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English-German Dictionary

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common chlorospingus [Chlorospingus flavopectus, syn.: Chlorospingus ophthalmicus] Finkentangare {f}
common chlorospingus [Chlorospingus flavopectus, syn.: Chlorospingus ophthalmicus] Braunkopftangare {f}
common chokecherry [Prunus virginiana]Virginische Traubenkirsche {f}
common chord (Akkord {m} in) Grundstellung {f}
common chub [Squalius cephalus, syn.: Leuciscus cephalus] Döbel {m}
common cicadabird [Coracina tenuirostris]Mönchsraupenfänger {m}
common cisticola [Cisticola juncidis, syn.: C. cisticola]Zistensänger {m}
common clary [Salvia sclarea, syn.: S. sclarea var. turkestanica]Weißer Muskateller-Salbei / Muskatellersalbei {m} [selten {f}: Weiße Muskateller-Salbei / Muskatellersalbei]
common clary [Salvia sclarea] Muskateller-Salbei / Muskatellersalbei {m} {auch: f}
common clary [Salvia sclarea]Muskatsalbei {m} [selten {f}]
common click beetle [Agriotes sputator]Gartenhumus-Schnellkäfer {m}
common click beetle [Agriotes sputator]Salatschnellkäfer {m}
common click beetle [Agriotes sputator] Gelbbrauner Schnellkäfer {m}
common clione [Clione limacina] Seeengel / See-Engel {m} [Meeresschneckenart]
common clothes moth [Tineola bisselliella] (Echte) Kleidermotte {f}
common clouded yellow [Colias croceus, also C. crocea] [butterfly] Achter {m} [Tagfalterspezies]
common clouded yellow [Colias croceus, also C. crocea] [butterfly](Großes) Posthörnchen {n} [Tagfalterart]
common clouded yellow [Colias croceus, also C. crocea] [butterfly] Orangeroter Kleefalter {m}
common clouded yellow [Colias croceus] [butterfly] Postillon {m} [Tagfalterart]
common clouded yellow [Colias croceus] [butterfly]Wander-Gelbling {m} [Tagfalterart]
common clouded yellow [Colias croceus] [butterfly] Postillion {m} [Tagfalterart]
common club grasshopper [Myrmeleotettix maculatus, syn.: Gomphocerus maculatus] Gefleckte Keulenschrecke {f}
common clubhook squid [Onychoteuthis banksii, syn.: O. aequimanus, O. fusiformis, O. lesueurii, Chaunoteuthis mollis, Loligo banksii, L. bartlingii, L. felina, Onykia angulatus, Teleoteuthis caroli] Gemeiner Hakenkalmar {m}
common clubmoss / club-moss [Lycopodium clavatum, syn.: L. divaricatum, Copodium oxynemum, Lepidotis clavata]Keulen-Bärlapp / Keulenbärlapp {m}
common clubtailGewöhnliche Keiljungfer {f} [Libellenart]
common clubtail [Gomphus vulgatissimus] Gemeine Keiljungfer {f} [Libellenart]
common club-tail [spv.] [Gomphus vulgatissimus] Gemeine Keiljungfer {f} [Libellenart]
common cockle [Cerastoderma edule]Gemeine Herzmuschel {f}
common cockle [Cerastoderma edule] Essbare Herzmuschel {f}
common cocklebur [Xanthium strumarium]Gewöhnliche Spitzklette {f}
common cockroach [Blatta orientalis]Küchenschabe {f}
common cockroach [Blatta orientalis]Brotschabe {f}
common cockroach [Blatta orientalis]Orientalische Schabe {f}
common cold grippaler Infekt {m}
common cold Erkältung {f}
common cold research Erkältungsforschung {f}
common collared lizard [Crotaphytus collaris]Halsbandleguan {m}
common collector circuitKollektorschaltung {f}
common collybia [Gymnopus dryophilus, syn.: Collybia dryophila]Waldfreund-Rübling / Waldfreundrübling {m}
common Colombian spindle snake [Atractus boulengerii]Gewöhnliche Kolumbianische Spindelnatter {f}
common columbine {sg} [Aquilegia vulgaris] Schlotterhosen {pl} [regional für: Gemeine Akelei]
common columbine {sg} [Aquilegia vulgaris] Zigeunerglocken {pl} [regional für: Gemeine Akelei]
common columbine {sg} [Aquilegia vulgaris] Kaiserglocken {pl} [regional für: Gemeine Akelei]
common columbine {sg} [Aquilegia vulgaris]Teufelsglocken {pl} [regional] [Gemeine Akelei]
common columbine {sg} [Aquilegia vulgaris]Tintenglocken {pl} [regional für: Gemeine Akelei]
common columbine {sg} [Aquilegia vulgaris] Fünf Vögerl {pl} [bayer.: Fünf Vögerl zsamm] [südd.] [Akelei]
common columbine {sg} [Aquilegia vulgaris] Narrenkappen {pl} [regional für: Gemeine Akelei]
