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common heath (moth) [Ematurga atomaria] Heideland-Tagspanner {m} [tagaktive Nachtfalterspezies]
common heath (moth) [Ematurga atomaria] Heidenspanner {m} [tagaktive Nachtfalterspezies]
common hedgehog [Erinaceus europaeus]Braunbrustigel {m}
common hedgehog [Erinaceus europaeus]Westeuropäischer Igel {m}
common hedgehog [Erinaceus europaeus] Westigel {m}
common hedgehyssop [Gratiola officinalis] Gottes-Gnadenkraut {n}
common hedgenettle [Stachys officinalis]Heilbatunge {f}
common heliotrope [Heliotropium arborescens]Vanilleblume {f}
common heliotrope [Heliotropium arborescens] Sonnenwende {f}
common heliotrope [Heliotropium arborescens]Heliotrop {n} [auch {m}]
common helvel [Helvella crispa, syn. H. pithyophila] Krause Lorchel {f}
common helvel [Helvella crispa, syn.: H. pithyophila] Herbstlorchel {f}
common hemlock [Am.] [Tsuga canadensis](Kanadische) Schierlingstanne {f}
common hemlock [Am.] [Tsuga canadensis] Kanadische Hemlocktanne {f}
common hemp agrimony [Eupatorium cannabinum] Gemeiner Wasserdost {m}
common hemp agrimony [Eupatorium cannabinum] Gewöhnlicher Wasserdost {m}
common hemp-nettle [Galeopsis bifida] Zweispaltiger Hohlzahn {m}
common hemp-nettle [Galeopsis tetrahit]Gemeiner Hohlzahn {m}
common hemp-nettle [Galeopsis tetrahit] Gewöhnlicher Hohlzahn {m}
common hemp-nettle [Galeopsis tetrahit]Stechender Hohlzahn {m}
common hemp-nettle [Galeopsis tetrahit] Stacheliger Hohlzahn {m}
common hemp-nettle [Galeopsis tetrahit] Hanfnessel {f}
common hemp-nettle [Galeopsis tetrahit] Dorn-Hohlzahn {m} [auch: Dornhohlzahn]
common hemp-nettle [Galeopsis tetrahit]Kleiner Hohlzahn {m}
common hemp-nettle / hemp nettle [Galeopsis bifida] Zweizipfeliger Hohlzahn {m}
common hemp-nettle / hemp nettle [Galeopsis bifida]Kleiner Hohlzahn {m}
common henbane [Hyoscyamus niger] (Schwarzes) Bilsenkraut {n}
common henbit [Lamium amplexicaule, syn.: Galeobdolon amplexicaule]Stängelumfassende Taubnessel {f}
common herdgemeines Volk {n}
common hermit crab [Pagurus bernhardus, syn.: Eupagurus bernhardus]Gemeiner Einsiedlerkrebs {m}
common hill partridge [Arborophila torqueola] Hügelhuhn {n}
common hill-partridge [Arborophila torqueola, syn.: Perdix torqueola] Hügelhuhn {n}
common hill-partridge / hill partridge [Arborophila torqueola, syn.: Perdix torqueola] Hügelrebhuhn {n}
common hill-partridge / hill partridge [Arborophila torqueola, syn.: Perdix torqueola] Hügelbuschwachtel {f}
common Hispaniolan racer [Hypsirhynchus parvifrons, syn.: Antillophis parvifrons tortuganus]Copes Antillenschlange {f}
common hog-nosed snake [Heterodon platirhinos, syn.: H. platyrhinos]Gewöhnliche Hakennatter {f}
common hogweed [Heracleum sphondylium] Wiesen-Bärenklau {m} {f}
common hogweed [Heracleum sphondylium] Gemeiner Bärenklau {m} [selten auch {f}: Gemeine Bärenklau]
common hollyhock [Alcea rosea, syn.: Althaea rosea] Herbstrose {f} [Gewöhnliche Stockrose]
common hollyhock [Alcea rosea, syn.: Althaea rosea]Gewöhnliche Stockrose {f}
common hollyhock [Alcea rosea, syn.: Althaea rosea] Stockmalve {f} [Gewöhnliche Stockrose]
common hollyhock [Alcea rosea, syn.: Althaea rosea]Pappelrose {f} [Gewöhnliche Stockrose]
common hollyhock [Alcea rosea, syn.: Althaea rosea]Garten-Stockrose {f}
common hollyhock [Alcea rosea, syn.: Althaea rosea] Bauernrose {f} [Gewöhnliche Stockrose]
common hollyhock [Alcea rosea, syn.: Althaea rosea] Garten-Pappelrose {f} [auch: Gartenpappelrose]
common hollyhock [Alcea rosea, syn.: Althaea rosea] Rosenpappel {f}
common hollyhock [Alcea rosea, syn.: Althaea rosea] Gartenstockrose {f}
common honesty einfache Ehrlichkeit {f}
common honeysuckle [Lonicera periclymenum]Wildes Geißblatt {n}
common honeysuckle [Lonicera periclymenum] Deutsches Geißblatt {n}
common honeysuckle [Lonicera periclymenum] Wald-Heckenkirsche {f}
common hook-moss [Drepanocladus aduncus]Krallenblatt-Sichelmoos {n}
