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English-German Dictionary

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combination Verbindung {f}
combination Verbund {m}
combinationVereinigung {f}
combinationZusammenhang {m}
combination Zusammenschluss {m}
combination Zusammenstellung {f}
combination Verquickung {f}
combination Mischung {f}
combination Mariage {f} [ugs.] [fig.] [veraltend] [Verbindung]
combination {sg} of circumstancesUmstände {pl}
combination [football / soccer]Ballstafette {f} [Fußball]
combination action [organ] Kombination {f}
combination bed-sitting room Wohnschlafzimmer {n}
combination boiler Verbundkessel {m}
combination cap [Am.]Schirmmütze {f} [Uniformteil]
combination carrierKombischiff {n}
combination carrierMehrzwecktransporter {m}
combination clasp Kombinationsklammer {f}
combination color [Am.]Mischfarbe {f}
combination colour [Br.] Mischfarbe {f}
combination crew Renngemeinschaft {f} [Rudersport]
combination cutting toolsGesamtschneidwerkzeuge {pl}
combination drill and counterboreSpiralbohr- und Senkwerkzeug {n}
combination drill tapBohr-Gewinde-Werkzeug {n}
combination effectKombinationswirkung {f}
combination element Verknüpfungsglied {n}
combination franking [various stamps of same isssue] Buntfrankatur {f}
combination hammer [Am.]Schlicht- und Spitzhammer {m}
combination hammer [Am.] Spitz- und Schlichthammer {m}
combination hump <CH>Kombinationshump {m} <CH>
combination incendiary-demolition bomb Sprengbrandbombe {f}
combination lock Buchstabenschloss {n}
combination lockKombinationsschloss {n}
combination lock Zahlenschloss {n}
combination lockZahlenkombinationsschloss {n}
combination lock Kombinationszahlenschloss {n}
combination modelKombinationsmodell {n}
combination of active ingredients Wirkstoffkombination {f}
combination of characteristics Merkmalskombination {f}
combination of circumstances Verknüpfung {f} von Umständen
combination of colours [Br.] Farbenzusammenstellung {f}
combination of featuresMerkmalskombination {f}
combination of fields [Am.] [major and minor]Fächerkombination {f}
combination of fields [Am.] [major and minor] Fächerverbindung {f}
combination of methods Verfahrenskombination {f}
combination of methods Methodenkombination {f}
combination of movementsBewegungsablauf {m}
combination of numbersZahlenkombination {f}
combination of subjectsKombination {f} von Themen
combination of values Wertekombination {f}
combination offerKombi-Angebot {n}
combination optionsKombinationsmöglichkeiten {pl}
combination packKombiverpackung {f}
combination pedal [organ]Pedalkombination {f}
combination play [football] Kombinationsspiel {n}
combination pliers {pl} [one pair]Kombizange {f}
combination pliers {pl} [one pair]Kombinationszange {f}
combination possibilitiesKombinationsmöglichkeiten {pl}
combination possibility Kombinationsmöglichkeit {f}
combination preparation Kombinationspräparat {n}
combination product Kombinationsprodukt {n}
combination runsKombinationsläufe {pl}
combination scissors {pl} [one pair]Kombischere {f}
combination scissors {pl} [one pair]Kombinationsschere {f}
combination shell end mill adapter [also: combination shell end mill arbor] Kombi-Fräser-Aufsteckdorn {m}
combination shell end mill arbor [toolholder]Kombiaufsteckfräserdorn {m} [Werkzeughalter]
combination skin Mischhaut {f}
combination spanner [Br.]Ring-Maulschlüssel {m}
combination spanner [Br.]Ringmaulschlüssel {m}
combination spanner [Br.]Gabel-Ringschlüssel {m} [DIN 3113A]
combination spanner [Br.] Maul-Ringschlüssel {m}
combination square [Punnett square] Kombinationsquadrat {n}
combination studiesVerbundstudium {n}
combination (suit)Mehrteiler {m}
combination therapy Kombinationstherapie {f}
combination therapy Kombitherapie {f} [ugs.] [Kombinationstherapie]
combination tone / note [3rd resultant tone from playing 2 notes] Kombinationston {m}
combination toolKombinationswerkzeug {n}
combination tool Kombiwerkzeug {n} [auch: Kombi-Werkzeug]
combination treatmentKombinationsbehandlung {f}
combination treatmentKombinationstherapie {f}
combination vaccineKombinationsimpfstoff {m}
combination wageKombilohn {m}
combination wrenchGabel-Ringschlüssel {m}
combination wrench Kombischlüssel {m}
combination wrench Ring-Maulschlüssel {m}
combination wrench Mehrfachschraubenschlüssel {m}
combination wrench Ringmaulschlüssel {m}
combination wrenchGabelringschlüssel {m}
[combination of hatchback and notchback]Stummelheck {m} [Mischform aus Schrägheck und Stufenheck]
[combination of middle and secondary school in Saarland]Erweiterte Realschule {f} <ERS> [Saarland]
[combination of regular university and "Fachhochschule", 1971–2003]Gesamthochschule {f} <GH, GHS>
combinational circuit Schaltnetz {n}
combinational logicSchaltungslogik {f}
combinational logic <CL> kombinatorische Logik {f}
combinations Kombinationen {pl}
combinations Zusammenstellungen {pl}
combinations {pl} [dated] [one pair] Hemdhose {f}
combinations of colours [Br.] Farbenzusammenstellungen {pl}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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