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commemorative book Festheft {n}
commemorative bookGedenkbuch {n}
commemorative booklet Festheft {n}
commemorative candle [Jewish]Jahrzeitlicht {n}
commemorative certificate Erinnerungsurkunde {f}
commemorative coin Erinnerungsmünze {f}
commemorative coin Gedenkmünze {f}
commemorative cross Gedenkkreuz {n}
commemorative cultureErinnerungskultur {f}
commemorative editionErinnerungsausgabe {f}
commemorative event Gedenkveranstaltung {f}
commemorative exhibition Erinnerungsausstellung {f}
commemorative festivalErinnerungsfest {n}
commemorative floatMotivwagen {m} [bei Umzügen]
commemorative medal Erinnerungsmedaille {f}
commemorative medal Gedenkmünze {f}
commemorative medalDenkmünze {f}
commemorative medalGedächtnismedaille {f}
commemorative medalGedenkmedaille {f}
commemorative meeting Erinnerungstreffen {n}
commemorative merchandiseArtikel {pl}, die an ein Ereignis erinnern
commemorative merchandise {sg}Memorabilia {pl}
commemorative of sb./sth.erinnernd an jdn./etw.
commemorative plaqueGedenktafel {f}
commemorative plaque Erinnerungsplakette {f}
commemorative poemErinnerungsgedicht {n}
commemorative prayerErinnerungsgebet {n}
commemorative publicationFestschrift {f} [Gedenkschrift]
commemorative rally Gedenkkundgebung {f}
commemorative service Gedächtnisfeier {f}
commemorative service Erinnerungsgottesdienst {m}
commemorative spaces Erinnerungsräume {pl}
commemorative speech Erinnerungsansprache {f}
commemorative speechGedenkrede {f}
commemorative stampErinnerungsbriefmarke {f}
commemorative stamp Gedenkbriefmarke {f}
commemorative stamp Gedenkmarke {f}
commemorative stamp Sonderbriefmarke {f}
commemorative stamp Sondermarke {f}
commemorative stoneGedenkstein {m}
commemorative tablet Erinnerungstafel {f}
commemorative volumeGedenkschrift {f}
commemorative words Gedenkworte {pl}
commemorative words {pl} Erinnerungsrede {f}
commemorative year Gedenkjahr {n}
commenced angefangen
commenced begonnen
commenced [e.g. military offensive] angelaufen [begonnen]
commencementAnfang {m}
commencement Beginn {m}
commencement Start {m}
commencementAnbeginn {m} [geh.]
commencementAufnahme {f} [Beginn einer Tätigkeit, von Verhandlungen etc.]
commencement [graduation ceremony] Entlassungsfeier {f}
commencement [graduation ceremony] Abschlussfeier {f}
commencement addressRede {f} vor Universitätsabsolventen
commencement clause Kopf {m} einer Urkunde
commencement clausePräambel {f}
commencement exercises {pl} [Am.] [graduation ceremony]Abschlussfeier {f} [öffentliche Feier nach erfolgreichem Studienabschluss]
commencement of a journeyReiseantritt {m}
commencement of a journey [rare] Reisebeginn {m}
commencement of a policy Versicherungsbeginn {m}
commencement of action Erhebung {f} der Klage
commencement (of an act / law) Inkrafttreten {n} (eines Gesetzes)
commencement of an insuranceVersicherungsbeginn {m}
commencement of business Aufnahme {f} des Geschäfts
commencement of business Geschäftseröffnung {f}
commencement of businessGeschäftsbeginn {m}
commencement of business Inbetriebnahme {f} des Geschäfts
commencement of construction Baubeginn {m}
commencement of contractVertragsbeginn {m}
commencement of employment Beginn {m} der Beschäftigung
commencement of job Stellenantritt {m}
commencement of one's dutiesDienstantritt {m}
commencement of proceedings Beginn {m} des Verfahrens
commencement of proceedings Klageerhebung {f}
commencement of proceedings Verfahrensbeginn {m}
commencement of proceedings Rechtshängigkeit {f}
commencement of punishmentStrafantritt {m}
commencement of riskBeginn {m} der Gefahr
commencement of riskBeginn {m} des Risikos
commencement of sentence Strafantritt {m}
commencement of service / the services Leistungsbeginn {m}
commencement of the / a term Fristbeginn {m}
commencement of vaccinationsImpfstart {m}
commencement of work Beginn {m} der Arbeit
commencement of work Arbeitsantritt {m}
commencement speechRede {f} vor Universitätsabsolventen
commencements Anfänge {pl}
commencing date Anfangsdatum {n}
commencing salary Anfangsgehalt {n}
commencing wages {pl}Anfangslohn {m}
commencing with the expiration of the year beginnend mit dem Ablauf des Jahres
commencing workTätigkeitsaufnahme {f}
commendKommende {f}
Commend me to ... Empfiehl mich an ...
« comicomicomicommcommcommcommcommcommcommcomm »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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