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common sawfish [Pristis pristis]Gewöhnlicher Sägefisch {m}
common sawfish [Pristis pristis]Schwerthai {m}
common sawfish [Pristis pristis] Sägerochen {m}
common sawfly [Pristiphora laricis, syn.: Lygaeonematus laricis] Kleine Lärchen-Blattwespe / Lärchenblattwespe {f}
common sawfly [Strongylogaster lineata, syn.: Eucampidea lineata]Farnblattwespe {f}
common sawshark [Pristiophorus cirratus] Langnasen-Sägehai {m}
common saw-wort [Saussurea alpina] Echte Alpenscharte {f}
common saw-wort [Saussurea alpina] Gemeine Alpenscharte {f}
common saw-wort [Saussurea alpina] Gewöhnliche Alpenscharte {f}
common saying verbreitete Aussage {f}
common scaber stalk [Leccinum scabrum, syn.: Boletus scaber, Krombholzia scabra] [birch bolete] (Gemeiner) Birkenpilz {m}
common scaly-bellied woodpecker [Picus squamatus] Schuppengrünspecht {m}
common scaly-bellied woodpecker [Picus squamatus]Almoraspecht {m}
common scaly-foot [Pygopus lepidopodus]Schlangen-Flossenfuß {m}
common schoolGemeinschaftsschule {f}
common scimitar-bill [Rhinopomastus cyanomelas, syn.: Phoeniculus cyanomelas] Sichelhopf {m}
common scorpionfly [Panorpa communis, syn.: P. vulgaris]Gemeine Skorpionsfliege {f}
common scoter (duck) [Melanitta nigra nigra] Atlantische Trauerente {f}
common scoter (duck) [Melanitta nigra] Trauerente {f}
common screw shell [Turritella communis, syn.: T. britannica] Gemeine Turmschnecke {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
common scurvygrass [Cochlearia officinalis] Echtes Löffelkraut {n}
common scurvygrass [Cochlearia officinalis]Bitterkresse {f}
common scurvygrass [Cochlearia officinalis]Skorbutkraut {n}
common scurvygrass [Cochlearia officinalis]Löffelblättchen {n}
common scurvygrass [Cochlearia officinalis]Löffelkresse {f}
common sea dragon [Phyllopteryx taeniolatus, syn.: P. foliatus, P. lucasi, Penetopteryx eques, P. foliatus, P. lucasi, Syngnathus foliatus, S. taeniolatus]Seedrachen {m} [Kleiner Fetzenfisch]
common sea dragon [Phyllopteryx taeniolatus, syn.: P. foliatus, P. lucasi, Penetopteryx eques, P. foliatus, P. lucasi, Syngnathus foliatus, S. taeniolatus] Kleiner Fetzenfisch {m}
common sea grape [Coccoloba uvifera]Gewöhnliche Meertraube {f}
common sea grape [Coccoloba uvifera]Gewöhnliche Seetraube {f}
common sea star [Asterias rubens]Gemeiner Seestern {m}
common sea star [Asterias rubens]Gewöhnlicher Seestern {m}
common sea urchin [Echinus esculentus] Essbarer Seeigel {m}
common seabream [Pagrus pagrus] Gemeine Meerbrasse {f}
common seabream [Pagrus pagrus]Gemeiner Meerbrassen {m} [nordd.] [mitteld.]
common seadragon [Phyllopteryx taeniolatus] Seedrachen {m}
common seadragon [Phyllopteryx taeniolatus] Kleiner Fetzenfisch {m}
common seadragon [Phyllopteryx taeniolatus] Seedrache {m}
common sea-horse / seahorse [Hippocampus whitei, syn.: H. novaehollandae, H. novaehollandiae]Whites Seepferdchen {n}
common seal [Phoca vitulina] Gemeiner Seehund {m}
common seal [Phoca vitulina] Seehund {m}
common sea-reed [Carex arenaria]Sandsegge / Sand-Segge {f}
common seaside sparrow / seaside-sparrow [Ammodramus maritimus, syn.: Ammospiza maritima, Ammospiza maritimus, Passerherbalus maritimus]Strandammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}] [auch: Strand-Ammer]
common seasnail [Liparis liparis] Großer Scheibenbauch {m}
common sedge [Carex nigra, syn.: Carex fusca, Carex acuta]Braun-Segge {f}
common sedge [Carex nigra, syn.: Carex fusca, Carex acuta] Wiesen-Segge {f}
common sedge [Carex nigra, syn.: Carex fusca, Carex acuta] Schlanke Segge {f}
common self-heal [Prunella vulgaris] Kleine Braunelle {f}
common selfheal [Prunella vulgaris] Gemeine Braunelle {f}
common self-heal [Prunella vulgaris]Kleine Brunelle {f}
common self-heal [Prunella vulgaris] Gewöhnliche Braunelle {f}
Common Senate (of the Federal Supreme Courts of Justice) [Germany] Gemeinsamer Senat {m} (der Obersten Gerichtshöfe des Bundes) <GmS-OGB>
common sense gesunder Menschenverstand {m}
common senseMenschenverstand {m}
common senseVernunft {f} [gesunder Menschenverstand]
common sense Common Sense {m}
common sense Commonsense {m} [Rsv.]
