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common starwort [Stellaria media, syn.: S. apetala, Alsine media] Vogel-Sternmiere / Vogelsternmiere {f}
common starwort [Stellaria media, syn.: S. apetala, Alsine media] Hühnerdarm {m} [Vogelmiere]
common stem-climber [Amara (Curtonotus) aulica] [ground beetle]Prächtiger Kanalkäfer {m}
common stem-climber [Amara (Curtonotus) aulica] [ground beetle] Kohldistel-Kamelläufer {m}
common stem-climber [Amara (Curtonotus) aulica] [ground beetle] Glänzender Kanalkäfer {m}
common stick insect [Carausius morosus, syn.: Dixippus morosus] Indische Stabschrecke {f}
common stilt [Himantopus himantopus]Stelzenläufer {m}
common stingray [Dasyatis pastinaca] Gewöhnlicher Stechrochen {m}
common stingray [Dasyatis pastinaca] Gemeiner Stechrochen {m}
common stingray [Dasyatis pastinaca] Peitschenrochen {m}
common stingray [Dasyatis pastinaca]Pfeilschwanz {m} [Gemeiner Stechrochen]
common stinkhorn [Phallus impudicus] (Gemeine) Stinkmorchel {f}
common stitchwort [Stellaria graminea] Grasmiere {f}
common stitchwort [Stellaria graminea] Gras-Sternmiere {f}
common stock gewöhnliche Aktie {f}
common stock Stammaktie {f}
common stock {sg} Stammaktien {pl}
common stock dividend Stammdividende {f}
common stock equivalent Stammaktienäquivalent {n}
common stock fund Aktieninvestmentfonds {m}
common stock market Stammaktienmarkt {m}
common stock ratiosStammaktienverhältnis {n}
common stockholder Stammaktionär {m}
common stockholders Stammaktionäre {pl}
common stocksStammaktien {pl}
common stonechat [Saxicola torquatus, syn.: S. torquata] (Afrikanisches) Schwarzkehlchen {n}
common stonewort [Chara vulgaris, syn.: C. foetida] (Gemeine) Armleuchteralge {f}
common stonewort [Chara vulgaris, syn.: C. foetida] Gewöhnliche Armleuchteralge {f}
common storage area gemeinsamer Speicherbereich {m}
common stork's bill [Erodium ciconium] Großer Reiherschnabel {m}
common stork's bill [Erodium ciconium]Groß-Reiherschnabel {m}
common stork's-bill [Erodium cicutarium]Schierlingsblättriger Reiherschnabel {m}
common stork's-bill [Erodium cicutarium] Gewöhnlicher Reiherschnabel {m}
common storksbill / stork's-bill [Erodium cicutarium, syn.: Geranium cicutarium]Gemeiner Reiherschnabel {m}
common storksbill / stork's-bill [Erodium cicutarium, syn.: Geranium cicutarium] Schierlings-Reiherschnabel {m}
common storksbill / stork's-bill [Erodium cicutarium, syn.: Geranium cicutarium] Gewöhnlicher Reiherschnabel {m}
common storksbill / stork's-bill [Erodium cicutarium, syn.: Geranium cicutarium]Schierlingsblättriger Reiherschnabel {m}
common strategygemeinsame Strategie {f}
common straw grasshopper [Euchorthippus declivus] (Gewöhnlicher) Dickkopf-Grashüpfer / Dickkopfgrashüpfer {m}
common strawberry [Fragaria virginiana] Scharlach-Erdbeere {f}
common stretch-spider [Tetragnatha extensa] Gemeine Streckerspinne {f}
common striated feather-moss [Eurhynchium striatum] Spitzblättriges Schönschnabelmoos {n}
common striated feather-moss [Eurhynchium striatum] Gestreiftes Schönschnabelmoos {n}
common striped racer [Philodryas psammophidea psammophidea][Unterart der Südamerikanischen Streifen-Strauchnatter (Philodryas psammophidea)]
common striped woodlouse [Philoscia muscorum] Gefleckte Moosassel {f}
common striped woodlouse [Philoscia muscorum]Gestreifte Moosassel {f}
common stump brittlestem [Psathyrella piluliformis, syn.: P. hydrophila]Wässriger Saumpilz {m}
common stump brittlestem [Psathyrella piluliformis]Wässriger Mürbling {m} [auch: Wässeriger Mürbling]
common stump brittlestem [Psathyrella piluliformis] Wässriger Faserling {m} [auch: Wässeriger Faserling]
common stump brittlestem [Psathyrella piluliformis] Weißstieliges Stockschwämmchen {n}
common sturgeon [Acipenser sturio]Europäischer Stör {m}
common sturgeon [Acipenser sturio] Baltischer Stör {m}
common sun beetle [Amara aenea] Erzfarbener Kanalkäfer {m}
common sun beetle [Amara aenea] Erzfarbiger Kamelläufer {m} [Laufkäferart]
common sun beetle [Amara aenea]Erz-Kanalkäfer {m}
