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club-moss [Lycopodium clavatum] Drudenfuß {m}
clubmoss / club-moss / club moss [class Lycopodiopsida] Bärlapppflanze {f}
clubmoss / club-moss / club moss [family Lycopodiaceae]Bärlappgewächs {n}
clubmoss family {sg} [family Lycopodiaceae] Bärlappgewächse {pl}
clubmoss family {sg} [family Lycopodiaceae] Lycopodiaceen {pl}
clubmoss spore Bärlappspore {f}
clubmosses [family Lycopodiaceae]Bärlappgewächse {pl}
clubmosses [family Lycopodiaceae] Lycopodiaceen {pl}
clubnightClubnacht {f}
clubroom Klubraum {m}
clubrootKohlhernie {f}
club-rushes [genus Scirpus; family Cyperaceae] Simsen {pl} [Gattung der Sauergrasgewächse]
clubs Vereine {pl}
clubs Eichel {f} [im deutschen Blatt] [Farbe im Kartenspiel]
clubs Klubs {pl}
clubsClubs {pl}
clubs {pl} Eckern {f} [meist ohne Artikel] [Farbe im deutschen Blatt] [Eichel]
clubs {pl} [sometimes treated as sg.] [card suit]Kreuz {n} [meist ohne Artikel] [Farbe im französischen Blatt]
clubs {pl} [sometimes treated as sg.] [suit in a deck of cards]Treff {n} [meist ohne Artikel] [Farbe im französischen Blatt] [Kreuz]
clubs [cudgels]Prügel {pl} [bes. südd., österr., schweiz. für: Knüppel]
clubs [rhythmic gymnastics]Keulen {pl}
clubs and societies Vereinswesen {n}
Clubs are trumps.Kreuz ist Trumpf.
club's assets {pl} [property]Vereinseigentum {n}
club's flag Vereinsfahne {f}
club's flag Vereinsflagge {f}
club's founder Vereinsgründer {m}
club's managementClubführung {f}
club's mascot Vereinsmaskottchen {n}
club's own stadiumvereinseigenes Stadion {n}
club's record appearance maker Rekordspieler {m} des Vereins
club-shapedkeulig [keulenförmig]
club-shaped kolbenförmig
club-shaped cordyceps [Elaphocordyceps ophioglossoides, syn.: Cordyceps ophioglossoides] Zungen-Kernkeule / Zungenkernkeule {f}
club-shaped stinkhorn [Phallogaster saccatus]Stinkende Gallertnuss {f}
club-shaped stinkhorn [Phallogaster saccatus] Stinkbovist {m}
club-shaped stinkhorn [Phallogaster saccatus] Beutelförmige Gallertnuss {f}
club-shaped stinkhorn [Phallogaster saccatus]Bovistförmiger Stinksack {m}
club-shaped stinkhorn [Phallogaster saccatus] Stinkender Sackbovist {m}
club-style (three-piece) suiteKlubgarnitur {f}
clubtail dragonflies [family Gomphidae]Flussjungfern {pl}
clubtail dragonflies [family Gomphidae]Gomphiden {pl} [Flussjungfern]
clubtail (dragonfly)Flußjungfer {f} [alt] [Libelle]
clubtail (dragonfly)Flussjungfer {f} [Libelle]
club-tail iguana [Ctenosaura quinquecarinata] Fünfkiel-Schwarzleguan {m}
club-tipped anemone [Telmatactis cricoides, syn.: T. pseudoroseni, T. rufa, T.valle-flori, Entacmæea cricoides, Phellia rufa]Keulenanemone {f}
club-trained player vom Klub ausgebildeter Spieler {m}
club-trained playervom Verein ausgebildeter Spieler {m}
club-winged manakin [Machaeropterus deliciosus]Keulenpipra {f} [auch Keulen-Pipra]
club-winged manakin [Machaeropterus deliciosus] Keulenschwingenpipra {f}
cluck [coll.] [pej.] Dummkopf {m} [pej.]
clucked gelockt
cluckingGegacker {n} [Hühner]
clucking [Br.]gurrend
clucking henGlucke {f}
clucking hen Gluckhenne {f}
clucky [coll.] [overprotective]gluckenhaft
cludgie [Scot.] [sl.] Scheißhaus {n} [vulg.]
clue Anhaltspunkt {m}
clue Hinweis {m}
clue Faden {m} [fig.]
clueLeitlinie {f}
clue Richtlinie {f}
clue Schlüssel {m} [fig.]
clueIndiz {n}
clue [hint]Tipp {m} [Hinweis]
clue [idea] Ahnung {f} [Idee]
clue [in criminal investigations] Spur {f} [kriminalistisch]
clue cellsClue-Zellen {pl}
clue to a mystery Schlüssel {m} für ein Geheimnis
clue to a puzzle Lösung {f} [eines Rätsels]
clueless [coll.]ahnungslos
clueless [coll.]unwissend
clueless [coll.] ratlos
clueless [coll.] unbedarft [unerfahren]
Clueless [Amy Heckerling]Clueless – Was sonst!
clueless [coll.] ohne Anhaltspunkt [nachgestellt]
clueless [coll.] ohne Information [nachgestellt]
clueless [coll.] ohne Hinweis [nachgestellt]
Clueless [House season 2] Böses Spiel
Clueless [TV series]Clueless – Die Chaos-Clique / Clueless - Die wichtigen Dinge des Lebens
cluelessnessRatlosigkeit {f}
cluelessness [coll.]Ahnungslosigkeit {f} [Unwissenheit]
clues Anhaltspunkte {pl}
clues Hinweise {pl}
clúimhín cait [Irish] [Mastocarpus stellatus] [false Irish moss] Kraussterntang {m} [Nadeltang]
Cluj-Napoca [also: Cluj] Klausenburg {n}
clumber spaniel Clumber Spaniel {m}
clump Batzen {m} [ugs.]
clump Klumpen {m}
clump Büschel {n}
clump Pulk {m}
clump [Br.] [sl.] [thump, punch]Schlag {m} [Hieb, Stoß]
clump [of houses, trees, flowers, etc.]Gruppe {f} [Häuser, Bäume, Blumen etc.]
clump grassHorstgras {n} [Gräser mit horstartigem Wuchs]
clump kidney Klumpniere {f}
clump kidney [Ren informis]Klumpenniere {f}
clump kidney [Ren informis]Kuchenniere {f}
clump of birchesBirkengruppe {f}
« clouclouclovcloyclubclubclumclunclusclutCMMs »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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