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English-German Dictionary

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coffer [fig.]Kasse {f} [Geldsäckel, finanzielle Mittel]
coffer dam Kofferdamm {m} [Wasserbau, Schiffbau]
cofferdam Kofferdamm {m} [Wasserbau, Schiffbau]
cofferdam Caisson {m}
cofferdam Senkkasten {m}
cofferdam Fangedamm {m}
cofferdamKastendamm {m}
coffered ceiling Kassettendecke {f}
coffered ceilingFelderdecke {f} [Kassettendecke]
coffered domeKassettenkuppel {f}
coffered vaultKassettengewölbe {n}
cofferfishes [family Ostraciidae, order Tetraodontiformes]Kofferfische {pl}
coffering verwahrend
cofferingKassettierung {f}
coffering Verkofferung {f} [Kassettengestaltung von Sichtflächen, z. B. Decken]
coffers Kästen {pl}
coffersSchatzkammer {f}
coffers {pl} Säckel {m} [österr.] [südd.]
coffers {pl} [funds or financial reserves of an organization] Geldsäckel {m} [regional] [fig.] [Gelder oder Rücklagen]
coffers {pl} of the / a hospitalKliniksäckel {m} [ugs.]
coffers [municipal] städtische Finanzen {pl}
coffers [state coffers] Staatssäckel {m} [heute meist hum.]
coffers officeSchatzamt {n}
coffin Sarg {m}
coffin Totenschrein {m}
coffinTruhe {f} [Sarg]
coffin Lade {f} [veraltet] [Truhe, Sarg]
coffin Totenlade {f} [veraltet, noch regional] [Sarg]
coffin Totenbaum {m} [schweiz.] [veraltet] [Sarg]
coffin Totenkiste {f} [ugs.] [seltener] [Sarg]
coffin annealing Glühen {n} in Paketen [Wärmebehandlung von Metall]
coffin bearerSargträger {m}
coffin bedSargbett {n}
coffin birth Sarggeburt {f}
coffin boneHufbein {n} [eines Pferdes]
coffin bouquet Sargbouquet {n}
coffin builderSargbauer {m}
coffin carriage Sargwagen {m}
coffin cartSargkarren {m}
coffin cart Sargwagen {m} [Karren]
coffin chamber Sargkammer {f}
coffin componentsSargbestandteile {pl}
coffin corner [coll.]Sargecke {f} [ugs.] [Flugmechanik: Punkt des fatalen Auftriebsverlustes in großer Flughöhe]
coffin designerSargdesigner {m}
coffin dodger [coll.] [hum.]Scheintoter {m}
coffin dollySargtransportwagen {m}
coffin factory Sargfabrik {f}
coffin fitting Sargbeschlag {m}
coffin fittings Sargbeschläge {pl}
coffin flowersSargblumen {pl}
coffin handle Sarggriff {m}
coffin handlesSarggriffe {pl}
coffin hotel [coll.] [pej.] [capsule hotel] Sarghotel {n} [ugs.] [pej.] [Kapselhotel]
coffin hygieneSarghygiene {f}
coffin interior Sarginnenausstattung {f}
coffin joint Hufgelenk {n}
coffin lead [fishing]Sargblei {n} [Angelsport]
coffin lid Sargdeckel {m}
coffin linenSargwäsche {f}
coffin liner Sargauskleidung {f}
coffin liningSargauskleidung {f}
coffin lowering apparatusSargversenkapparat {m}
coffin lowering deviceSargversenkgerät {n}
coffin makerSargmacher {m}
coffin makerSargtischler {m}
coffin maker Sargschreiner {m}
coffin maker's workshopSargtischlerei {f} [Werkstatt]
coffin maker's workshop Sargschreinerei {f} [Werkstatt]
coffin making Sargtischlerei {f} [ugs.] [Handwerk]
coffin manufactory Sargmanufaktur {f}
coffin manufacture Sargherstellung {f}
coffin manufacturer Sarghersteller {m}
coffin nail Sargnagel {m}
coffin nailsSargnägel {pl}
coffin nails [coll.] [cigarettes, especially strong unfiltered ones] Sargnägel {pl} [ugs. für: Zigaretten] [hum.] [fig.]
coffin openingSargöffnung {f}
coffin plate Sargschild {n} [Namensschild des Verstorbenen]
coffin ray [Hypnos monopterygius, syn.: H. monopterygium, Lophius monopterygius]Birnen-Zitterrochen {m}
coffin rollerSargroller {m}
coffin screw Sargschraube {f}
coffin screws Sargschrauben {pl}
coffin seal Sargabdichtung {f}
coffin store Sarglager {n}
coffin storeSargmagazin {n}
coffin textSargtext {m}
coffin texts Sargtexte {pl}
coffin upholsterySargausstattung {f}
coffin warehouse Sarglager {n}
coffin-bearer Sargträger {m}
coffinbird [Caprimulgus macrurus] [large-tailed nightjar]Langschwanz-Nachtschwalbe {f}
coffinite [U(SiO4)1-x(OH)4x] Coffinit {m}
coffin-lowering apparatus Sargversenkapparat {m}
coffin-lowering device Sargversenkgerät {n}
Coffin-Lowry syndromeCoffin-Lowry-Syndrom {n}
coffin-makerSargmacher {m}
coffinmakerSargmacher {m}
coffinmakerSargtischler {m}
coffin-makerSargtischler {m}
coffinmaker Sargschreiner {m}
« coefcoencoexcoffcoffcoffcoffcogncogncohecoin »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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