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coat check [Am.]Garderobe {f} [Kleiderabgabe]
coat collar Mantelkragen {m}
coat color [Am.]Fellfarbe {f}
coat color [Am.] Fellfärbung {f}
coat colour [Br.] Fellfarbe {f}
coat colour [Br.] Fellfärbung {f}
coat dressMantelkleid {n}
coat hangerBügel {m} [Kleiderbügel]
coat hanger Kleiderbügel {m}
coat hangerAufhänger {m} [Mantelaufhänger]
coat hangersKleiderbügel {pl}
coat hem Mantelsaum {m}
coat hook Kleiderhaken {m}
coat hook bar Kleiderhakenleiste {f}
coat lapelRockaufschlag {m}
coat lapel Mantelrevers {n}
coat made of loden Lodenmantel {m}
coat made to measure Maßjacke {f}
coat of an animalPelz {m}
coat of armsWappen {n}
coat of arms of Austria Bundeswappen {n} [Österreich]
coat of arms of Austriaösterreichisches Bundeswappen {n}
coat of arms of AustriaBundeswappen {n} Österreichs
coat of arms of Austria österreichisches Staatswappen {n}
coat of arms of Brandenburg Märkischer Adler {m}
coat of arms of Germany Bundeswappen {n} [Deutschland]
coat of arms of Germany deutsches Staatswappen {n}
coat of arms of Germany Staatswappen {n} Deutschlands
coat of arms of Germany Bundeswappen {n} Deutschlands
coat of arms of the German state of Bavariabayerisches Staatswappen {n}
coat of arms of the Swiss ConfederationWappen {n} der Schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft
coat of breadcrumbsPanier {f} [österr.]
coat of breadcrumbs Panade {f} [Umhüllung aus Paniermehl]
coat of hair Haarpelz {m}
coat (of hair) Haarkleid {n} [geh.]
coat (of hair) [body hair] Haardecke {f} [Behaarung, Haarkleid]
coat of ice Eisschicht {f}
coat of lacquer Lackschicht {f}
coat of mail Kettenhemd {n}
coat of mail Panzerhemd {n}
coat of mailBrünne {f}
coat of paint Anstrich {m} [Farbüberzug]
coat of paintFarbschicht {f}
coat of paintFarbanstrich {m}
coat of plaster Putzschicht {f}
coat of plasterBewurf {m}
coat patternFellzeichnung {f}
coat peg Kleiderhaken {m}
coat pipeMantelrohr {n}
coat pocket Manteltasche {f}
coat pocketRocktasche {f}
coat rackGarderobe {f} [Flurgarderobe]
coat rack Garderobenständer {m}
coat rack Flurgarderobe {f}
coat renewed in placesan Stellen erneuerter Mantel {m}
coat spreaderAufzieher {m} [Verputzwerkzeug]
coat standGarderobenständer {m}
coat stand Kleiderständer {m}
coat stuck with medalsmit Orden bestückte Jacke {f}
coat tail Rockschoß {m} [bei Herrenjacke]
coat tail Schlafittich {m} [veraltet]
coat thickness Schichtstärke {f}
coat thicknessSchichtdicke {f}
(coat) liningMantelfutter {n}
coat-check girlGarderobenfrau {f}
coated bedeckt
coated angestrichen
coated ummantelt
coated bestrichen
-coated -beschichtet
coated umhüllt
coated [painted] gestrichen
coated [plated, iced, etc.] überzogen [mit Metall, Schokolade etc.]
coated lensbeschichtete Linse {f}
coated lens beschichtetes Objektiv {n}
coated lens oberflächenvergütete Linse {f}
coated offset paper gestrichenes Offsetpapier {n}
coated papergestrichenes Papier {n}
coated paper Kunstpapier {n} [Kunstdruckpapier]
coated paper Kunstdruckpapier {n}
coated tonguebelegte Zunge {f}
coated with black zinc [postpos.] schwarzverzinkt
coated with cadmium (plating) [postpos.] kadmiert
coated with chocolate [postpos.]mit Schokolade überzogen
coated with dusteingestaubt
coated with dust [postpos.]mit Staub bedeckt
coated with Ematal emataliert
coated with paraffin wax [postpos.]paraffiniert
coated with sugar [postpos.]verzuckert [überzuckert]
coated with sugar [postpos.]dragiert
coated with zinc [postpos.] verzinkt
coateeUniformjacke {f}
coater Beschichter {m}
coatflower [Petrorhagia saxifraga, syn.: Dianthus saxifragus, Tunica saxifraga] Steinbrech-Felsennelke {f}
coat-flower / coat flower [Petrorhagia saxifraga, syn.: Dianthus saxifragus, Tunica saxifraga] Steinbrech-Felsennelke {f}
coat-forming schichtbildend
coatguardMantelschoner {m}
coathanger Kleiderbügel {m}
« coarcoarcoascoascoascoatcoatco-acobacobbcoca »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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