common sun beetle [Amara (Amara) aenea]Erzfarbener Kamelläufer {m} [Laufkäferart]
common sun beetle [Amara (Amara) aenea]Wegrand-Kanalkäfer {m} [Laufkäferart]
common sunbird-asity [Neodrepanis coruscans]Langschnabel-Nektarjala {m} [auch {f}]
common sundew [Drosera rotundifolia]Rundblättriger Sonnentau {m}
common sundew [Drosera rotundifolia] Widdertod {m} [regional]
common sundew [Drosera rotundifolia] Himmelstau {m} [regional]
common sundew [Drosera rotundifolia]Herrgottslöffel {m} [regional]
common sundew [Drosera rotundifolia]Himmelslöffelkraut {n} [regional]
common sundial [Architectonica nobilis, syn.: A. granulata, A. granosum, A. quadriceps, A. verrucosum, Solarium granosum, S. granulatum, S. ordinarium, S. quadriceps, S. verrucosum]Architectonica nobilis {f} [Spezies der Sonnenuhrschnecken; Meeresschnecke]
common sunfish [Lepomis gibbosus] Gemeiner Sonnenbarsch {m}
common sunfish [Lepomis gibbosus] Kürbiskernbarsch {m}
common sunflower [Helianthus annuus] (Echte) Sonnenblume {f}
common sunflower [Helianthus annuus]Gemeine Sonnenblume {f}
common sunshiner [Amara (Amara) aenea]Erzfarbener Kamelläufer {m}
common sunshiner [Amara (Amara) aenea]Erzfarbener Kanalkäfer {m}
common sunshiner [Amara (Amara) aenea] Erzfarbige Kamelläufer {m}
common sunshiner [Amara (Amara) aenea] Erz-Kanalkäfer {m}
common sunshiner [Amara (Amara) aenea] Wegrand-Kanalkäfer {m} [Laufkäferart]
common sunstar [Crossaster papposus] Gemeiner Sonnenstern {m} [Seestern]
common sunstar / sun star [Crossaster papposus] [starfish species](Gemeiner) Sonnenstern {m} [Seesternart]
common sunstar / sun star [Crossaster papposus] [starfish species] Warziger Sonnenstern {m}
common sunstar / sun star [Crossaster papposus] [starfish species] Gewöhnlicher Sonnenstern {m}
common supervision gemeinsame Überwachung {f}
common swamp snake [Erythrolamprus reginae]Nördliche Königsnatter {f}
common swamp snake [Erythrolamprus reginae] Nördliche Königs-Glattnatter {f}
common swift [Pharmacis lupulina, syn.: Korscheltellus lupulina, K. lupulinus, formerly: Hepialus lupulinus] [moth] Kleiner Hopfenspinner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
common swift (moth) [Pharmacis lupulina, syn.: Korscheltellus lupulina, formerly: Hepialus lupulinus] Kleiner Hopfen-Wurzelbohrer {m}
common swift (moth) [Pharmacis lupulina, syn.: Korscheltellus lupulina, formerly: Hepialus lupulinus]Kleiner Hopfenwurzelbohrer {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
common sword fern [Polystichum munitum]Schwertfarn {m}
common sword-lily [Gladiolus italicus, syn.: G. segetum, Gentiana wrightii, Gentianella amarella wrightii] Italienische Gladiole {f}
common sword-lily [Gladiolus italicus, syn.: G. segetum, Gentiana wrightii, Gentianella amarella wrightii]Saat-Siegwurz / Saatsiegwurz {f}
common sword-lily [Gladiolus italicus, syn.: G. segetum, Gentiana wrightii, Gentianella amarella wrightii] Italienische Siegwurz {f}
common sword-nosed bat [Lonchorhina aurita] (Eigentliche) Schwertnase {f}
common sword-nosed bat [Lonchorhina aurita] Speernase {f}
common Sydney octopus [Octopus tetricus]Gemeiner Sydneykrake {m} [ugs. auch Gemeine Sydneykrake {f}]
common tableMahlgemeinschaft {f}
common tailorbird [Orthotomus sutorius] Rotstirn-Schneidervogel {m}
common taipan [Oxyuranus scutellatus] Östlicher Taipan {m}
common taipan [Oxyuranus scutellatus] Küstentaipan {m}
common taipan [Oxyuranus scutellatus] Taipan {m}
common talkStadtgespräch {n}
common tamarisk-moss [Thuidium tamariscinum]Tamarisken-Thujamoos {n}
common tanager finch [Chlorospingus flavopectus, syn.: Chlorospingus ophthalmicus] Finkenbuschtangare {f} [auch: Finken-Buschtangare]
common tanager finch [Chlorospingus flavopectus, syn.: Chlorospingus ophthalmicus] Fleckenbuschtangare {f}
common tanager finch [Chlorospingus flavopectus, syn.: Chlorospingus ophthalmicus]Finkentangare {f}
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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