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English-German Dictionary

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common koel [Eudynamys scolopacea] [archaic] Indischer Koel {m}
common krait [Bungarus caeruleus, syn.: Pseudoboa caerulea]Indischer Krait {m}
common krib [Pelvicachromis pulcher, syn.: Pelmatochromis pulcher]Purpurprachtbarsch {m}
common kusimanse [Crossarchus obscurus]Dunkelkusimanse {f}
common laborer [Am.] ungelernter Arbeiter {m}
common labourer [Br.] ungelernter Arbeiter {m}
common Labrador tea [Rhododendron groenlandicum, syn.: Ledum groenlandicum, Ledum latifolium] Grönländischer Porst {m}
common Labrador tea [Rhododendron groenlandicum, syn.: Ledum groenlandicum, Ledum latifolium] Grönland-Porst {m}
common Labrador tea [Rhododendron groenlandicum,syn.: Ledum groenlandicum, Ledum latifolium]Labrador-Porst {m}
common laburnum [Laburnum anagyroides, syn.: Cytisus laburnum] Gemeiner Goldregen {m}
common lackey [Malacosoma neustria] [moth] Gewöhnlicher Ringelspinner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
common lackey [Malacosoma neustria] [moth]Obstbaum-Ringelspinner {m}
common lackey moth [Malacosoma neustria]Ringelspinner {m} [Falter]
common lackey (moth) [Malacosoma neustria] Gemeiner Ringelspinner {m}
common lady-fern [Athyrium filix-femina]Gemeiner Waldfarn {m}
common lady-fern [Athyrium filix-femina] Frauenfarn {m}
common lady-fern [Athyrium filix-femina] Wald-Frauenfarn {m}
common lancehead [Bothrops atrox] Gewöhnliche Lanzenotter {f}
common lancehead [Bothrops atrox]Caicaca {f}
common lancehead [pit viper] [Bothrops atrox] Gewöhnliche Lanzenotter {f}
common lancehead [pit viper] [Bothrops atrox] Malaiische / Malayische Grubenotter {f}
common land Gemeindeland {n}
common land Gemeinland {n}
common land [Br.] Allmende {f}
common land [Br.] Allmend {f} [schweiz.]
common land [Br.]Allmeind {f}
common (land) Gemeindewiese {f}
common language einheitlicher Code {m}
common languagegemeinsame Sprache {f}
common languageVerkehrssprache {f}
common languageGemeinsprache {f}
common large merganser [Mergus merganser, syn.: Merganser americanus, Mergus americanus] Gänsesäger {m}
common lavender [Lavandula angustifolia, syn.: Lavandula officinalis, Lavandula vera, Lavandula spica]Echter Lavendel {m}
common law Gewohnheitsrecht {n}
common law bürgerliches Recht {n} [in common law Systemen]
common law [richterrechtliches englisches Gewohnheitsrecht]
Common Law nicht kodifiziertes Recht {n}
common law Landrecht {n}
common lawallgemeines Gesetz {n}
common law Common Law {n}
common law [attr.] [other than Anglo-American]gemeinrechtlich
common law marriage wilde Ehe {f} [veraltend] [konsensuale Lebensgemeinschaft]
common lawn mushroom [Agrocybe pediades, syn.: Naucoria pediades] Halbkugeliger Ackerling {m}
common lawn mushroom [Agrocybe pediades, syn.: Naucoria pediades]Raustieliger Ackerling {m} [alt: Rauhstieliger Ackerling]
common lawn mushroom [Agrocybe pediades, syn.: Naucoria pediades]Trockener Ackerling {m}
common leadwort [Plumbago europaea](Europäische) Bleiwurz {f}
common leaf weevil [Phyllobius pyri] Brennnessel-Grünrüssler {m}
common leaf weevil [Phyllobius pyri]Breiter Birnengrünrüssler {m}
common leaf weevil [Phyllobius pyri]Birnen-Grünrüssler {m}
common leaf-nosed snake [Langaha madagascariensis, syn.: L. nasuta] Gewöhnliche Madagassische Blattnasennatter {f}
common leopard gecko [Eublepharis angramainyu, syn.: E. ensafi, E. macularius] Westlicher Leopardgecko {m}
common leopard gecko [Eublepharis macularius, syn.: E. fasciolatus, E. gracilis, Cyrtodactylus macularius, C. madarensis]Leopardgecko / Leopard-Gecko {m}
common liana snake [Siphlophis cervinus] Gewöhnliche Lianennatter {f}
