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English-German Dictionary

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coefficient of viscosity Zähigkeitszahl {f}
coefficient of volume expansion Volumenausdehnungskoeffizient {m}
coefficient ranking Koeffizientenrangliste {f}
coelacanth [Latimeria chalumnae] Quastenflosser {m}
coelacanthiforms [order Coelacanthiformes] Quastenflosser {pl}
coelenterateHohltier {n}
coelenterates [Coelenterata] Hohltiere {pl}
coelenterates [Coelenterata]Coelenteraten {pl}
coelenteron Coelenteron {n}
coelenteron Gastralraum {m} [der Hohltiere]
Coele-Syria Koilesyrien {n}
coeliac [Br.] [a person with coeliac disease]Zöliakier {m} [auch: Zöliaker]
coeliac arteriography [Br.] Zöliakographie {f}
coeliac arteriography [Br.] Zöliakografie {f}
coeliac condition [Br.] Sprue {f} [Unverträglichkeit von Gluten]
coeliac condition [Br.] Zöliakie {f}
coeliac disease [Br.] Sprue {f} [Unverträglichkeit von Gluten]
coeliac disease [Br.] Zöliakie {f}
coeliac disease [Br.]Coeliakie {f} [Rsv.]
coeliac plexus [Br.] [solar plexus]Sonnengeflecht {n}
coeliac plexus [solar plexus] [Br.] Solarplexus {m}
coeliac sprue [Br.]Zöliakie {f}
coeliac trunc [Truncus coeliacus] [Br.] Sonnengeflechtsarterie {f}
coeliacography [Br.]Zöliakographie {f}
coeliacography [Br.]Zöliakografie {f}
coeliacography [Br.]Coeliakographie {f}
coeliacography [Br.]Coeliakografie {f}
Coeligena torquata omissa [subspecies of the collared inca] [Subspezies des Brustband-Andenkolibri im Südosten von Peru und Bolivien]
coelioscopy [Br.]Zölioskopie {f}
coeloblastula Coeloblastula {f}
coelocaulyCoelokaulie {f}
coelogastrulaCoelogastrula {f}
coelom Zölom {n}
coelom Coelom {n}
coelom Cölom {n}
coelom epithelium Coelomepithel {n}
coelom formation Coelombildung {f}
coelom theory Coelomtheorie {f}
coelom theoryZölomtheorie {f} [selten] [Coelomtheorie]
coelom theoryCölomtheorie {f} [selten] [Coelomtheorie]
coelom wall Coelomwand {f}
coelom wallZölomwand {f} [selten] [Coelomwand]
coelom wall Cölomwand {f}
coelomates [Coelomata] Coelomaten {pl}
coelomates [Coelomata] Coelomtiere {pl}
coelomates [Coelomata] Cölomtiere {pl} [seltener] [Coelomtiere]
coelomates [Coelomata] Cölomaten {pl} [selten] [Coelomaten]
coelomesoblast [rare or obs.] [mesothelium]Cölomesoblast {m} [selten bzw. veraltet]
coelomic canal Cölomkanal {m}
coelomic canalZölomkanal {m}
coelomic cavity Coelomhöhle {f}
coelomic cavity Zölomhöhle {f}
coelomic compartment Coelomkompartiment {n}
coelomic division Coelomgliederung {f}
coelomic epithelium Zölomepithel {n}
coelomic epithelium Coelomepithel {n} [fachspr.]
coelomic fluid Coelomflüssigkeit {f}
coelomic poreCoelompore {f}
coelomic sacCoelomsack {m}
coelomic sac Zölomsack {m}
coelomic spaceCoelomraum {m}
coelomocyte Coelomozyt {m}
coelomocyte Coelomocyt {m}
coelomoduct Coelomodukt {m}
coelomogenesis Coelomogenese {f}
coelomycetesKoelomyceten {pl}
coelothelial cell Coelothelzelle {f}
coelotheliumCoelothel {n}
coelurosaurs [Coelurosauria] [extinct] Coelurosaurier {pl} [ausgestorben]
coelution Koelution {f}
co-emperorMitkaiser {m}
co-empress [Coimperatrix augusta] [Holy Roman Empire] Mitkaiserin {f} [Heiliges Römisches Reich]
coenaesthesia [Br.]Zönästhesie {f}
coenaesthesia [esp. Br.]Coenästhesie {f} [Rsv.]
coenaesthesia [esp. Br.] Koenästhesie {f} [Rsv.]
coenaesthesia [esp. Br.] Zoenästhesie {f}
coenaesthetic schizophrenia zönästhetische Schizophrenie {f}
coenagrionids [family Coenagrionidae] Coenagrioniden {pl}
coendou [genus Coendou] Greifstachler {m}
coenenchyme [soft corals] Coenenchym {n} [bei Weichkorallen]
coenobia {pl}Coenobien {pl}
coenobite [spv.] Klostermönch {m}
coenobium Coenobium {n}
coenocarpous [Br.] coenokarp
coenocytic coenocytisch
coenogenesis Caenogenese {f}
coenological zönologisch
coenosarcCoenosark {n}
coenosarcCoenosarc {n}
coenosarc Zönosark {n}
coenosis [Br.]Zönose {f}
coenosorus Coenosorus {m}
coenosteum Coenosteum {n}
coenotic [Br.] zönotisch
coenotope [Br.] Zönotop {n}
coenozygoteCoenozygote {f}
coenozygoteZönozygote {f}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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