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English-German Dictionary

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canning rubber [Am.]Einweckgummi {n} {m}
canning salt [preserving salt]Konservierungssalz {n}
canning sugar [Am.]Gelierzucker {m}
Canning Town[Gegend in Newham, Ost-London]
canning-factoryKonservenfabrik {f}
cannizzarite Cannizzarit {m}
Cannizzaro reaction Cannizzaro-Reaktion {f}
cannonKanone {f}
cannonGeschütz {n}
Cannon Cannon
cannonScharfmetze {f} [veraltet]
cannon [billiards] [Br.]Karambolage {f} [Billard]
cannon artillery Kanonenartillerie {f}
cannon ball [coll.] [diving style] [also: cannonball] Paketsprung {m} [ugs. meist: Arschbombe]
cannon ball [fig.] Bombe {f} [Fußball-Jargon]
cannon ball [spv.] [cannonball] Kanonenkugel {f}
cannon ball [swimming]Arschbombe {f} [ugs.]
cannon beat Kanonenschlag {m}
cannon bone Schienbein {n}
cannon boneSprungbein {n}
cannon bone Röhrbein {n}
Cannon connector Cannon-Stecker {m}
cannon cracker [Am.] [a large firecracker] Kanonenschlag {m} [Feuerwerkskörper (Böller)]
cannon fodderKanonenfutter {n}
cannon foundryGeschützgießerei {f}
cannon foundryKanonengießerei {f}
Cannon jack [esp. Japan] [XLR connector]Cannon-Stecker {m} [XLR-Steckverbinder]
Cannon plug [XLR connector]Cannon-Stecker {m} [XLR-Steckverbinder]
cannon royal Kartaune {f}
cannon salute Salutschuss {m} [mit Kanonen]
cannon salute Ehrensalve {f} [mit Kanonen]
cannon salutes Salutschüsse {pl} [mit Kanonen]
cannon shot Kanonenschuss {m}
cannon shot [cannonball] Kanonenkugel {f}
cannon tube Kanonenrohr {n}
(cannon) salute firing Salutschießen {n}
cannonade Beschießung {f}
cannonade Geschützfeuer {n}
cannonade Kanonade {f}
cannonadingBeschießung {f}
cannonballKanonenkugel {f}
cannonball [sl.]Bombe {f} [Fußball]
cannonball (dive) [Am.] Arschbombe {f} [ugs.]
cannonball fungi {pl} [genus Sphaerobolus, family Geastraceae] Kugelschneller {pl}
cannonball pulse [(Watson's) water hammer pulse]Wasserhammerpuls {m}
Cannonball Run II [Hal Needham] Auf dem Highway ist wieder die Hölle los
cannonball tree [Couroupita guianensis]Kanonenkugelbaum {m}
Cannonball! [Paul Bartel]Cannonball
Cannon-Bard theoryCannon-Bard-Theorie {f}
cannoneer Kanonier {m}
cannonite [Bi2 [O|(OH)2|SO4]]Cannonit {m}
cannonproof kanonensicher
cannonry Artillerie {f}
cannons Kanonen {pl}
cannula Kanüle {f}
cannula Hohlnadel {f} [zur Injektion und Entnahme von Flüssigkeiten und Gasen]
cannula Röhrchen {n} [Kanüle]
cannula dressing Kanülenpflaster {n}
cannula tip Kanülenspitze {f}
cannulated awl kanülierte Ahle {f}
cannulated awlkanülierter Pfriem {m}
cannulated cow fistulierte Kuh {f}
cannulated drillkanülierter Bohrer {m}
cannulation Punktion {f}
cannulizationKanülierung {f}
cannulizing Kanülisieren {n}
canny hell auf der Platte [ugs.]
canny pfiffig
canny schlau
canny vorsichtig
cannygewiegt [ugs.]
canny besonnen
canny [Scot., N. Engl.]hübsch
canny [clever] klug [schlau, gerissen]
canny answerschlaue Antwort {f}
canny wife [Scot.]hübsche Frau {f}
Cano toadfish [Thalassophryne maculosa] Sapo-Krötenfisch {m}
canoe Kanu {n}
canoe Paddelboot {n}
canoe birch [Betula papyrifera, syn.: Betula papyracea] Papier-Birke {f}
canoe birch [Betula papyrifera, syn.: Betula papyracea]Kanu-Birke {f}
canoe birch [Betula papyrifera, syn.: Betula papyracea]Amerikanische Weiß-Birke {f}
canoe birch [Betula papyrifera, syn.: Betula papyracea] Graubirke {f}
canoe bubble snails [family Cylichnidae] Bootsschnecken {pl} [Meeresschneckenfamilie]
canoe bubble snails [family Cylichnidae]Becherschnecken {pl} [Meeresschneckenfamilie]
canoe bubble snails [family Cylichnidae] Zylinderschnecken {pl} [Meeresschneckenfamilie]
canoe club Kanuverein {m}
canoe for two Zweierboot {n}
Canoe Nunatak Canoe-Nunatak {m}
canoe paddle Stechpaddel {n}
canoe plant Kanupflanze {f}
canoe polo Kanupolo {n}
canoe racingKanurennsport {m}
canoe rideKanufahrt {f}
canoe shells [family Scaphandridae]Bootschnecken {pl}
canoe slalomKanuslalom {m}
« candCandcanecanicanncanncanocanoCan'Cantcant »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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