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English-German Dictionary

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common foxglove [Digitalis purpurea] Waldschelle {f} [regional] [Roter Fingerhut]
common fox-spider [Alopecosa pulverulenta] Dunkle Pantherspinne {f}
common fractiongewöhnlicher Bruch {m}
common fraction gemeiner Bruch {m}
common frangipani [Plumeria rubra] Roter Frangipani {m} [auch {f}: Rote Frangipani]
common frangipani [Plumeria rubra]Tempelbaum {m}
common freckle pelt (lichen) [Peltigera aphthosa]Apfelflechte {f}
common freshwater amphipod [Gammarus pulex, syn.: G. aquaticus, G. fluviatilis, G. polymorphus, Rivulogammarus pulex]Gewöhnlicher Flohkrebs {m}
common freshwater amphipod [Gammarus pulex, syn.: G. aquaticus, G. fluviatilis, G. polymorphus, Rivulogammarus pulex]Bachflohkrebs {m} [Gewöhnlicher Flohkrebs]
common freshwater shrimp [Gammarus pulex, syn.: G. aquaticus, G. fluviatilis, G. polymorphus, Rivulogammarus pulex]Gewöhnlicher Flohkrebs {m}
common freshwater shrimp [Gammarus pulex, syn.: G. aquaticus, G. fluviatilis, G. polymorphus, Rivulogammarus pulex] Bachflohkrebs {m} [Gewöhnlicher Flohkrebs]
common freshwater stickleback [Culaea inconstans] Nordamerikanischer Bachstichling {m}
common freshwater stickleback [Culaea inconstans] Fünfstacheliger Stichling {m}
common friend gemeinsamer Freund {m}
common fringe-rush / fringerush [Fimbristylis dichotoma] Gabelige Fransenbinse {f}
common fringe-rush / fringerush [Fimbristylis dichotoma] Einjährige Fransenbinse {f}
common fringe-rush / fringerush [Fimbristylis dichotoma]Gabel-Fransenbinse / Gabelfransenbinse {f}
common frogbit [Am.] [Hydrocharis morsus-ranae] (Europäischer) Froschbiss {m}
common frogbit [Am.] [Hydrocharis morsus-ranae] Gemeiner Froschbiss {m}
common frogbit [Am.] [Hydrocharis morsus-ranae]Gewöhnlicher Froschbiss {m}
common frogbit [Am.] [Hydrocharis morsus-ranae] Nixenblume {f}
common frontgemeinsame Front {f}
common fruit bat [Artibeus jamaicensis] Jamaika-Fruchtfledermaus {f}
common fruit fly [coll.] [Drosophila melanogaster]Schwarzbäuchige Taufliege {f}
common fruit fly [Drosophila melanogaster] Schwarzbäuchige Fruchtfliege {f}
common fulvetta [Alcippe poioicephala]Graukopfalcippe {f} [auch: Graukopf-Alcippe]
common fumitory [Fumaria officinalis]Gemeiner Erdrauch {m}
common fumitory [Fumaria officinalis] Gewöhnlicher Erdrauch {m}
common funnel [Clitocybe gibba] Ockerbrauner Trichterling {m}
common funnel [Clitocybe gibba]Ockergelber Trichterling {m}
common funnel [Clitocybe gibba] Ockertrichterling {m}
common funnel [Clitocybe gibba]Gelbbrauner Trichterling {m}
common furniture beetle [Anobium punctatum]Gemeiner Nagekäfer {m}
common furniture beetle [Anobium punctatum]Gewöhnlicher Nagekäfer {m}
common furniture beetle [Anobium punctatum]Holzwurm {m} [ugs.] [Käfer und Larve]
common gaillardia [Gaillardia aristata]Prärie-Kokardenblume {f}
common galaxias [Galaxias maculatus] Fleckengalaxie {f}
common galingale [Cyperus badius, syn. C. longus var. badius] Kastanienbraunes Zypergras {n}
common gallinule [Gallinula galeata] Amerikanisches Teichhuhn {n}
common gallinule [Gallinula galeata] Amerikateichhuhn {n}
common garden bulbul [Pycnonotus barbatus] Graubülbül {m}
common garden cress [Lepidium sativum] [garden cress] Garten-Kresse / Gartenkresse {f}
common garden slug [Arion distinctus, syn.: Kobeltia distincta] Gemeine Gartenwegschnecke {f}
common garden slug [Arion distinctus, syn.: Kobeltia distincta]Gemeine Wegschnecke {f}
common (garden) snail [Cornu aspersum, syn.: Helix aspersa, Cryptomphalus aspersus, Cantareus aspersus] Gefleckte Weinbergschnecke {f}
common (garden) snail [Cornu aspersum, syn.: Helix aspersa, Cryptomphalus aspersus, Cantareus aspersus] Gesprenkelte Weinbergschnecke {f}
common (garden) snail [Cornu aspersum, syn.: Helix aspersa, Cryptomphalus aspersus, Cantareus aspersus] Gesprenkelte Schnirkelschnecke {f}
common (garden) sunflower [Helianthus annuus]Gewöhnliche Sonnenblume {f}
common (garden) sunflower [Helianthus annuus] Einjährige Sonnenblume {f}
