syn.: C. concatenatus, C. gloriamaris, C. tigrinus, Cucullus auratus, C. aurelius, C. auriger, Cylinder textile, Darioconus textilis] Gewebte Kegelschnecke {f}
cloth-of-gold / cloth of gold cone [Conus textile, syn.: C. concatenatus, C. gloriamaris, C. tigrinus, Cucullus auratus, C. aurelius, C. auriger, Cylinder textile, Darioconus textilis] Netz-Kegelschnecke {f}
cloth-of-gold crocus [Crocus reticulatus, syn.: C. reticulatus var. variegatus, C. variegatus] Netz-Krokus / Netzkrokus {m}
cloth-of-silver crocus [Crocus versicolor] Silberlack-Krokus {m}
clothoidsKlothoiden {pl}
clothsgewebte Tücher {pl}
clothsTücher {pl}
cloth-shearer [archaic]Tuchscherer {m} [veraltet]
cloth-trade Tuchhandel {m}
cloth-weaver Leineweber {m}
cloth-weaver Tuchweber {m}
clotiazepam Clotiazepam {n}
clotrimazole Clotrimazol {n}
clots Klumpen {pl}
clots Klümpchen {pl}
clotted geronnen
clotted creamStreichrahm {m}
clotted creamdicke Sahne {f}
clotted with mud [postpos.] mit Dreck bespritzt
clotting Gerinnung {f}
clotting abnormality Gerinnungsstörung {f}
clotting disorderGerinnungsstörung {f}
clotting disturbance Gerinnungsstörung {f}
clotting factor Gerinnungsfaktor {m}
clotting of blood Blutgerinnung {f}
clotting process Gerinnungsprozess {m}
clotting substance Gerinnungsstoff {m}
clotting timeGerinnungszeit {f}
clotty verklebt
cloture [Am.] Verschluss {m}
cloture [Am.] Cloture {n} [Verfahren zur Beendigung oder Verkürzung einer Senatsdebatte]
cloture [Am.]Antrag {m} auf Beendigung der Debatte [im US-Senat]
clotured verschlossen
cloturing verschließend
clou [archaic]Hauptsache {f}
cloudWolke {f}
cloud [fig.]Schatten {m} [fig.]
cloud [metaphor for decentralized data storage on the internet]Cloud {f}
cloud amount Wolkenmenge {f}
Cloud Atlas [David Mitchell]Der Wolkenatlas
cloud automaton Wolkenautomat {m}
cloud band Wolkenband {n}
cloud bank Wolkenbank {f}
cloud bank Wolkenwand {f}
cloud base Wolkenuntergrenze {f}
cloud baseKondensationsniveau {n} [Wolkenbasis]
cloud base Wolkenbasis {f}
cloud bent [Agrostis nebulosa]Nebel-Straußgras {n}
cloud bentgrass [Agrostis nebulosa] Schleier-Straußgras / Schleierstraußgras {n}
cloud bentgrass [Agrostis nebulosa] Nebel-Straußgras / Nebelstraußgras {n}
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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