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English-German Dictionary

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common side-blotched lizard [Uta stansburiana] Gemeiner Seitenfleckleguan {m}
common sightalltäglicher Anblick {m}
common sighthäufiger Anblick {m}
common sightvertrauter Anblick {m}
common sightgewohnter Anblick {m}
common silk moth [Bombyx mori]Zahmer Seidenspinner {m}
common silk moth [Bombyx mori](Echter) Seidenspinner {m}
common silk moth [Bombyx mori]Maulbeerspinner {m} [Seidenraupe]
common silk moth [Bombyx mori]Seidenraupe {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
common silverbeak [Ramphocelus carbo] Purpurtangare {f} [auch: Purpur-Tangare]
common silverbeak [Ramphocelus carbo] Silberschnabeltangare {f}
common silverweed [Argentina anserina, syn.: Potentilla anserina]Gänse-Fingerkraut / Gänsefingerkraut {n}
common silverweed [Potentilla anserina] Anserine {f}
common silverweed [Potentilla anserina] Gänsewiß {n}
common silverweed [Potentilla anserina] Silberkraut {n}
common silverweed [Potentilla anserina] Säulkraut {n}
common silverweed [Potentilla anserina] Krampfkraut {n}
common siren [Siren lacertina]Großer Armmolch {m}
common siskin [Carduelis spinus, syn.: Spinus notatus, Spinus spinus] Zeisig {m}
common siskin [Spinus spinus, syn.: Carduelis spinus] Erlenzeisig {m}
common skate [Dipturus batis] Glattrochen {m}
common skullcap [Scutellaria galericulata] Sumpf-Helmkraut {n} [auch: Sumpfhelmkraut]
common skullcap [Scutellaria galericulata]Gewöhnliches Helmkraut {n}
common skullcap [Scutellaria galericulata]Kappenhelmkraut {n} [auch: Kappen-Helmkraut]
common slender [Gracillaria syringella, syn.: Xanthospilapteryx syringella] [moth] Flieder-Miniermotte / Fliederminiermotte {f}
common slender [Gracillaria syringella, syn.: Xanthospilapteryx syringella] [moth]Fliederschlankmotte {f}
common slender [Gracillaria syringella, syn.: Xanthospilapteryx syringella] [moth] Fliedermotte {f}
common slender bush-cricket [Tessellana tessellata] Braunfleckige Beißschrecke {f}
common slipper limpet [Br.] [Crepidula fornicata] Amerikanische Pantoffelschnecke {f}
common slipper limpet [Crepidula fornicata, syn.: C. densata, C. maculata, C. mexicana, C. nautiloides, C. roseae, C. violacea, C. virginica, Crypta nautarum, Patella fornicata]Atlantische Pantoffelschnecke {f}
common slipper shell [Crepidula fornicata, syn.: C. densata, C. maculata, C. mexicana, C. nautiloides, C. roseae, C. violacea, C. virginica, Crypta nautarum, Patella fornicata]Atlantische Pantoffelschnecke {f}
common slipper shell [Crepidula fornicata] Amerikanische Pantoffelschnecke {f}
common slug eater [Duberria lutrix] Gewöhnlicher Schneckenfresser {m}
common smilax [Smilax aspera] Stachelige Stechwinde {f}
common smilax [Smilax aspera] Raue Stechwinde {f}
common smoothcap (moss) [Atrichum undulatum] Wellenblättriges Katharinenmoos {n}
common smoothcap (moss) [Atrichum undulatum] Kahlmützenmoos {n} [Wellenblättriges Katharinenmoos]
common smoothcap (moss) [Atrichum undulatum]Großes Katharinenmoos {n}
common smoothcap (moss) [Atrichum undulatum] Gewelltblättriges Katharinenmoos {n}
common smoothcap (moss) [Atrichum undulatum] Welliges Katharinenmoos {n}
common smooth-hound [Mustelus mustelus] Grauer Glatthai {m}
common smooth-hound [Mustelus mustelus] Gewöhnlicher Glatthai {m}
common smooth-scaled gecko [Lepidodactylus lugubris, syn.: Amydosaurus lugubris, Gecko lugubris, Peropus neglectus, Platydactylus lugubris] Schuppenfinger {m}
common smooth-scaled gecko [Lepidodactylus lugubris] Schuppenfingergecko {m}
common smooth-scaled gecko [Lepidodactylus lugubris]Jungferngecko {m}
common smut [of maize / corn] [Ustilago maydis, syn.: Ustilago zeae, Ustilago zea, Mycosarcoma maydis] Beulenbrand {m} [beim Mais]
common snake Gemeine Grasschlange {f}
common snakehead [Channa striata]Quergestreifter Schlangenkopffisch {m}
common sneezeweed [Helenium autumnale] [preliminary binomial] Gewöhnliche Sonnenbraut {f}
