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(common) fish leech [Piscicola geometra]Gemeiner Fischegel {m}
(common) five-lined skink [Plestiodon fasciatus, syn.: Eumeces fasciatus, Lacerta fasciata] Fünfstreifenskink {m}
(common) flat periwinkle [Littorina fabalis, syn.: L. mariae, L. obtusata littoralis, L. obtusata var. mariae]Stumpfe Strandschnecke {f}
(common) flat periwinkle [Littorina fabalis, syn.: L. mariae, L. obtusata littoralis, L. obtusata var. mariae]Flache Strandschnecke {f}
(common) flat periwinkle [Littorina fabalis, syn.: L. mariae, L. obtusata littoralis, L. obtusata var. mariae] Stumpfkegelige Uferschnecke {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
(common) flax [Linum usitatissimum] Saat-Lein {m}
(common) flowering quince [Chaenomeles speciosa]Chinesische Zierquitte {f}
(common) flowering quince [Chaenomeles speciosa] Chinesische Scheinquitte {f}
(common) fragile fern [Cystopteris fragilis]Zerbrechlicher Blasenfarn {m}
(common) frog's-bit [Hydrocharis morsus-ranae] (Europäischer) Froschbiss {m}
(common) frog's-bit [Hydrocharis morsus-ranae]Gemeiner Froschbiss {m}
(common) frog's-bit [Hydrocharis morsus-ranae] Gewöhnlicher Froschbiss {m}
(common) frog's-bit [Hydrocharis morsus-ranae]Nixenblume {f}
(common) garden slug [Arion hortensis] (Echte) Garten-Wegschnecke / Gartenwegschnecke {f}
(common) garden snail [Cornu aspersum, syn.: Helix aspersa, Cryptomphalus aspersus, Cantareus aspersus] Gefleckte Weinbergschnecke {f}
(common) glasswort [Salicornia europaea, syn.: S. annua, S. europaea var. herbacea, S. herbacea, S. obscura](Gemeiner) Glasschmelz {m}
(common) glasswort [Salicornia europaea, syn.: S. annua, S. europaea var. herbacea, S. herbacea, S. obscura] Gemeiner Queller {m}
(common) glowworm / glow-worm / glow worm [Lampyris noctiluca, syn.: Cantharis noctiluca]Großer Leuchtkäfer {m}
(common) glowworm / glow-worm / glow worm [Lampyris noctiluca, syn.: Cantharis noctiluca] Großes Glühwürmchen {n}
(common) glowworm / glow-worm / glow worm [Lampyris noctiluca, syn.: Cantharis noctiluca] Großes Johannisglühwürmchen {n}
(common) goby [Pomatoschistus minutus] Sandgrundel {f}
(common) goby [Pomatoschistus minutus]Kleine Meergrundel {f}
(common) goby [Pomatoschistus minutus]Sandkühling {m}
(common) goby [Pomatoschistus minutus] Sandküling {m}
(common) golden alexanders / alexander's [Zizia aurea] Goldene Gelbdolde {f}
(common) golden alexanders / alexander's [Zizia aurea]Goldener Wiesen-Pastinak {m}
(common) goldeneye (duck) [Bucephala clangula] Schellente {f}
(common) golden-stars / golden stars [treated as sg.] [Bloomeria crocea, syn.: Allium croceum]Goldstern {m}
(common) goose barnacle [Lepas anatifera] (Große) Entenmuschel {f}
(common) goose barnacle [Lepas anatifera] Gemeine Entenmuschel {f}
(common) gooseberry sawfly [Nematus ribesii] Gelbe Stachelbeer-Blattwespe / Stachelbeerblattwespe {f}
(common) grape hyacinth [Muscari botryoides, syn.: M. heldreichii, Hyacinthus botryoides]Kleine Träubelhyazinthe {f}
(common) grape hyacinth [Muscari botryoides, syn.: M. heldreichii, Hyacinthus botryoides] Bisamhyazinthe {f} [Kleine Traubenhyazinthe]
