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coadministration [of drugs] gleichzeitige Verabreichung {f} [von Medikamenten]
coadministration [of drugs]gleichzeitiges Verabreichen {n} [von Medikamenten]
coadministration [of drugs]gleichzeitiges Geben {n} [von Medikamenten]
coadministration [of drugs]gleichzeitiges Anwenden {n} [von Medikamenten]
coadministrator Mitverwalter {m}
coagency [also: co-agency] [joint operation, activity]Mitwirkung {f}
coagency [also: co-agency] [joint operation, activity] Mittätigsein {n}
coagency [also: co-agency] [joint operation, activity]Mittätigkeit {f}
coagglutination Koagglutination {f}
coagglutinationMitagglutination {f}
coagglutination Gruppenagglutination {f}
coagulability Koagulabilität {f}
coagulability Gerinnbarkeit {f}
coagulable gerinnungsfähig
coagulant Gerinnungsmittel {n}
coagulant Verdichter {m}
coagulantKoagulans {n}
coagulant gerinnungsfördernd
coagulant gerinnungsförderndes Mittel {n}
coagulant koagulationsfördernd
coagulant dysfunction Gerinnungsstörung {f}
coagulase Koagulase {f}
coagulated geronnen
coagulated blood geronnenes Blut {n}
coagulation Gerinnen {n}
coagulation Gerinnung {f}
coagulation Koagulation {f}
coagulationFlockung {f}
coagulation Koagulieren {n}
coagulation Ausfällung {f}
coagulation [of tissue] Verkochen {n} [des Gewebes]
coagulation [tissue] Verkochung {f} [Gewebe]
coagulation cascade Koagulationskaskade {f}
coagulation cascadeGerinnungskaskade {f}
coagulation conditions Koagulationsbedingungen {pl}
coagulation defect Gerinnungsstörung {f}
coagulation defectGerinnungsdefekt {m}
coagulation disorder Gerinnungsstörung {f}
coagulation enzymeGerinnungsenzym {n}
coagulation factor Gerinnungsfaktor {m}
coagulation inhibitor Gerinnungsinhibitor {m}
coagulation necrosis <CN> [Necrosis coagulativa] Koagulationsnekrose {f}
coagulation of (the) blood Gerinnung {f} des Blutes
coagulation phase Koagulationsphase {f}
coagulation probe Koagulationssonde {f}
coagulation processGerinnungsprozess {m}
coagulation process Koagulationsprozess {m}
coagulation profile Gerinnungsprofil {n}
coagulation reaction Gerinnungsreaktion {f}
coagulation status Gerinnungsstatus {m}
coagulation study Koagulationsstudie {f}
coagulation systemGerinnungssystem {n}
coagulation system Koagulationssystem {n}
coagulation thrombusGerinnungsthrombus {m}
coagulation time Blutgerinnungszeit {f}
coagulation timeKoagulationszeit {f}
coagulation time Gerinnungszeit {f}
coagulation time test Messung {f} der Gerinnungszeit
coagulative klumpig
coagulative gerinnungsfördernd
coagulative koagulationsfördernd
coagulative necrosis [Necrosis coagulativa]Koagulationsnekrose {f}
coagulatorGerinnungsmittel {n}
coagulogram Gerinnungsstatus {m} [Koagulogramm]
coagulogram Koagulogramm {n}
coagulometer Koagulometer {n}
coagulometry Koagulometrie {f}
coagulopathies Koagulopathien {pl}
coagulopathy Koagulopathie {f}
coagulopathy Blutgerinnungsstörung {f}
coagulopathy Gerinnungsstörung {f}
coagulumKoagulum {n}
coagulumBlutgerinnsel {n}
coagulumKoagel {n}
coagulum extravasales Gerinnsel / Blutgerinnsel {n} [Koagulum]
coagulum extravasaler Blutpfropf {m}
coagulum Koagulat {n}
coagulum [coagulated mass or substance]Blutkuchen {m}
Coahuilan box turtle [Terrapene coahuila] Coahuila-Dosenschildkröte {f}
Coahuilan box turtle [Terrapene coahuila] Wasser-Dosenschildkröte {f}
coakum [Phytolacca americana] Amerikanische Kermesbeere {f}
coal Kohle {f}
coal Steinkohle {f}
coalschwarzes Gold {n} [fig. für: Kohle]
coalGrubengold {n} [fig.] [Kohle]
coal allowance [as income in kind]Kohledeputat {n}
coal area Kohlegegend {f}
coal ash Kohlenasche {f}
coal basinKohlenrevier {n}
coal basin Kohlenbecken {n}
coal basinKohlerevier {n}
coal bed Kohleflöz {m} {n}
coal bed Kohlebett {n} [Kohleflöz]
coal bedKohlebett {n} [Flöz]
coal bed Kohlenflöz {m}
coal bed methane <CBM> Flözgas {n}
« clunclusclutCMMscoaccoadcoalcoalcoalcoalcoar »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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