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English-German Dictionary

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coal-mining center [Am.] Zentrum {n} des Kohlebergbaus
coal-mining centre [Br.] Zentrum {n} des Kohlebergbaus
coal-mining districtKohlenrevier {n}
coal-mining district Revier {n}
coal-mining district Kohlerevier {n}
coal-mining townBergbauort {m} [Kohle]
coal-pit Kohlengrube {f}
coal-pitKohlegrube {f}
coal-producing lands [nations or smaller areas like federal states]Kohleländer {pl}
coalsKohlen {pl}
Coalsack Dark Nebula [C99] Kohlensack {m} [Dunkelnebel]
Coalsack (Nebula) [C99] [dark nebula] Kohlensack {m} [Dunkelnebel]
coalscuttle [spv.] Kohlenschütte {f}
coal-scuttle bonnet [woman's bonnet with huge shovel-like brim in front] Schute {f} [breitrandiger, haubenartiger Frauenhut, dessen Krempe das Gesicht umrahmt; vornehmlich viktorianischer Stil]
coal-tar oilKohlenteeröl {n}
(coal-tar) creosote oilKreosotöl {n}
co-altitudeauf derselben Höhe
coal-to-liquids <CTL>durch Kohleverflüssigung erzeugt
coalworker's lung [coll.]Kohlenstaublunge {f}
coalworker's pneumoconiosis <CWP> Kohlenbergarbeiter-Pneumokoniose {f}
coaly kohlig
coaming Süllrand {m}
coaming Süll {m} {n}
coaming stiffener Süllversteifungsprofil {n}
(coaming) rim Süllrand {m}
Coan silk koische Seide {f}
co-analgesic (agent) Ko-Analgetikum {n} [auch: Koanalgetikum]
co-analgesic (agent)Co-Analgetikum {n} [auch: Coanalgetikum]
co-analgesicsCo-Analgetika {pl} [auch: Coanalgetika]
co-analgesics Ko-Analgetika {pl} [auch: Koanalgetika]
co-applicable documents mitgeltende Unterlagen {pl}
coarctationKoarktation {f}
coarctationStriktur {f}
coarctation Zusammenpressung {f} [Einschnürung]
coarctotomyKoarktotomie {f} [Strikturbeseitigung]
coarse grob
coarse rauh [alt]
coarserau [grob, derb]
coarse [language]rüde
coarse [also: brute, unmannered]roh [auch: brutal, unkultiviert]
coarse [bad-mannered, loutish]rüpelhaft [pej.]
coarse [boorish] ungehobelt [fig.]
coarse [build, make]grobschlächtig
coarse [coarse-grained] grobkörnig
coarse [common]gewöhnlich [unfein, ungehobelt]
coarse [ill-mannered]unfein
coarse [of materials, base] unedel [Materialien]
coarse [offensive, objectionable]anstößig
coarse [uncouth] ungeschliffen [fig.]
coarse [vulgar]vulgär
coarse adjustment Grobeinstellung {f}
coarse adjustment Grobjustierung {f}
coarse adjustment knob Grobjustierschraube {f}
coarse adjustment knob Grobtrieb {m}
coarse analysisGrobanalyse {f}
coarse asparagus fern [Asparagus densiflorus, syn.: Protasparagus densiflorus] Zier-Spargel / Zierspargel {m}
coarse balance [coarse adjustment]Grobabgleich {m}
coarse breadSchwarzbrot {n}
coarse bubble grobblasig
coarse canvasSackleinen {n}
coarse carpet [Euphyia frustata, formerly: Acidalia frustata] [moth] Gelbgrüner Winkelspanner {m}
coarse carpet [Euphyia frustata, formerly: Acidalia frustata] [moth]Hornkraut-Blattspanner / Hornkrautblattspanner {m}
coarse carpet [Euphyia frustata, formerly: Acidalia frustata] [moth]Hornmieren-Blattspanner / Hornmierenblattspanner {m}
coarse chameleon [Chamaeleo rudis]Raues Bergchamäleon {n}
coarse cleaning Grobreinigung {f}
coarse cloth gewöhnliches Tuch {n}
coarse clothgrobes Tuch {n}
coarse copper Rohkupfer {n}
coarse copperSchwarzkupfer {n}
coarse cotton clothNessel {m}
coarse crackles grobblasige Rasselgeräusche {pl} <grobblasige RG>
coarse cutgrober Hieb {m} [Feile]
coarse cut [esp. tobacco] Grobschnitt {m} [bes. Pfeifentabak]
coarse dirt Grobschmutz {m}
coarse drive [e.g. microscope]Grobtrieb {m} [z. B. Mikroskop]
coarse dustGrobstaub {m}
coarse expressionrüpelhafter Ausdruck {m}
coarse fileVorfeile {f}
coarse fish [esp. Br.] [a freshwater fish other than a salmonid]Grobfisch {m} [alle Fische, die nicht zu den Salmoniden gehören]
coarse focus adjustmentGrobeinstellung {f} [Grobjustierung]
coarse foodgewöhnliche Nahrung {f}
coarse grainGrobkorn {n}
coarse grain formation Grobkornbildung {f}
coarse gravel grober Kies {m}
coarse gravel Geröll {n}
coarse gravelGrobkies {m}
coarse gritGrobkorn {n}
coarse hair wüstes Haar {n}
coarse humour [Br.] derber Humor {m}
coarse jokegrober Scherz {m}
coarse jokeunanständiger Witz {m}
coarse jokesgrobe Scherze {pl}
coarse jokesgrobe Schimpfreden {pl}
coarse language anstößige Sprache {f}
coarse limestone Grobkalk {m}
coarse linengrobes Leinen {n}
coarse linen Grobleinwand {f}
coarse manners derbe Manieren {pl}
coarse manners unfeine Manieren {pl}
« coaccoadcoalcoalcoalcoalcoarcoascoascoascoas »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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