(common) grape hyacinth [Muscari botryoides] Kleine Traubenhyazinthe {f}
(common) grass owl [Tyto capensis] Kapgraseule {f}
(common) grasshopper warbler [Locustella naevia] Feldschwirl {m}
(common) grass-leaved goldenrod [Euthamia graminifolia, syn.: Solidago graminifolia, Chrysocoma graminifolia] Grasblättrige Goldrute {f}
(common) great angelica [Angelica atropurpurea]Purpur-Engelwurz {f}
(common) great bulrush [Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani, syn.: Scirpus tabernaemontani, S. validus] Graue Teichsimse {f}
(common) great bulrush [Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani, syn.: Scirpus validus]Salz-Teichbinse {f}
(common) great bulrush [Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani, syn.: Scirpus validus]Salz-Teichsimse {f}
(common) great bulrush [Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani, syn.: Scirpus validus]Graue Seebinse {f}
(common) great bulrush [Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani, syn.: Scirpus validus]Steinsimse {f}
(common) green bottle fly [Lucilia sericata, syn.: Phaenicia sericata] Schafschmeißfliege {f}
(common) green darner [Anax junius] Amerikanische Königslibelle {f}
(common) green forest lizard [Calotes calotes, syn.: Agama calotes] Sägerückenagame {f}
(common) green shield bug [Palomena prasina] Grüne Stinkwanze {f}
(common) green shield bug [Palomena prasina] Gemeine Stinkwanze {f}
(common) green shield bug [Palomena prasina]Gemeiner Grünling {m} [Baumwanze]
(common) green shield bug [Palomena prasina]Faule Grete {f} [Grüne Stinkwanze]
(common) greenshank [Tringa nebularia] Grünschenkel {m}
(common) grey bush cricket [Br.] [Platycleis albopunctata] Westliche Beißschrecke {f}
(common) grey sea slug [Br.] [Aeolidia papillosa, syn.: A. papillosa var. pacifica, A. serotina, Eolis campbelli, Limax papillosus] Breitwarzige Fadenschnecke {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
(common) grey sea slug [Br.] [Aeolidia papillosa, syn.: A. papillosa var. pacifica, A. serotina, Eolis campbelli, Limax papillosus]Flockige Fadenschnecke {f} [Meeresschnecke]
(common) gromwell [Lithospermum officinale]Eisenkraut {n} [Echter Steinsame]
(common) gromwell [Lithospermum officinale]Himmelstütze {f} [Echter Steinsame]
(common) gromwell [Lithospermum officinale]Meergries {m} [Echter Steinsame]
(common) gromwell [Lithospermum officinale] Meerhirse {f} [Echter Steinsame]
(common) gromwell [Lithospermum officinale] Steinhirse {f} [Echter Steinsame]
(common) gromwell [Lithospermum officinale] Steinsaat {f} [Echter Steinsame]
(common) gromwell [Lithospermum officinale]Meergrieß {m} [Echter Steinsame]
(common) guillemot [Uria aalge] Trottellumme {f}
(common) gum cistus [Cistus ladanifer, syn.: C. ladaniferus, C. palhinhae]Lack-Zistrose / Lackzistrose {f}
(common) gum cistus [Cistus ladanifer, syn.: C. ladaniferus, C. palhinhae] Gummi-Zistrose / Gummizistrose {f}
(common) gum cistus [Cistus ladanifer, syn.: C. ladaniferus, C. palhinhae]Harz-Zistrose / Harzzistrose {f}
(common) hackberry [Celtis occidentalis, syn.: C. cordata, C. crassifolia, C. pumila] Amerikanischer Zürgelbaum {m}
(common) hackberry [Celtis occidentalis, syn.: C. cordata, C. crassifolia, C. pumila] Westlicher Zürgelbaum {m}
