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comfortable komfortabel
comfortable ungezwungen
comfortable gemächlich
comfortablekommod [österr., sonst veraltet]
comfortablegriabig [bayer.]
comfortable [comfortably off, well off]wohlhäbig [schweiz.] [sonst veraltet]
comfortable [majority] satt [Mehrheit]
comfortable [pleasantly relaxed] entspannt
comfortable ambienceGemütlichkeit {f}
comfortable (ambient) temperature Wohlfühltemperatur {f}
comfortable circumstances auskömmliche Verhältnisse {pl}
comfortable clothes {pl} bequeme Kleidung {f}
comfortable feeling Wohlbehagen {n}
comfortable friendliness Gemütlichkeit {f}
comfortable home behagliches Haus {n}
comfortable house behagliches Haus {n}
comfortable income ausreichendes Einkommen {n}
comfortable journey bequeme Reise {f}
comfortable living auskömmliches Einkommen {n}
comfortable middle-class homegutbürgerliches Zuhause {n}
comfortable position auskömmliche Stellung {f}
comfortable salary auskömmliches Gehalt {n}
comfortable search capabilities komfortable Suchmöglichkeiten {pl}
comfortable seat bequemer Sitzplatz {m}
comfortable shoe Treter {m}
comfortable shoes Treter {pl}
comfortable suit bequemer Anzug {m}
comfortable temperatureangenehme Temperatur {f}
comfortablenessBehaglichkeit {f}
comfortableness Gemütlichkeit {f}
comfortablenessBequemlichkeit {f}
comfortablier komfortabler
comfortably behaglich
comfortably komfortabel
comfortably geruhsam
comfortably angenehm
comfortably gut und gern
comfortably ruhig
comfortably [fig.] sicher
comfortably circumstanced auskömmlich versorgt
comfortably numbangenehm betäubt
comfortably off mit ausreichendem Vermögen ausgestattet
comfortably offwohlhabend
comfortably situated bequem gelegen
comfortably warmwohlig warm
comforter Schnuller {m}
comforterWollschal {m}
comforter Tröster {m}
comforter [Am.]Daunendecke {f}
comforter [Am.]Steppdecke {f}
comforter [female] Trösterin {f}
comforter [female] Trostspenderin {f} [geh.]
comforter [one that gives comfort]Seelentröster {m}
comforter [person or thing that provides consolation]Trostspender {m} [geh.]
comforter cover [Am.] [duvet cover]Deckenbezug {m}
comforting tröstend
comforting tröstlich
comforting behaglich
comforting beruhigend [tröstlich]
comforting wordströstende Worte {pl}
comfortingly tröstlich
comfortingly tröstend
comfortless dürftig
comfortless ohne Trost [nachgestellt]
comfortless ungemütlich
comfortless ohne Komfort [nachgestellt]
comfortless home unbehagliches Haus {n}
comfortless life dürftiges Leben {n}
comfortless lifeLeben {n} ohne Auskommen
comfortlessly trostlos
comforts Annehmlichkeiten {pl}
comforts Behaglichkeiten {pl}
comfortsBequemlichkeiten {pl}
comforts of friendship Freuden {pl} der Freundschaft
comforts of home Behaglichkeit {f} des eigenen Heims
comforts of lifeAnnehmlichkeiten {pl} des Lebens
[comforts]Angenehmlichkeiten {pl} [FALSCH für: Annehmlichkeiten]
comfrey [genus Symphytum] Beinwell {m}
comfrey [genus Symphytum]Wallwurz {f} [veraltet]
comfrey [Symphytum officinale] Echter Beinwell {m}
comfrey [Symphytum officinale]Schwarzwurz {f}
comfreys [genus Symphytum]Beinwurze {pl} [veraltet]
comfy [coll.] behaglich
comfy [coll.] bequem
comfy [coll.]gemütlich
comfy [coll.] [comfortable]komfortabel
comfy old bed [used by lovers]Lotterbett {n}
comic komisch [spaßhaft, ulkig: Rolle, Person, Oper]
« combComeComecomecomecomfcomicomicomicommcomm »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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