common life Gemeinleben {n}
common limpet [Aus.] [Cellana tramoserica] Cellana tramoserica {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
common limpet [Patella vulgata]Gemeine Napfschnecke {f}
common line gemeinsame Datenleitung {f}
common linnet [Linaria cannabina, syn.: Carduelis cannabina, Acanthis cannabina, Fringilla cannabina] Hänfling {m}
common linnet [Linaria cannabina, syn.: Carduelis cannabina, Acanthis cannabina, Fringilla cannabina] Flachsfink {m}
common linnet [Linaria cannabina, syn.: Carduelis cannabina, Acanthis cannabina, Fringilla cannabina] Bergzeisig {m} [Flachsfink]
common lionfish [Pterois miles] Indischer Rotfeuerfisch {m}
common liver fluke [Fasciola hepatica] Großer Leberegel {m}
common liverwort [Marchantia polymorpha]Brunnenlebermoos {n}
common liverwort [Marchantia polymorpha]Brunnlebermoos {n}
common lizard [Zootoca vivipara, formerly: Lacerta vivipara] Waldeidechse {f}
common lizard [Zootoca vivipara, formerly: Lacerta vivipara] Bergeidechse {f}
common lizard [Zootoca vivipara, formerly: Lacerta vivipara]Mooreidechse {f}
common lizard eater [Mastigodryas melanolomus] Rotbauch-Echsennatter {f}
common lobster [Homarus gammarus] Europäischer Hummer {m}
common locust [Robinia pseudoacacia / pseudo-acacia]Falsche Akazie {f}
common locust [Robinia pseudoacacia / pseudo-acacia] Robinie {f}
common locust [Robinia pseudoacacia]Gewöhnliche Scheinakazie {f}
common locust [Robinia pseudoacacia]Wunderbaum {m} [Falsche Akazie]
common locustfinch [Ortygospiza / Paludipasser locustella] Heuschreckenastrild {m}
common logarithmdekadischer Logarithmus {m}
common logarithmZehnerlogarithmus {m}
common long-eared bat [Plecotus auritus] Braunes Langohr {n}
common long-nosed armadillo [Dasypus novemcinctus] Neunbinden-Gürteltier {n}
common long-tailed lizard [Latastia longicaudata] Afrikanische Langschwanzeidechse {f}
common long-tailed lizard [Latastia longicaudata]Gewöhnliche Langschwanzeidechse {f}
common long-tailed lizard [Latastia longicaudata]Afrikanische Langschwanzechse {f}
common loon [Am.] [Gavia immer] Eistaucher {m}
common lotgemeinsames Los {n}
common lousewort [Pedicularis canadensis]Kanadisches Läusekraut {n}
common lowland frog [Hoplobatrachus rugulosus, syn.: H. chinensis, Rana chinensis, R. rugulosa] Chinesischer Ochsenfrosch {m}
common lowland paramelomys [Paramelomys platyops] Gemeine Tiefland-Mosaikschwanzratte {f}
common lutestring [Ochropacha duplaris, syn.: Phalaena duplaris] Erlen-Wollrückenspinner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
common lutestring [Ochropacha duplaris]Zweipunkt-Eulenspinner {m} [Schmetterling]
common lutestring [Ochropacha duplaris] [moth]Schwarzpunktierter Wollrückenspinner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
common macaque [Macaca sylvanus, also Macaca sylvana] Magot {m}
common macaque [Macaca sylvanus, also Macaca sylvana] Berberaffe {m}
common machine languageeinheitliche Maschinensprache {f}
common Madagascar cat snake [Madagascarophis colubrinus]Gewöhnliche Madagaskar-Katzennatter {f}
common madder [Rubia tinctorum]Färberkrapp {m}
common madder [Rubia tinctorum] Krapp {m}
common madder [Rubia tinctorum] Echte Färberröte {f}
common magpie [Pica pica]Elster {f}
common magpie moth [Abraxas grossulariata, syn.: Phalaena grossulariata] Stachelbeer-Harlekin {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
common magpie moth [Abraxas grossulariata, syn.: Phalaena grossulariata]Stachelbeer-Spanner / Stachelbeerspanner {m}
common maidenhair [Adiantum capillus-veneris] Frauenhaarfarn {m}
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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