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cocoa farmer Kakaobauer {m}
cocoa farmer [female] Kakaobäuerin {f}
cocoa grower Kakaoanbauer {m}
cocoa marketKakaomarkt {m}
cocoa mass Kakaomasse {f}
cocoa nibs {pl}Kakaokernbruch {m}
cocoa oilKakaoöl {n}
cocoa pasteKakaomasse {f}
cocoa plantation Kakaoplantage {f}
cocoa pod Kakaoschote {n}
cocoa pod and stem borer [Zeuzera coffeae] [moth]Roter Kaffeebohrer {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
cocoa pod borer [Conopomorpha cramerella, syn.: Acrocercops cramerella, Gracillaria cramerella, Zarathra cramerella] Javanische Kakao-Motte / Kakaomotte {f}
cocoa pot Kakaokanne {f}
cocoa powderKakaopulver {n}
cocoa powder Kakaopuder {m} [ugs. auch {n}]
cocoa price Kakaopreis {m}
cocoa stem borer [Eulophonotus myrmeleon, syn.: Engyophlebus obesus] [moth] Kakaobohrer {m}
cocoa stem borer [Eulophonotus myrmeleon, syn.: Engyophlebus obesus] [moth] Kakaospitzenbohrer {m}
cocoa thrush [Turdus fumigatus] Kakaodrossel {f}
cocoa tin [Br.] Kakaodose {f}
cocoa trade Kakaohandel {m}
cocoa traderKakaohändler {m}
cocoa tree [Theobroma cacao] Kakaobaum {m}
cocoa-flavored [Am.] mit Kakaogeschmack [nachgestellt]
cocoa-flavoured [Br.] mit Kakaogeschmack [nachgestellt]
cocoa-like kakaoig [selten] [nach Kakao schmecken, riechen etc.]
cocoanut [spv.] [obs.] Kokosnuss {f}
cocoa-nut snow scale [Diaspis boisduvalii, syn.: Diaspis palmarum]Palmenschildlaus {f}
coco-grass / coco grass [Cyperus rotundus]Orientalische Cyperwurzel {f}
coco-grass / coco grass [Cyperus rotundus] Runde Cyperwurzel {f}
coco-grass / coco grass [Cyperus rotundus]Nussgras {n} [Knolliges Zypergras]
coco-grass / coco grass [Cyperus rotundus] (Knolliges) Zypergras {n}
cocoi heron [Ardea cocoi]Cocoireiher {m}
cocoivores [coconut eaters]Kokovoren {pl}
cocoivorism Kokovorismus {m}
co-commentator [Br.] Co-Kommentator {m}
co-competitorMitkonkurrent {m}
coconinoite [Fe2Al2(UO2)2(PO4)4(SO4)(OH)2·20H2O]Coconinoit {m}
co-conspirator Mitverschworener {m}
coconut Kokosnuss {f}
coconutKokosnuß {f} [alt]
coconut [attr.] Kokos-
coconut [attr.] Kokosnuss-
coconut bra Kokosnuss-BH {m}
coconut butterKokosbutter {f}
coconut buttonKokosknopf {m}
coconut cookie [Am.] Kokosnussplätzchen {n}
coconut crab [Birgus latro] Palmendieb {m}
coconut crab [Birgus latro] Ganjokrebs {m}
coconut crab [Birgus latro] Kokoskrebs {m}
coconut cream Kokosnusscreme {f}
coconut fiber [Am.] Kokosfaser {f}
coconut fiber rope [Am.] Kokosfaserstrick {m} [Kokosfaserseil]
coconut fibre [Br.] Kokosfaser {f}
coconut fibre mat [Br.] Kokosfasermatte {f}
coconut fibre rope [Br.]Kokosfaserstrick {m} [Kokosfaserseil]
coconut fibres [Br.] Kokosfasern {pl}
coconut flake Kokosraspel {m}
coconut flavor [Am.] Kokosnussgeschmack {m}
coconut flavor [Am.]Kokosgeschmack {m}
coconut flavour [Br.] Kokosnussgeschmack {m}
coconut flavour [Br.]Kokosgeschmack {m}
coconut flesh Kokosnussfleisch {n}
coconut flesh Kokosfleisch {n}
coconut husk Kokosnussschale {f}
coconut industry Kokosnussindustrie {f}
coconut juice [less common for: coconut water]Kokoswasser {n}
coconut lorikeet [Trichoglossus haematodus] Allfarblori {m}
coconut macaroon Kokosnussmakrone {f}
coconut macaroonKokosmakrone {f}
coconut macaroons Kokosbusserln {pl} [österr.]
coconut marshmallowKokosball {m} [Süßigkeit]
coconut mat Kokosmatte {f}
coconut matting Kokosmatte {f}
coconut mattingKokosläufer {m}
coconut mealybug [Nipaecoccus nipae, syn.: Ceroputo nipae, Pseudococcus nipae]Kokospalmenschmierlaus {f}
coconut meatKokosfleisch {n}
coconut meat Kokos {n} [essbares Inneres von Kokosnüssen]
coconut meat Kokosnussfleisch {n}
coconut milk Kokosmilch {f}
coconut milk Kokosnussmilch {f}
coconut mite [Aceria guerreronis, syn.: Eriophyes guerreronis]Kokosblütenmilbe {f}
coconut octopus [Octopus marginatus, syn.: Amphioctopus marginatus]Kokosnuss-Krake {m} [ugs. auch {f}]
coconut oil Kokosöl {n}
coconut oil Kokosnussöl {n}
coconut oil [hardened] Kokosfett {n}
coconut palm [Cocos nucifera] Kokospalme {f}
coconut palm [Cocos nucifera]Kokosnusspalme {f}
coconut plantation Kokosnussplantage {f}
coconut sauce Kokossauce {f}
coconut scale [Aspidiotus destructor, syn.: A. cocotis, A. transparens]Kokospalmenschildlaus / Kokospalmen-Schildlaus {f}
coconut shell Kokosschale {f}
coconut shellsKokosnussschalen {pl}
coconut shie [spv.] [stall]Wurfbude {f} [in der auf Kokosnüsse geworfen wird]
coconut shy [game, found esp. at funfairs] [Wurfspiel auf Kokosnüsse, ähnlich der Jahrmarktsattraktion 'Dosenwerfen']
coconut shy [stall]Wurfbude {f} [in der auf Kokosnüsse geworfen wird]
coconut snow scale [Diaspis boisduvalii, syn.: Diaspis palmarum]Palmenschildlaus {f}
coconut sugar Kokosblütenzucker {m}
coconut taste Kokosnussgeschmack {m}
« cocccochcockcockcockcococococodecodecodecodi »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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