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coccidial Kokzidien- [durch Kokzidien hervorgerufen]
coccidial Kokzidio- [durch Kokzidien hervorgerufen]
coccidioidal granuloma [Granuloma coccidioides] kokzidioidales Granulom {n}
coccidioidal granuloma [Granuloma coccidioides]coccidioidales Granulom {n} [Rsv.]
coccidioidomycosis [Granuloma coccidioides]Kokzidioidomykose {f}
coccidioidomycosis [Granuloma coccidioides]Coccidioidomycose {f} [Rsv.]
coccidiomycosis [coccidioidomycosis] Kokzidiomykose {f} [Kokzidioidomykose]
coccidiosisKokzidiose {f}
coccidiostat Kokzidiostatikum {n}
coccidiumKokzidie {f}
coccinite [Hg2+I2] Coccinit {m}
coccobacilli {pl}Kokken {pl}
coccolith Coccolith {m}
coccolithophoresCoccolithophoriden {pl}
coccolobas [genus Coccoloba] Seetrauben {pl}
coccolobas [genus Coccoloba]Meertraubenbäume {pl}
cocculidine [C18H23NO2] Cocculidin {n}
coccus [spherical bacterium] Kokke {f} [Kugelbakterie]
coccus [spherical bacterium] Kokkus {m} [kugelförmige Bakterie]
coccydynia [coccygodynia]Kokzygodynie {f}
coccydynia [coccygodynia] Coccygodynie {f} [Steißbeinschmerzen]
coccygeal kokzygeal
coccygeal bone Steißbein {n}
coccygeal fistula [Fistula coccygealis, Sinus pilonidalis] Kokzygealfistel {f}
coccygeal fracture Steißbeinfraktur {f}
coccygeal ganglion [Ganglion impar]Kokzygealganglion {n} [selten] [Ganglion impar]
coccygeal nerve [Nervus coccygeus] <Co> coccygealer Spinalnerv {m} <Co>
coccygeal nerve [Nervus coccygeus] <Co> Coccygealnerv {m} <Co>
coccygeal nerves [Nervus coccygei] Steißbeinnerven {pl}
coccygeal pain [coccygodynia] Kokzygodynie {f}
coccygeal vertebrae [Vertebrae coccygeae]Steißbeinwirbel {pl}
coccygeal vertebrae [Vertebrae coccygeae]Steißwirbel {pl}
coccygectomy Kokzygektomie {f}
coccygectomy Coccygektomie {f}
coccyges Steißbeine {pl}
coccygodynia [pain in the coccyx (and adjacent regions)] Kokzygodynie {f} [chron. Schmerzen (in der Umgebung) des Steißbeins]
coccyxSteißbein {n}
coccyxSteiß {m}
coccyx Steißknochen {m} [veraltet bzw. selten für: Steißbein]
coccyx pain [coccygodynia]Steißbeinschmerz {m} [Kokzygodynie]
coccyxes Steißbeine {pl}
Cocha antshrike [Thamnophilus praecox] Cochawollrücken {m}
Cocha antshrike [Thamnophilus praecox]Südlicher Schwarzameisenwürger {m}
Cochabamba mountain finch [Poospiza garleppi] Garleppammerfink {m}
Cochabamba spindelsnake [Atractus bocki, syn.: A. canedii]Cochabamba-Spindelnatter {f}
cochain complexKokettenkomplex {m}
co-chairCo-Vorsitzender {m}
cochairman Mitvorsitzender {m}
co-chairman stellvertretender Vorsitzender {m}
co-chairman [female] stellvertretende Vorsitzende {f}
co-channelZweitkanal {m}
co-chaperoneCo-Chaperon {n}
co-chaperoninCo-Chaperonin {n}
Cochin China [spv.] Cochinchina {n}
Cochin forest cane turtle [Vijayachelys silvatica] Gelbkopf-Erdschildkröte {f}
Cochin grass [Cymbopogon flexuosus] Ostindisches Zitronengras {n}
CochinchinaCochinchina {n}
cochinealKoschenille {f}
cochineal Cochenille {f}
cochineal insect [Dactylopius coccus, syn.: Coccus cacti]Echte Cochenilleschildlaus / Kochenilleschildlaus {f}
cochineal insect [Dactylopius coccus, syn.: Coccus cacti]Rote Schildlaus {f}
cochineal insect [Dactylopius coccus, syn.: Coccus cacti]Cochenillelaus {f}
cochineal insects [family Dactylopiidae]Dactylopiiden {pl}
cochineal red A [E-124] Cochenillerot A {n}
cochineal red A [E-124] Victoriascharlach 4 R {n} [E 124] [Cochenillerot A]
cochineal scale [Dactylopius coccus, syn.: Coccus cacti] Echte Cochenilleschildlaus / Kochenilleschildlaus {f}
cochineal scale [Dactylopius coccus, syn.: Coccus cacti]Rote Schildlaus {f}
cochineal scale [Dactylopius coccus, syn.: Coccus cacti] Cochenillelaus {f}
cochineal scales [family Dactylopiidae]Dactylopiiden {pl}
cochineals [family Dactylopiidae] Dactylopiiden {pl}
cochinita pibil [also: puerco pibil, cochinita con achiote] Cochinita {f} Pibil [mariniertes Schweinefleisch]
cochito [Phocoena sinus]Kalifornischer Schweinswal {m}
cochito [Phocoena sinus] Golftümmler {m}
cochito [Phocoena sinus] Vaquita {m}
cochlea Schnecke {f} [im Innenohr]
cochlea Cochlea {f}
cochleaHörschnecke {f} [Cochlea]
cochlea Kochlea {f} [Rsv.]
cochleaOhrschnecke {f}
cochleaOhrenschnecke {f}
cochlea [Cochlea] Gehörschnecke {f}
cochlea amplifier implant <CAI>Cochlea-Amplifier-Implantat {n} <CAI>
cochleae {pl} Cochleae {pl}
cochlear kochleär
cochlear amplifier <CA>cochleärer Verstärker {m}
cochlear amplifier <CA> kochleärer Verstärker {m}
cochlear canalSchneckengang {m} [im Innenohr]
cochlear canal / duct [Scala media, Ductus cochlearis] Scala media {f}
cochlear duct [Ductus cochlearis, Scala media] Schneckengang {m}
cochlear duct [Scala media, Ducutus cochlearis]mittlere Treppe {f} [auch: Scala media od. Ductus cochlearis]
cochlear ganglion <CG> [Ganglion cochleare, Ganglion spirale cochlearis, Ganglion spirale cochleae] Corti-Ganglion {n}
cochlear ganglion <CG> [Ganglion cochleare, Ganglion spirale cochlearis] cochleares Ganglion {n}
cochlear implant Cochlearimplantat / Cochlear-Implantat {n} [ugs.] [Cochleaimplant, Cochlea-Implant]
cochlear implant <CI>Cochleaimplantat {n} <CI>
cochlear implant <CI>Cochlea-Implantat {n} <CI>
cochlear implantation Cochlea-Implantation {f}
cochlear nerve <CN> [Nervus cochlearis (acusticus)] Hörnerv {m}
cochlear window [Fenestra cochleae rotunda, Fenestra cochleae, Fenestra rotunda] [round window] Rundfenster {n}
« coatcoatcoaxcobbCobrcocccochcockcockcockcoco »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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