(common) hackberry [Celtis occidentalis, syn.: C. cordata, C. crassifolia, C. pumila]Nordamerikanischer Zürgelbaum {m}
(common) hackberry [Celtis occidentalis, syn.: C. cordata, C. crassifolia, C. pumila] Abendländischer Zürgelbaum {m}
(common) haircap moss [Polytrichum commune] Frauenhaar {n} [Goldenes Frauenhaarmoos]
(common) harebell [Campanula rotundifolia]Grasglockenblume / Gras-Glockenblume {f}
(common) hazel [Corylus avellana]Haselbusch {m} [Haselstrauch]
(common) heath grass [Danthonia decumbens, syn.: Sieglingia decumbens] [also: heath-grass] Dreizahn {m} [Grasart]
(common) heather [Calluna vulgaris, syn.: Erica vulgaris, Ericoides vulgaris] Besenkraut {n}
(common) heather [Calluna vulgaris, syn.: Erica vulgaris, Ericoides vulgaris]Brandheide {f}
(common) heather [Calluna vulgaris, syn.: Erica vulgaris, Ericoides vulgaris]Erika {f}
(common) heather [Calluna vulgaris, syn.: Erica vulgaris, Ericoides vulgaris](Gemeines) Heidekraut {n}
(common) heather [Calluna vulgaris, syn.: Erica vulgaris, Ericoides vulgaris] Immerschön {n} [Heidekraut]
(common) heather [Calluna vulgaris, syn.: Erica vulgaris, Ericoides vulgaris]Kuhheide {f} [Besenheide]
(common) heather [Calluna vulgaris, syn.: Erica vulgaris, Ericoides vulgaris]Sandheide {f} [Besenheide]
(common) heather [Calluna vulgaris]Besenheide {f}
(common) hedge parsley [Torilis arvensis, syn.: T. africana, T. arvensis subsp. arvensis]Acker-Klettenkerbel / Ackerklettenkerbel {m}
(common) hedge parsley [Torilis arvensis, syn.: T. africana, T. arvensis subsp. arvensis] Acker-Borstendolde / Ackerborstendolde {f}
(common) hedge parsley [Torilis arvensis, syn.: T. africana, T. arvensis subsp. arvensis] Feld-Klettenkerbel / Feldklettenkerbel {m}
(common) hedge parsley [Torilis arvensis, syn.: T. africana, T. arvensis subsp. arvensis]Feld-Borstendolde / Feldborstendolde {f}
(common) hemp nettle [Galeopsis tetrahit] Stechender Hohlzahn {m}
(common) hemp nettle [Galeopsis tetrahit] (Gemeine) Hanfnessel {f}
(common) hemp nettle [Galeopsis tetrahit] Kleiner Hohlzahn {m}
(common) hemp-nettle [Galeopsis tetrahit] Dorn-Hohlzahn {m} [auch: Dornhohlzahn]
(common) hepatic artery [Arteria hepatica communis] (gemeinsame) Leberarterie {f}
(common) hepatic duct [Ductus hepaticus communis](gemeinsamer) Lebergang {m}
(common) hepatic duct [Ductus hepaticus communis] (gemeinsamer) Gallengang {m} (der Leberlappen)
(common) hepatic duct [Ductus hepaticus communis] (gemeinsamer) Lebergallengang {m}
(common) hepatica [Hepatica nobilis, syn.: H. acutiloba, H. americana, H. triloba, Anemone acutiloba, A. hepatica]Leberblümchen {n}
(common) hepatica [Hepatica nobilis, syn.: H. acutiloba, H. americana, H. triloba, Anemone acutiloba, A. hepatica] Dreilappiges Leberblümchen {n}
(common) hide beetle [Dermestes maculatus]Dornspeckkäfer {m}
(common) hill myna [Gracula religiosa]Beo {m}
(common) hill mynah [Gracula religiosa]Beo {m}
(common) hollyhock [Alcea rosea, syn.: Althaea rosea] Roter Eibisch {m}
(common) honeylocust / honey locust [Gleditsia triacanthos]Amerikanische Gleditschie {f}
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