common snipe [Gallinago gallinago]Bekassine {f}
common snipe [Gallinago gallinago](Gemeine) Sumpfschnepfe {f}
common snipe [Gallinago gallinago]Himmelsziege {f} [Bekassine]
common snook [Centropomus undecimalis]Gewöhnlicher Snook {m}
common snow goose [Anser caerulescens caerulescens] Kleine Schneegans {f}
common snowberry [Symphoricarpos albus, syn.: Symphoricarpos racemosus] Gemeine Schneebeere {f}
common snowberry [Symphoricarpos albus, syn.: Symphoricarpos racemosus]Gewöhnliche Schneebeere {f}
common snowdrop [Galanthus nivalis]Kleines Schneeglöckchen {n}
common snowdrop [Galanthus nivalis] Gewöhnliches Schneeglöckchen {n}
common soapwort [Saponaria officinalis]Gewöhnliches Seifenkraut {n}
common soapwort [Saponaria officinalis] Echtes Seifenkraut {n}
common soapwort [Saponaria officinalis]Seifenwurz {f}
common soldiereinfacher Soldat {m}
common sole [Solea solea, syn.: Solea vulgaris] Gemeine Seezunge {f}
common song thrush [Turdus ericetorum, syn.: T. philomelogus, T. philomelos, T. philomelus] Singdrossel {f}
common sorrel [Rumex acetosa]Wiesen-Sauerampfer {m}
common sorrel [Rumex acetosa] (Großer) Sauerampfer {m}
common sorrel [Rumex acetosella, syn.: Acetosella vulgaris]Kleiner Ampfer {m}
common sorrel [Rumex acetosella, syn.: Acetosella vulgaris] Kleiner Sauerampfer {m}
common sorrel [Rumex acetosella, syn.: Acetosella vulgaris] Zwerg-Sauerampfer {m}
common sorrel [Rumex acetosella, syn.: Acetosella vulgaris] Schafsampfer {m} [Kleiner Sauerampfer]
common sowbug [Oniscus asellus](Gemeine) Mauerassel {f}
common sowthistle [Sonchus oleraceus]Gemüse-Gänsedistel {f}
common sowthistle [Sonchus oleraceus]Kohl-Gänsedistel {f}
common sowthistle [Sonchus oleraceus] Gewöhnliche Gänsedistel {f}
common spaceGemeinschaftsraum {m}
common spadefoot (toad) [Pelobates fuscus]Knoblauchkröte {f}
common speckled bush-cricket [Leptophyes punctatissima]Punktierte Zartschrecke {f}
common speechUmgangssprache {f}
common speedwell [Veronica officinalis] Wald-Ehrenpreis {m}
common speedwell [Veronica officinalis] Echter Ehrenpreis {m}
common speedwell [Veronica officinalis] Arznei-Ehrenpreis {m}
common speedwell [Veronica officinalis]Grundheilkraut {n}
common speedwell [Veronica officinalis] Wundheilkraut {n}
common speedwell [Veronica officinalis] Allerweltsheil {n}
common speedwell [Veronica officinalis]Frauenlist {f}
common speedwell [Veronica persica, syn.: V. agrestis, V. buxbaumii, V. tournefortii] Tourneforts Ehrenpreis {m}
common spider beetle [Ptinus fur] Kräuterdieb {m} [Käfer]
common spider beetle [Ptinus fur] Gemeiner Diebkäfer {m}
common spider crab [Macropodia rostrata, syn.: Cancer rostrata / rostratus, Stenorhynchus rostratus]Gespensterkrabbe {f}
common spider crab [Macropodia rostrata, syn.: Cancer rostrata / rostratus, Stenorhynchus rostratus] Gespenstkrabbe {f}
common spider crab [Maja squinado, syn.: M. brachydactyla, M. gigantea]Große Seespinne {f}
common spikerush [Br.] [Eleocharis palustris, syn.: E. intersita, Scirpus palustris]Gewöhnliche Sumpfbinse {f}
common spike-rush [Eleocharis palustris] Gewöhnliche Sumpfbinse {f}
common spikerush / spike-rush [Br.] [Eleocharis palustris, syn.: E. intersita, Scirpus palustris] Gemeines Sumpfried {n}
common spikerush / spike-rush [Br.] [Eleocharis palustris, syn.: E. intersita, Scirpus palustris] Gemeine Sumpfsimse {f}
common spindle [Neptunea antiqua, syn.: Murex antiquus]Gemeine Spindelschnecke {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
common spindle [Neptunea antiqua, syn.: Murex antiquus] Trompetenschnecke {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
common spiny bandicoot [Echymipera kalubu]Flachstachelnasenbeutler {m}
common spiny digger wasp [Oxybelus uniglumis] Fliegenspießwespe {f}
common spiny lobster [Palinurus elephas, syn.: P. vulgaris] Gewöhnliche Languste {f}
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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