common senseHausverstand {m} [österr.]
common sense Alltagsverstand {m}
common senseAlltagsdenken {n}
Common sense dictates that ...Der gesunde Menschenverstand sagt uns, dass ...
common sense psychology Alltagspsychologie {f}
common serin [Serinus serinus]Girlitz {m}
common serotine bat [Eptesicus serotinus] Breitflügelfledermaus {f}
common services gemeinsame Dienste {pl}
common sexton beetle [Nicrophorus vespilloides, syn.: Necrophorus vespilloides] Schwarzhörniger Totengräber {m} [Käfer]
common sexton beetle [Nicrophorus vespilloides, syn.: Necrophorus vespilloides] Waldtotengräber {m} [Käfer]
common sexton beetle [Nicrophorus vespilloides, syn.: Necrophorus vespilloides]Schwarzfühleriger Totengräber {m}
common sharesgewöhnliche Aktien {pl}
common shares Stammaktien {pl}
common shepherd's purse [Capsella bursa-pastoris, syn.: Thlaspi bursa-pastoris] (Gewöhnliches) Hirtentäschelkraut {n}
common shepherd's purse [Capsella bursa-pastoris, syn.: Thlaspi bursa-pastoris] (Gewöhnliches) Hirtentäschel {n}
common shield scale [Coccus hesperidum, syn.: Eulecanium hesperidum, Lecanium hesperidum]Zitrusschildlaus {f}
common shield scale [Coccus hesperidum, syn.: Eulecanium hesperidum, Lecanium hesperidum]Orangenschildlaus {f}
common shield scale [Coccus hesperidum, syn.: Eulecanium hesperidum, Lecanium hesperidum]Weiche Schildlaus {f}
common shiny woodlouse [Oniscus asellus] (Gemeine) Mauerassel {f}
common (shiny) woodlouse [Oniscus asellus] Mauerassel {f}
common shipworm [Teredo navalis, syn.: T. batavus, T. japonica, T. marina, T. novangliae, T. sinensis, T. vulgaris, Pholas teredo, Serpula teredo]Schiffsbohrmuschel {f}
common shipworm [Teredo navalis, syn.: T. batavus, T. japonica, T. marina, T. novangliae, T. sinensis, T. vulgaris, Pholas teredo, Serpula teredo] Schiffsbohrwurm {m}
common shipworm [Teredo navalis, syn.: T. batavus, T. japonica, T. marina, T. novangliae, T. sinensis, T. vulgaris, Pholas teredo, Serpula teredo] Holzbohrwurm {m} [Schiffsbohrwurm]
common shipworm [Teredo navalis, syn.: T. batavus, T. japonica, T. marina, T. novangliae, T. sinensis, T. vulgaris, Pholas teredo, Serpula teredo] Bohrmuschel {f}
common shipworm [Teredo navalis, syn.: T. batavus, T. japonica, T. marina, T. novangliae, T. sinensis, T. vulgaris, Pholas teredo, Serpula teredo]Pfahlwurm {m}
common shore bug [Saldula saltatoria, syn.: Cimex saltatoria] Gemeiner Hüpferling {m} [Uferwanzenart]
common shoulderblade [Abax parallelepipedus, syn.: A. pilleri] Großer Breitkäfer {m}
common shoulderblade [Abax parallelepipedus, syn.: A. pilleri]Großer Brettläufer {m}
common shoulderblade [Abax parallelepipedus, syn.: A. pilleri]Schwarzer Breitkäfer {m}
common shoulderblade [Abax parallelepipedus, syn.: A. pilleri] Schwarzer Schulterläufer {m}
common shrew [esp. Am.] [Sorex cinereus] Amerikanische Maskenspitzmaus {f}
common shrew [esp. Am.] [Sorex cinereus] Amerikanische Masken-Rotzahnspitzmaus {f}
common shrew [Sorex araneus]Waldspitzmaus {f}
common shrew [Sorex cinereus]Aschgraue Spitzmaus {f}
common shrew opossum [Caenolestes obscurus] Dunkle Opossummaus {f}
common shrew opossums [genus Caenolestes] Eigentliche Opossummäuse {pl}
common shrew opossums [genus Caenolestes]Mausopossums {pl}
common shrimp [Crangon crangon, syn.: C. maculosus, C. vulgaris, Astacus crangon, Cancer crangon, Steiracrangon orientalis] Nordseekrabbe {f}
common shrimp [Crangon crangon]Nordseegarnele {f}
common shrimp [Crangon crangon] Sandgarnele {f}
common shrimp [Crangon crangon] Strandgarnele {f}
common shrimp [Crangon crangon] Porre {f}
common shrimp [Crangon crangon]Graue Krabbe {f}
common sickle bush-cricket [Phaneroptera falcata] Gemeine Sichelschrecke {f}
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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