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English-German Dictionary

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coloured hair [Br.] coloriertes Haar {n} [Rsv.]
coloured illustration [Br.]farbige Darstellung {f}
coloured illustration [Br.]farbige Illustration {f}
coloured labour {sg} [Br.] farbige Arbeitskräfte {pl}
coloured lacquer [Br.] farbiger Lack {m}
coloured laundry [Br.] Buntwäsche {f}
coloured lining [Br.] farbiger Futterstoff {m}
coloured liquid [Br.] Farbflüssigkeit {f}
coloured man [Br.] Farbiger {m}
coloured map [Br.] farbige Karte {f}
coloured marble [Br.]Buntmarmor {m}
coloured noise [Br.]farbiges Rauschen {n}
coloured paper [Br.] farbiges Papier {n}
coloured paper [Br.] getöntes Papier {n}
coloured paper [Br.] Buntpapier {n}
coloured pen [Br.]Farbstift {m} [Filzstift etc.]
coloured pencil [Br.]Farbstift {m}
coloured pencil [Br.] Buntstift {m}
coloured pencil drawing [Br.] Buntstiftzeichnung {f}
coloured pencils [Br.] Buntstifte {pl}
coloured people [Br.]farbige Leute {pl}
coloured person [Br.] Farbiger {m}
coloured (person) [mixed race] [Br.] Mischling {m}
coloured picture [Br.] farbiges Bild {n}
coloured population [Br.]farbige Bevölkerung {f}
coloured print [Br.]Farbendruck {m} [Bild]
coloured prints [Br.] Farbdrucke {pl}
coloured race [Br.]farbige Rasse {f}
coloured races [Br.]farbige Rassen {pl}
coloured revolution [Br.] Farbrevolution {f}
coloured ribbon [Br.] farbiges Band {n}
coloured screw [Br.]farbige Schraube {f}
coloured skin [Br.] farbige Haut {f}
coloured spectacles [one pair] [Br.] farbige Brille {f}
coloured tape [Br.]Farbband {n}
coloured top [Br.] farbiges Oberteil {n}
coloured tracer thread [Br.] Kennfaden {m}
coloured wash [Br.] farbige Spülung {f}
coloured washing [Br.]Buntwäsche {f}
coloured woman [Br.]Farbige {f}
coloured woman [Br.] farbige Frau {f}
coloured writing ink [Br.]farbige Tinte {f}
coloureds {pl} [Br.] [clothes for washing] Buntwäsche {f}
coloureds [Br.]Farbige {pl}
coloureds [Br.] [esp. in Southern Africa] Coloureds {pl} [Personen nicht rein europ. oder afrikan. (Bantu) Abstammung, bes. im südl. Afrika]
colour-encoding system [Br.] Farbnorm {f}
colourfast [Br.] farbecht
colour-fast [Br.]farbecht
colourfastness [Br.] Farbechtheit {f}
colour-field painting [Br.]Farbfeldmalerei {f}
colour-filter [Br.] Farbfilter {m} [fachspr. meist {n}]
colourful [Br.] bunt
colourful [Br.] farbenfreudig
colourful [Br.] farbenprächtig
colourful [Br.] farbenfroh
colourful [Br.]bunt schillernd
colourful [Br.]farbreich
colourful [Br.] buntfarben [veraltend für: buntfarbig]
colourful [Br.] buntfarbig
colourful [Br.]farbenreich
colourful [Br.] [a story etc.] anschaulich
colourful [Br.] [also fig.] schillernd [auch fig.]
colourful [Br.] [euphem.] [vulgar or rude (language)] vulgär [Sprache]
colourful [Br.] [vivid, lively] farbig [lebhaft]
colourful [fig.] [Br.] [e.g. colourful past]bewegt [fig.] [z. B. bewegte Vergangenheit]
colourful character [Br.] schillernde Persönlichkeit {f}
colourful figures [Br.] schillernde Figuren {pl}
colourful figures [Br.]schillernde Gestalten {pl}
colourful hypselodoris [Br.] [Hypselodoris infucata, syn.: Doris infucata]Feuer-Prachtstern {m} [Meeresschneckenart]
colourful hypselodoris [Br.] [Hypselodoris infucata, syn.: Doris infucata] Feuer-Sternschnecke {f}
colourful personality [Br.]schillernde Persönlichkeit {f}
colourful puffleg [Eriocnemis mirabilis] [Br.] Weißohr-Schneehöschen {n}
colourful puffleg [Eriocnemis mirabilis] [Br.] Blaubauch-Höschenkolibri {m}
colourful style [Br.] farbenprächtiger Stil {m}
colourfully [Br.]bunt
colourfully chequered [Br.] bunt kariert
colourfully painted [Br.] bunt bemalt
colourfulness [Br.] Buntheit {f}
colourfulness [Br.] Farbenpracht {f}
colourfulness [Br.] Farbigkeit {f}
colour-guided system [Br.] Farbleitsystem {n} <FLS>
colouring [Br.] färbend
colouring [Br.]Färbung {f}
colouring [Br.]Farbgebung {f}
colouring [Br.] Farbton {m}
colouring [Br.] Einfärbung {f}
colouring [Br.] Farbstoff {m}
colouring [Br.]Einfärben {n}
colouring [Br.] Kolorit {n}
colouring agent [Br.] Farbträger {m}
colouring agent [Br.] Farbstoff {m}
colouring agent [Br.] [food colour] Schmuckdroge {f} [um Lebensmittel zu färben]
colouring book [Br.] Malbuch {n}
colouring case [Br.] Malkoffer {m}
colouring earth [Br.] Farberde {f}
colouring matter [Br.] [for textiles etc.]Färbemittel {n} [zum Färben von Stoff etc.]
colouring matter [Br.] [for treating surfaces] Farbmittel {n} [zur Oberflächenbehandlung]
colouring oxide [Br.]Farboxid {n}
colouring pencils [Br.]Buntstifte {pl}
colouring picture [Br.]Ausmalbild {n}
« colocolocolocolocolocolocolocolucolucolucomb »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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