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cohyponymKohyponym {n}
cohyponymy Kohyponymie {f}
coi nudibranch [Chromodoris coi, syn.: Glossodoris coi, Goniobranchus coi] Koi-Prachtsternschnecke {f} [auch: Coi-Prachtsternschnecke]
Coiba Island howler [Alouatta coibensis] Coiba-Brüllaffe {m}
Coiban agouti [Dasyprocta coibae] Coiba-Aguti {n}
coif Bundhaube {f}
coif [Br.] [jur, hist]weiße Kappe {f} der Anwälte [besonders der sergeants at law]
coiffeur Friseur {m}
coiffeur Frisör {m}
coiffeursFriseure {pl}
coiffeurs Frisöre {pl}
coiffeuse Coiffeuse {f} [schweiz., sonst geh.]
coiffure [formal or hum.]Haartracht {f}
coiffure [formal]Coiffure {f} [veraltet] [kunstvoll gestaltete Frisur]
coiffure [formal] Frisur {f}
coiffured frisiert
coign [archaic for: quoin] Bossenecke {f}
coign [wedge] Keil {m}
coign of vantagegünstige Ecke {f}
coign of vantage vorteilhafter Standpunkt {m}
coihue [Nothofagus dombeyi] Coihue-Südbuche {f}
coihue [Nothofagus dombeyi] Coihue {f}
coihue [Nothofagus dombeyi] Chilenische Scheinbuche {f}
coilSpirale {f} [Verhütungsmittel]
coilSpule {f}
coil Wendel {f}
coilWicklung {f}
coil Rolle {f}
coil Taurolle {f}
coil Windung {f}
coil [obs.] Aufruhr {m}
coil [obs.]Wirrwarr {m} [ugs. häufig {n}]
coil applicatorSpulenapplikator {m}
coil arrangement Spulenanordnung {f}
coil boxSpulenkasten {m}
coil coatings Bandlacke {pl}
coil cushion Spulenkissen {n}
coil diameterWickeldurchmesser {m}
coil diameter [sheet metal production] Coildurchmesser {m} [Stahlblecherzeugung] [auch: Coil-Durchmesser]
coil element Spulenelement {n}
coil gong [clock]Tonfeder {f} [Uhr]
coil gun Gaußgewehr {n}
coil ignition Spulenzündung {f}
coil inductanceSpuleninduktivität {f}
coil loading Bespulung {f}
coil mat Spulenmatte {f}
coil methodWulsttechnik {f} [Keramik]
coil nails magazinierte Nägel {pl}
coil of hair Locke {f}
coil (of hair) Haarkranz {m}
coil of rope Rolle {f} Seil
coil of the wire Windung {f} des Drahts
coil of (the) small intestineDünndarmknäuel {m} {n}
coil of wire Rolle {f} Draht
coil profileSpulenprofil {n}
coil resistanceSpulenwiderstand {m}
coil roller Spiralstabwalze {f} [landwirtschaftliches Gerät]
coil rollerWendelstabwalze {f} [landwirtschaftliches Gerät]
coil section Spulenabschnitt {m}
coil side Spulenseite {f}
coil spring Schraubenfeder {f}
coil spring Spiralfeder {f}
coil springSprungfeder {f}
coil spring Drehfeder {f}
coil springs Spiralfedern {pl}
coil springsSprungfedern {pl}
coil stamp Rollenmarke {f}
coil technique [pottery] Wulsttechnik {f} [Keramik]
coil trough Coilmulde {f}
coil voltage Spulenspannung {f}
coil whine [e.g. of a video card]Spulenfiepen {n} [z. B. einer Grafikkarte]
coil winder Aufspuler {m}
coil windingSpulenwindung {f}
coil winding Spulenwicklung {f}
coil winding machineSpulenwickelmaschine {f}
coil winding technology Spulenwickeltechnik {f}
coil zipper Spiralreißverschluss {m}
coiled aufgewickelt
coiled gewickelt
coiled bratwurst Bratwurstschnecke {f}
coiled cable Wendelkabel {n}
coiled cablegewendeltes Kabel {n}
coiled coilDoppelwendel {f}
coiled coil <CC> Superhelix {f}
coiled coil <CC>Coiled-Coil {f} <CC>
coiled cord Spiralkabel {n}
coiled electrodeWendelelektrode {f}
coiled filament Glühwendel {f} [ugs. auch {m}, auch {n}]
coiled potaus Wülsten aufgebauter Topf {m}
coiled razor cable Spiralkabel {n} für Rasierer [ugs.]
coiled rose slug [Allantus cinctus, syn.: A. cinctipes, Emphytus cinctipes, E. cinctus] Rosen-Sägewespe / Rosensägewespe {f}
coiled rose slug [Allantus cinctus, syn.: A. cinctipes, Emphytus cinctipes, E. cinctus] Weißgegürtelte Rosen-Blattwespe / Rosenblattwespe {f}
coiled rose slug [Allantus cinctus, syn.: A. cinctipes, Emphytus cinctipes, E. cinctus]Weißband-Rosenblattwespe {f}
coiled sausage Bratwurstschnecke {f}
coiled spring Sprungfeder {f}
coiled spring pin Spannstift {m}
coiled spring pinSpiralspannstift {m}
coiled trumpet (zirkulär) gewundene Trompete {f}
« coffcoffcogncogncohecohycoilcoinco-icokecold »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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