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collecting electrode Niederschlagselektrode {f}
collecting electrode Sammelelektrode {f}
collecting fee Inkassogebühr {f}
collecting flask Auffangkolben {m}
collecting lensSammellinse {f}
collecting main Sammelleitung {f}
collecting mania Sammelwut {f}
collecting mirror Sammelspiegel {m}
collecting node Sammelknoten {m}
collecting of dutiesZolleinnahmen {pl}
collecting of taxesEinnahme {f} von Steuern
collecting operation Inkassovorgang {m}
collecting orderInkassoauftrag {m}
collecting passion Sammelleidenschaft {f}
collecting pit Sammelgrube {f}
collecting point Sammelstelle {f}
collecting point Umschlagplatz {m}
collecting point for refuse Mistplatz {m} [österr.]
collecting pond [Br.]Wassertasse {f}
collecting pond [Br.] Kühlturmtasse {f}
collecting power Inkassovollmacht {f}
collecting power [of a lens] Sammelkraft {f} [einer Linse]
collecting roadSammelstraße {f}
collecting societyVerwertungsgesellschaft {f}
collecting stampsBriefmarkensammeln {n}
collecting tank Sammelbehälter {m}
collecting tankAuffangbecken {n}
collecting tank Sammelbecken {n}
collecting tank Sammeltank {m}
collecting tin Sammelbüchse {f}
collecting tinBüchse {f} [ugs.] [Sammelbüchse]
collecting tray Auffangsschale {f}
collecting vatAuffangwanne {f}
collecting vehicle Sammelfahrzeug {n}
collecting vesselAuffanggefäß {n}
collecting vessel Auffangbehälter {m}
collecting zone [catch range] Fangbereich {m}
collectionBuchbestand {m}
collection Kollektion {f}
collection Sammlung {f}
collectionAnsammlung {f} [Sammlung]
collectionEingang {m}
collection Einsammeln {n}
collection Einzug {m}
collectionErfassung {f} von Daten
collection Inkasso {n}
collection Vereinnahmung {f}
collectionKollekte {f}
collectionVersammlung {f}
collectionAbholung {f}
collectionEinsammlung {f}
collectionBezug {m} [schweiz.] [Einzug, Einziehen]
collection [act of collecting money, rent] Kassierung {f} [von Geld, Miete]
collection [collective volume] Sammelband {m}
collection [compilation] Zusammenstellung {f}
collection [e.g. data]Erhebung {f} [z. B. Daten]
collection [loose term for set, class, family or multiset] Collection {f}
collection [of mail from postboxes] Leerung {f}
collection [of sth., e.g. hats, scarfs] Galerie {f} [meist hum.] [(von) etw., z. B. Galerie schöner Hüte, Galerie von Hüten]
collection agency Inkassobüro {n}
collection agencyInkassounternehmen {n}
collection and delivery Abholung und Anlieferung
collection areaSammelstation {f}
collection area [esp. of plants etc.]Sammelgebiet {n} [bes. räumlich]
collection assignment agreement Inkasso-Abtretungsvertrag {m}
collection at residence Abholung {f} in der Wohnung
collection at sourceQuellenbesteuerung {f}
collection bag Klingelbeutel {m}
collection bag Auffangbeutel {m}
collection basin Wassertasse {f}
collection basinKühlturmtasse {f}
collection basketSammelkörbchen {n}
collection binder Sammelordner {m}
collection box Sammelbüchse {f}
collection boxSammelbox {f}
collection by hand Inkasso {n} durch Boten
collection camp Sammellager {n}
collection catalog [Am.]Sammlungskatalog {m}
collection catalogue Sammlungskatalog {m}
collection chamberSammelraum {m}
collection charge Hebegebühr {f}
collection charges Inkassogebühren {pl}
collection charges Einzugsspesen {pl}
collection container Auffangbehälter {m}
collection container Sammelcontainer {m} [für Altglas, Metall, Textilien etc.]
collection costs Inkassokosten {pl}
collection costs Erhebungskosten {pl} [Steuern]
collection cup Sammeltasse {f}
collection data [data referring to collecting an item, specimen, etc.] Funddaten {pl}
collection date [pick-up date] Abholtermin {m}
collection departmentInkassoabteilung {f}
collection driveSammelaktion {f}
collection endorsementInkassoindossament {n}
collection expenses Inkassokosten {pl}
collection fee Inkassogebühr {f}
collection figureSammelfigur {f}
collection flat [Nazi time]Sammelwohnung {f} [auch: Judenwohnung]
collection folderSammelmappe {f}
collection gripper Sammelgreifer {m}
collection kit Entnahmekit {n}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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