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comiculkig [ugs.]
comicComic {m} [auch {n}]
comic [comedian] Komiker {m}
comic [female] Komikerin {f}
comic [periodical] Comic-Heft {n}
comic [periodical] Comicheftchen {n}
comic [periodical]Comicheft {n}
comic actor komischer Schauspieler {m}
comic actor Komödiant {m}
comic actor Komödiendarsteller {m}
comic actress komische Schauspielerin {f}
comic actress Komödiantin {f}
comic artistComiczeichner {m}
comic balletBallettkomödie {f}
comic baritoneCharakterbariton {m}
comic bass Bassbuffo {m} [Oper, Operette]
comic book Buch {n} mit Karikaturen
comic book Comicbuch {n}
comic book [Am.]Comicheft {n}
Comic Book Guy [The Simpsons]Comicbuchverkäufer {m} [Die Simpsons]
comic book seriesComicserie {f}
comic book writerComicautor {m}
comic (book) adaptationComicverfilmung {f}
comic (book) store Comicladen {m}
comic book-basedauf dem Comic basierend
comic books Comicalben {pl}
comic cartoon Karikatur {f}
comic character spaßiger Charakter {m}
comic character Comicfigur {f}
comic collectionComicsammlung {f}
comic collectionComic-Sammlung {f}
comic collector Comicsammler {m}
comic collectorComic-Sammler {m}
comic collector [female]Comicsammlerin {f}
comic collector [female] Comic-Sammlerin {f}
comic dramatist Lustspieldichter {m}
comic features komische Züge {pl}
comic figure komische Figur {f}
comic illustrator Comiczeichner {m}
comic magazine lustige Zeitschrift {f} mit Karikaturen
comic newspaper [for a closed group] Bierzeitung {f}
comic opera komische Oper {f}
comic paper Witzblatt {n}
comic paperlustige Zeitschrift {f} mit Karikaturen
comic paperZeitschrift {f} mit lustigen Bildgeschichten
comic papers Witzblätter {pl}
comic performer Komiker {m}
comic performer [female] Komikerin {f}
comic poemspaßiges Gedicht {n}
comic poetkomischer Poet {m}
comic poet Komödiendichter {m}
comic publisherComicverlag {m}
comic reliefkomische Auflockerung {f}
comic relief [stylistic device]befreiende Komik {f} [in einer ernsten, spannenden, oder traurigen Situation]
comic reportage Comic-Reportage {f}
comic roleKomikrolle {f}
comic series Comicreihe {f}
comic situation komische Situation {f}
comic song Couplet {n}
comic soprano Charaktersopran {m} [Stimmfach]
comic story komische Geschichte {f}
comic strip Bildgeschichte {f}
comic stripComic-Strip {m}
comic stripkomische Bildergeschichte {f}
comic strip Comicstreifen {m}
comic stripComicstrip {m}
comic strips gezeichnete Bildergeschichten {pl}
comic studies {pl} Comicforschung {f}
comic vein komische Natur {f}
comic verse komischer Vers {m}
comical komisch [spaßhaft, ulkig]
comical drollig
comical lächerlich
comical spaßhaft
comical spaßig
comical ulkig [ugs.]
comical possierlich
comical [hilarious] köstlich [sehr komisch, äußerst amüsant]
comical effect komischer Effekt {m}
comical effectspaßige Wirkung {f}
comical nature komisches Wesen {n}
comical tale spaßige Erzählung {f}
comicalityLächerlichkeit {f}
comicalityKomik {f}
comically komisch
comically ulkig [ugs.]
comicalnessSpaßigkeit {f}
comicalness of the situationSituationskomik {f}
comicar [obs.] [rare] [writer of comedies]Komödienschreiber {m}
comicness Spaßhaftigkeit {f}
comics Comicalben {pl}
comics [entertainers]Komiker {pl}
comics authorComicautor {m}
comics author [female] Comicautorin {f}
comics collection Comicsammlung {f}
comics collection Comic-Sammlung {f}
comics museum Comicmuseum {n}
« ComeComecomecomecomfcomicomicomicommcommcomm »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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