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coke jaw [sl.] Kiefermahlen {n} [unter Drogeneinfluss]
coke of peatTorfkoks {m}
coke oven Koksofen {m}
coke oven gas Kokereigas {n}
coke oven gas Koksofengas {n}
coke oven worker Kokereiarbeiter {m}
coke production Koksproduktion {f}
coke productionKokserzeugung {f}
coke residueVerkokungsrückstand {m}
coke spoon [sl.] Kokainlöffel {m}
coke yieldKoksausbeute {f}
Coke® [short for: Coca-Cola®] Coca {n} {f} [kurz für: Coca-Cola®]
Coke® [short for: Coca-Cola®] Coke® {n} {f} [kurz für: Coca-Cola®]
Coke-bottle glasses {pl} [coll.]Aschenbecherbrille {f} [ugs.]
coke-head [Am.] [sl.] [spv. for: cokehead] [a cocaine addict]Kokser {m} [ugs.] [Kokainsüchtiger]
cokehead [female] [sl.] Kokserin {f} [ugs.]
cokehead [sl.]Kokser {m} [ugs.]
cokehead [sl.] Koksnase {f} [ugs.] [Kokainschnupfer]
cokehead [sl.] [cocaine user] Koksschnupfer {m} [ugs.]
coke-heatedmit Koks beheizt
cokernelKokern {m}
cokeryKokerei {f}
coking verkokend
co-king Mitkönig {m}
coking [e.g. of coal] Verkokung {f}
coking capacity Kokereikapazität {f}
coking coal Kokskohle {f}
coking plantKokerei {f}
colGebirgspass {m}
col Sattel {m}
colJoch {n}
colCol {m}
col Col {m} [Gebirgspass]
col plasmid Col-Plasmid {m}
[col between the Jungfrau and Mönch mountains in the Bernese alps]Jungfraujoch {n}
colaCola {f} {n}
colaKola {pl}
cola and lemonade mix kalter Kaffee {m} [regional] [Mischgetränk aus Cola und Zitronenlimonade]
cola nut Kolanuß {f} [alt]
cola nut Kolanuss {f}
cola nut gall wasp [Andricus lignicolus, syn.: A. lignicola, A. vanherni, Cynips lignicola]Holzkugel-Gallwespe {f}
cola nut (tree) [Cola acuminata, syn.: Sterculia acuminata] Kleiner Kolabaum {m}
cola nutsKolanüsse {pl}
cola seed Kolasamen {m}
cola (tree) [Cola nitida, syn.: Sterculia nitida] Großer Kolabaum {m}
[cola drink mixed with fizzy lemonade or with (wheat) beer] Negerschweiß {m} [ugs.] [regional] [veraltend] [gilt bei manchen als rassistisch] [Cola-Mix-Getränk, z. B. „Spezi“ oder Biermischgetränk, z. B. „Cola-Weizen“]
coladeiraColadeira {f}
colanderSieb {n} [z. B. für Gemüse, Nudeln]
colanderDurchschlag {m} [grobes Sieb] [bes. fachspr.]
colander Seiher {m} [österr., südd.: Sieb]
colander Kochsieb {n}
colanderNudelsieb {n}
cola-nut gallHolzkugelgalle {f}
colas [genus Cola] Kolabäume {pl}
colasisi [Loriculus philippensis] Philippinenpapageichen {n}
colassal work Riesenwerk {n}
colatitudeKobreite {f}
Colbertism Colbertismus {m}
Colburn number <J>Colburn-Zahl {f} <J>
colcannon [Irish potato and cabbage stew]Colcannon {m} [irisches Eintopfgericht]
Colchester [England] Colchester {n}
Colchester native oyster [Ostrea edulis]Europäische Auster {f}
Colchester (native) oyster [Br.] [Ostrea edulis] Gemeine Auster {f}
Colchester (native) oyster [Br.] [Ostrea edulis]Essbare Auster {f} [Europäische Auster]
colchicine [C22H25NO6]Colchizin {n} [Rsv.] [Kolchizin] [fachspr. auch: Colchicin]
colchicine [C22H25NO6]Colchicin {n} [fachspr.] [Kolchizin]
colchicine [C22H25NO6] Kolchizin {n}
colchicum [Colchicum autumnale] Herbsttulpe {f} [selten] [veraltet] [Herbstzeitlose]
colchicum family {sg} [family Colchicaceae] Zeitlosengewächse {pl}
colchicum family {sg} [family Colchicaceae] Herbstzeitlosengewächse {pl}
colchicum family {sg} [family Colchicaceae]Colchicaceen {pl}
colchicums [family Colchicaceae] Colchicaceen {pl}
colchicums [family Colchicaceae] Zeitlosengewächse {pl}
colchicums [family Colchicaceae] Herbstzeitlosengewächse {pl}
ColchisKolchis {n}
Colchis bladdernut [Staphylea colchica]Kolchische Pimpernuss {f}
Colchis bladdernut [Staphylea colchica] Kaukasus-Pimpernussbaum {m}
Colclough's shark [Brachaelurus colcloughi, syn.: Heteroscyllium colcloughi] Blaugrauer Blindhai {m}
cold Erkältung {f}
cold kalt
coldKälte {f}
cold Katarrh {m}
coldVerkühlung {f} [regional, bes. österr.] [Erkältung]
cold [smile] frostig
cold [e.g. air, beverage, foam, front, glue, light] Kalt- [z. B. Luft, Getränk, Schaum, Front, Leim, Licht]
cold [e.g. allergy, bridge, desert, intolerance, pole, spell]Kälte- [z. B. Allergie, Brücke, Wüste, Intoleranz, Pol, Welle]
cold [e.g. lesion] minderspeichernd [Herd usw.]
cold [emotionally]gefühlskalt [eiskalt]
cold [freezing temperature] Frost {m}
cold [indifferent]indifferent
cold [runny nose]Schnupfen {m}
cold [runny nose]Strauchen {m} [österr.] [bayer.] [mundartlich für: Schnupfen]
cold [sexually] frigide
cold [unconcerned]gleichgültig
cold [unprepared, unannounced] unvorbereitet
cold adaptionKälteanpassung {f}
cold affusions [hydrotherapy] kalte Güsse {pl}
cold air Kaltluft {f}
« cohecohycoilcoinco-icokecoldcoldcoldcoldcold »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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