common columbine [Aquilegia vulgaris] Gemeine Akelei {f}
common columbine [Aquilegia vulgaris]Wald-Akelei {f}
common columbine [Aquilegia vulgaris] Gemeine Wald-Akelei {f}
common columbine [Aquilegia vulgaris](Blaue) Narrenkappe {f} [regional für: Gemeine Akelei]
common columbine [Aquilegia vulgaris]Schlotterhose {f} [regional für: Gemeine Akelei]
common columbine [Aquilegia vulgaris] Aglei {f} [veraltet] [Akelei]
common columbine [Aquilegia vulgaris] Venuswagen {m} [regional für: Gemeine Akelei]
common columbine [Aquilegia vulgaris] Elfenhandschuh {m} [regional für: Gemeine Akelei]
common columbine [Aquilegia vulgaris] Frauenhandschuh {m} [regional für: Gemeine Akelei]
common columbine [Aquilegia vulgaris] Adlerblume {f} [regional] [Gemeine Akelei]
common columbine [Aquilegia vulgaris] Pfaffenkäpple {n} [regional für: Gemeine Akelei]
common columbine [Aquilegia vulgaris] Taubenblume {f} [regional für: Gemeine Akelei]
common columbine [Aquilegia vulgaris]Kapuzinerhütli {n} [auch Kapuzinerhüttli] [Gemeine Akelei]
common columbine [Aquilegia vulgaris] Harlekinsblume {f} [regional für: Gemeine Akelei]
common columbine [Aquilegia vulgaris] Jovisblume {f} [regional für: Gemeine Akelei]
common columbine [Aquilegia vulgaris] Gewöhnliche Akelei {f}
common comet star [Linckia guildingi] [starfish species] Guildings Seestern {m}
common comet star [Linckia guildingi] [starfish species] Gelber Rundarmstern {m} [Seesternart]
common comfrey [Symphytum officinale]Echter Beinwell {m}
common comfrey [Symphytum officinale] Gemeiner Beinwell {m}
common comfrey [Symphytum officinale] Arznei-Beinwell {m}
common comfrey [Symphytum officinale] Beinwurz {f}
common comfrey [Symphytum officinale]Bienenkraut {n}
common comfrey [Symphytum officinale] Hasenlaub {n}
common comfrey [Symphytum officinale]Milchwurz {f}
common comfrey [Symphytum officinale]Schadheilwurzel {f}
common comfrey [Symphytum officinale] Schmalwurz {f}
common comfrey [Symphytum officinale]Schwarzwurz {f}
common comfrey [Symphytum officinale]Wallwurz {f}
common conifer spider mite [Oligonychus ununguis]Fichtenspinnmilbe / Fichten-Spinnmilbe {f}
common conifer spider mite [Oligonychus ununguis] Nadelholzspinnmilbe / Nadelholz-Spinnmilbe {f}
common consent allgemeine Zustimmung {f}
common consent gemeinsames Einverständnis {n}
common control gemeinsame Regelung {f}
common copper (butterfly) [Lycaena phlaeas]Kleiner Feuerfalter {m}
common coral snake [Micrurus fulvius] Harlekin-Korallenotter {f}
common coral snake [Micrurus fulvius] Östliche Korallenotter {f}
common coral tree [Erythrina crista-galli] Korallenbaum {m}
common corbula [Corbula gibba](Kleine) Körbchenmuschel {f}
common corbula [Corbula gibba]Korbmuschel {f}
common cord moss [Funaria hygrometrica] Wetteranzeigendes Drehmoos {n}
common cordgrass [Spartina anglica] Salz-Schlickgras {n}
common cordgrass [Spartina anglica] Englisches Schlickgras {n}
common corePflichtfächer {pl}
common corn salad [Valerianella locusta, syn.: V. olitoria] Gemeiner Feldsalat {m}
common corn salad [Valerianella locusta, syn.: V. olitoria] Mausohr {n} [Mausohrsalat]
common corn salad [Valerianella locusta, syn.: V. olitoria]Rapunzel {f} [regional] [Feldsalat]
common corn salad [Valerianella locusta, syn.: V. olitoria] Saatrapünzchen {n}
common cosmos [Cosmos bipinnatus, syn.: C. bipinnata, C. spectabilis, Bidens bipinnata, B. formosa] Fiederblättrige Schmuckblume {f}
common cosmos [Cosmos bipinnatus, syn.: C. bipinnata, C. spectabilis, Bidens bipinnata, B. formosa] (Doppeltgefiedertes) Schmuckkörbchen {n}
common cosmos [Cosmos bipinnatus, syn.: C. bipinnata, C. spectabilis, Bidens bipinnata, B. formosa] Cosmea {f}
common costsGemeinkosten {pl}
common cotoneaster [Cotoneaster integerrimus, syn.: C. cotoneaster, C. intermedius, C. vilosus, C. vulgaris, Mespilus cotoneaster, Ostinia cotoneaster] Ungeteilte Zwergmispel {f}
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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