common hop [Humulus lupulus]Echter Hopfen {m}
common horehound [Marrubium vulgare]Gewöhnlicher Andorn {m}
common horehound [Marrubium vulgare] Weißer Andorn {m}
common horehound [Marrubium vulgare] Gemeiner Andorn {m}
common horehound [Marrubium vulgare] Weißer Dorant {m}
common horehound [Marrubium vulgare] Helfkraut {n}
common hornbeam [Carpinus betulus] (Gemeine) Hainbuche {f}
common hornbeam [Carpinus betulus]Weißbuche {f}
common hornbeam [Carpinus betulus] Hagebuche {f}
common hornbeam [Carpinus betulus] Hornbaum {m}
common hornet [Vespa crabro]Hornisse {f}
common hornwort [Ceratophyllum demersum] Raues Hornblatt {n}
common horse fly / horsefly [Haematopota pluvialis] Regenbremse {f}
common horsetail [Equisetum arvense] Zinnkraut {n} [Giftpflanze]
common horsetail [Equisetum arvense] Acker-Schachtelhalm {m} [Giftpflanze]
common horsetail [Equisetum arvense]Ackerschachtelhalm {m} [Giftpflanze]
common horsetail [Equisetum arvense]Acker-Zinnkraut / Ackerzinnkraut {n}
common horsetail [Equisetum arvense]Katzenwedel {m} [Acker-Schachtelhalm]
common horsetail [Equisetum arvense] Pferdeschwanz {m} [Acker-Schachtelhalm]
common horsetail [Equisetum arvense]Schaftheu {n} [Acker-Schachtelhalm]
common horsetail [Equisetum arvense] Scheuerkraut {n} [Acker-Schachtelhalm]
common horsetail [Equisetum arvense] Pfannebutzer {m} [regional] [Acker-Schachtelhalm]
common Hottentot fig [Carpobrotus edulis, syn.: Mesembryanthemum acinaciforme, M. edule](Gelbe) Mittagsblume {f}
common Hottentot fig [Carpobrotus edulis, syn.: Mesembryanthemum acinaciforme, M. edule] Eiskraut {n} [Mittagsblume]
common house borer [Anobium punctatum] Gemeiner Nagekäfer {m}
common house borer [Anobium punctatum] Gewöhnlicher Nagekäfer {m}
common house borer (beetle) [Anobium punctatum] Holzwurm {m} [ugs.] [Käfer und Larve]
common house gecko [Hemidactylus frenatus, syn.: H. inornatus, H. javanicus, H. vittatus, Pnoepus frenatus] Gewöhnlicher Halbzehengecko {m}
common house gecko [Hemidactylus frenatus, syn.: H. inornatus, H. javanicus, H. vittatus, Pnoepus frenatus] Tschitschak {m} [Gewöhnlicher Halbzehengecko]
common house gecko [Hemidactylus frenatus] Asiatischer Hausgecko {m}
common house gecko [Hemidactylus mabouia, syn.: H. mercatorius, H. tuberculosus, Gekko aculeatus, G. mabouia]Brauner Halbzehengecko {m}
common house gecko [Hemidactylus mabouia, syn.: H. mercatorius, H. tuberculosus, Gekko aculeatus, G. mabouia] Afrikanischer Hausgecko {m}
common house gecko [Hemidactylus turcicus]Europäischer Halbfinger {m}
common house gecko [Hemidactylus turcicus] Türkischer Halbfingergecko {m}
common house mosquito [Culex pipiens, syn.: Culex pipiens pipiens]Gemeine Stechmücke {f}
common house mosquito [Culex pipiens, syn.: Culex pipiens pipiens] Nördliche Hausmücke {f} [Gemeine Stechmücke]
common house mosquito [Culex pipiens, syn.: Culex pipiens pipiens]Gemeine Hausmücke {f}
common house mosquito [Culex pipiens, syn.: Culex pipiens pipiens] Hausstechmücke {f}
common house mosquito [Culex pipiens, syn.: Culex pipiens pipiens]Schnake {f} [Gemeine Stechmücke]
common house spider [Eratigena atrica, syn.: Tegenaria atrica] (Große) Hausspinne {f} [Große Winkelspinne]
common house spider [Eratigena atrica, syn.: Tegenaria atrica]Gewöhnliche Winkelspinne {f}
common house spider [Eratigena atrica, syn.: Tegenaria atrica]Große Winkelspinne {f}
common house spider [Parasteatoda tepidariorum, syn.: Achaearanea tepidariorum] Gewächshausspinne {f}
common house spider [Tegenaria atrica]Hauswinkelspinne {f}
common housefly [Musca domestica] Gemeine Hausfliege {f}
common housefly [Musca domestica] (Große) Stubenfliege {f}
common housefly [Musca domestica] Gemeine Stubenfliege {f}
common household haushaltsüblich
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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