common gardenia [Gardenia jasminoides, syn.: Gardenia augusta, Gardenia florida, Gardenia radicans, Warneria augusta]Gardenie {f}
common garter snake [Thamnophis sirtalis] Gewöhnliche Strumpfbandnatter {f}
Common Gateway Interface <CGI>Allgemeine Vermittlungsrechner-Schnittstelle {f} <CGI>
common genet [Genetta genetta] Kleinfleck-Ginsterkatze {f}
common genet [Genetta genetta]Europäische Ginsterkatze {f}
common giant flying squirrel [Petaurista petaurista]Taguan {m}
common giant flying squirrel [Petaurista philippensis]Indisches Riesengleithörnchen {n}
common glasswort [Salicornia europaea](Europäischer) Queller {m}
common glider [Neptis sappho, syn.: Neptis aceris] [Pallas' sailer] [butterfly]Schwarzbrauner Trauerfalter {m}
common gnat [Culex pipiens, syn.: Culex pipiens pipiens] Schnake {f} [Gemeine Stechmücke]
common gnat [Culex pipiens, syn.: Culex pipiens pipiens] Gemeine Hausmücke {f}
common gnat [Culex pipiens, syn.: Culex pipiens pipiens]Hausstechmücke {f}
common goal gemeinsames Ziel {n}
common go-away bird [Corythaixoides concolor]Graulärmvogel {m}
common go-away bird [Corythaixoides concolor] Grauer Lärmvogel {m}
common goby [Pomatoschistus microps, syn.: Gobius laticeps, G. microps, G. minutus minor, G. parnelli] Strandgrundel {f}
common goby [Pomatoschistus microps, syn.: Gobius laticeps, G. microps, G. minutus minor, G. parnelli]Schlammgrundel {f}
common goby [Pomatoschistus microps, syn.: Gobius laticeps, G. microps, G. minutus minor, G. parnelli]Strandküling {m}
common gold-backed woodpecker [Dinopium javanense]Feuerrückenspecht {m}
common goldenback [Dinopium javanense] Feuerrückenspecht {m}
common goldenring [Cordulegaster boltonii] [dragonfly species]Zweigestreifte Quelljungfer {f} [Libellenart]
common goldenstar [Bloomeria crocea, syn.: Allium croceum]Goldstern {m}
common gonolek [Laniarius barbarus]Goldscheitelwürger {m}
common good Gemeinwohl {n}
common good gemeinsames Wohl {n}
common good Wohl {n} der Gesellschaft
common goodGemeinnützigkeit {f}
common goodGesamtwohl {n}
common gorse [Ulex europaeus] Stechginster {m}
common gorse [Ulex europaeus]Gaspeldorn {m} [regional oder veraltet] [Stechginster]
common gorse [Ulex europaeus]Heckensame {m} [regional oder veraltet] [Stechginster]
common grackle [Quiscalus quiscula, syn.: Qu. quiscala]Purpurbootschwanz {m}
common grackle [Quiscalus quiscula] Purpur-Grackel {f}
common grammoptera [Grammoptera ruficornis] Mattschwarzer Blütenbock {m}
common grammoptera [Grammoptera ruficornis]Rothörniger Blütenbock {m}
common granadilla [Passiflora quadrangularis, syn.: P. grande, P. macrocarpa. P. guadrangulata]Vierflügelige Passionsblume {f}
common granadilla [Passiflora quadrangularis, syn.: P. grande, P. macrocarpa. P. guadrangulata]Riesen-Granadilla / Riesengranadilla {f}
common granadilla [Passiflora quadrangularis, syn.: P. grande, P. macrocarpa. P. guadrangulata]Königs-Grenadille / Königsgrenadille {f}
common granadilla [Passiflora quadrangularis, syn.: P. grande, P. macrocarpa. P. guadrangulata] Riesen-Grenadille / Riesengrenadille {f}
common granadilla [Passiflora quadrangularis, syn.: P. grande, P. macrocarpa. P. guadrangulata] Melonen-Granadille / Melonengranadille {f}
common grape vine [Vitis vinifera subsp. vinifera] Edle Weinrebe {f}
common grape vine [Vitis vinifera subsp. vinifera] Echte Weinrebe {f}
common grapefern / grape-fern [Botrychium virginianum] Virginischer Traubenfarn {m}
common grapefern / grape-fern [Botrychium virginianum]Virginische Mondraute {f}
common grapefern / grape-fern [Botrychium virginianum]Virginischer Rautenfarn {m}
common grass owl [Tyto longimembris] Graseule {f}
common grass owl [Tyto longimembris] Östliche Graseule {f}
common grass-veneer [Agriphila tristellus, syn.: A. tristella] [moth] Gestreifter Graszünsler {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
common grave Massengrab {n}
common gravegemeinsames Grab {n}
common grave Armengrab {n}
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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