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collector of minerals Mineraliensammler {m}
collector of minerals [female] Mineraliensammlerin {f}
collector of miniaturesSammler {m} von Miniaturen
collector of paintingsSammler {m} von Bildern
collector of paintingsGemäldesammler {m}
collector of prepuces [God] [hum.] [fig.]Vorhautsammler {m} [Gott] [hum.] [fig.]
collector of rare booksSammler {m} von seltenen Büchern
collector of rare books Sammler {m} seltener Bücher
collector of taxes Steuereinnehmer {m}
collector of works of art Sammler {m} von Kunstwerken
collector plate [collector anode] Auffanganode {f}
collector pump Kollektorpumpe {f}
collector region Kollektorbereich {m}
collector ring Schleifring {m}
collector seriesSammelserie {f}
collector series Sammlerserie {f}
collector series resistance Kollektorbahnwiderstand {m}
collector surface Kollektorfläche {f}
collector terminalKollektoranschluss {m}
collector trolley Mitnehmerwagen {m}
collector voltageKollektorspannung {f}
collector-base cutoff current Kollektor-Basis-Reststrom {m}
collector-emitter residual voltage Kollektor-Emitter-Restspannung {f}
collectors Sammler {pl}
collectors Kollektoren {pl}
collector's album Sammelalbum {n}
collectors' club Sammlerverein {m}
collectors' coinsSammlermünzen {pl}
collector's dollSammlerpuppe {f}
collector's editionSammlerausgabe {f}
collectors' fairSammlerbörse {f}
collector's itemSammlerstück {n}
collector's itemLiebhaberstück {n}
collector's item Sammelobjekt {n}
collector's item Sammlerobjekt {n}
collector's itemSammlungsstück {n} [selten]
collectors' items Sammlungsstücke {pl} [selten]
collectors' meetingSammlerbörse {f} [Veranstaltung]
collector's office Büro {n} des Steuereinnehmers
collector's passionSammelleidenschaft {f}
collector's piece Sammelstück {n}
collector's piece [coll.] Sammlerstück {n}
collector's price Liebhaberpreis {m}
collectors' toys Sammlerspielzeuge {pl}
collector's value Sammlerwert {m}
collector's valueSammelwert {m}
collector's value Liebhaberwert {m}
colleen [Irish girl]irisches Mädchen {n}
colleen [Irish] [girl]Mädchen {n}
college Internat {n}
collegeAkademie {f}
college College {n}
college Hochschule {f}
college höhere Schule {f}
collegeKollegium {n}
college Kolleg {n}
college [Br.] [university college] Hochschulinstitut {n}
college [faculty of a university]Fakultät {f}
college [of music, agriculture, technology etc.]Fachhochschule {f} <FH>
college [school] Collegium {n} [veraltet] [Schule] [bes. in Schulnamen]
college ageCollege-Alter {n} [auch: Collegealter]
college broads [coll.] [pej.]College-Weiber {pl} [ugs.] [pej.] [auch: Collegeweiber]
college bud [Am.] Studienkumpel {m}
college cap Schulmütze {f}
college career Hochschulkarriere {f}
college careerCollege-Karriere {f}
college commitments Hochschulverpflichtungen {pl}
college creditLeistungspunkt {m} [für den Bachelorgrad]
college days {pl} Collegezeit {f}
college days {pl}Studienzeit {f}
college degree Hochschulabschluss {m}
college dropoutUni-Abbrecher {m} [ugs.]
college dropoutStudienabbrecher {m}
college dropout [female] Studienabbrecherin {f}
college education akademische Bildung {f}
college education Hochschulbildung {f}
college education höhere Schulbildung {f}
college education Hochschulausbildung {f}
college educationCollegeausbildung {f}
college education College-Ausbildung {f}
college for nursery education [in Austria] Bildungsanstalt {f} für Kindergartenpädagogik <Bakip> [österr.]
college forceps {pl} [one pair]College-Pinzette {f}
college friendSchulfreund {m}
college friendStudienfreund {m}
college friends Studienfreunde {pl}
college graduateHochschulabsolvent {m}
college graduate [female]Hochschulabsolventin {f}
college grounds {pl}Hochschulgelände {n}
college jacketCollegejacke {f} [auch: College-Jacke]
college library College-Bibliothek {f}
college libraryHochschulbibliothek {f}
college life Studentenleben {n}
College of Abbreviators [Curial office] Abbreviatorenkolleg {n}
College of Arms Heroldsamt {n}
college of art Kunstakademie {f}
College of Cardinals Kardinalkolleg {n}
College of Cardinals Kardinalskollegium {n}
College of Cardinals Kardinalkollegium {n} [Rsv.]
college of consultors Konsultorenkollegium {n}
college of education erziehungswissenschaftliche Hochschule {f}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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