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English-German Dictionary

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comorbid conditions Komorbiditäten {pl}
comorbidities Komorbiditäten {pl}
comorbidities Begleiterkrankungen {pl}
comorbidityKomorbidität {f}
co-morbidity Komorbidität {f}
comorbidity Begleiterkrankung {f}
co-morbidity Begleiterkrankung {f}
ComorianKomorer {m}
Comorian [female]Komorerin {f}
Comorian franc <KMF, FC> Komoren-Franc {m} <KMF, FC>
Comorians Komorer {pl}
Comoro blue pigeon [Alectroenas sganzini] Komorenfruchttaube {f}
Comoro blue pigeon [Alectroenas sganzini](Blaue) Komoren-Fruchttaube {f}
Comoro olive pigeon [Columba polleni]Komorentaube {f}
Comoro rousette [Rousettus obliviosus] Komoren-Flughund {m}
Comoro thrush [Turdus bewsheri] Komorendrossel {f}
Comoro warbler [Nesillas mariae] Komorenbuschsänger {m}
Comoros <.km> Komoren {pl}
Comoros day gecko [Phelsuma comorensis, syn.: P. dubia comorensis]Komoren-Taggecko {m}
Comoros olive pigeon [Columba pollenii]Komorentaube {f}
Comoros thrush [Turdus bewsheri] Komorendrossel {f}
comp [Am.] [coll.] [complimentary]Gratis-
comp [coll. abbr.: jazz accompaniment] Begleitung {f} [Klavier, Gitarre]
comp [coll.] [short for complimentary ticket] Freikarte {f}
comp card Sedcard {f}
comp day [coll.] [in compensation for working on a holiday] Guttag {m}
comp ticket [short for: complimentary ticket]Freikarte {f}
comp time Zeitausgleich {m}
compact kompakt
compacteng gepackt
compact festgepackt
compactkurz und bündig
compact kurzgefasst
compact verdichtet
compact Vertrag {m}
compactÜbereinkunft {f}
compact komprimiert
compact [Am.] Kompaktauto {n}
compact [Am.] Kompaktwagen {m}
compact [body, building, etc.] gedrungen
compact [formal agreement] Abkommen {n} [Vertrag, Vereinbarung, Pakt]
compact [powder compact] Puderdose {f}
compact [powder metallurgy] Pressling {m} [Pulvermetallurgie]
compact absorber Kompaktabsorber {m}
compact and robust design kompakte und robuste Konstruktion {f}
compact bog-moss [Sphagnum compactum]Dichtes Torfmoos {n}
compact boneKnochenkompakta {f}
compact bone [Substantia compacta]Kompakta {f}
compact brome [Bromus madritensis, syn.: Anisantha madritensis] Mittelmeertrespe / Mittelmeer-Trespe {f}
compact buildingKompaktbau {m}
compact camera Kompaktkamera {f}
compact camera [coll.] Kleinbildkamera {f}
compact car Kleinwagen {m}
compact car Kompaktauto {n}
compact carKompaktwagen {m}
compact car Fahrzeug {n} der Kompaktklasse
compact chess [Bromus madritensis, syn.: Anisantha madritensis] Mittelmeertrespe / Mittelmeer-Trespe {f}
compact convergencekompakte Konvergenz {f}
compact course Kompaktkurs {m}
compact cyclotron Kompaktzyklotron {n}
compact design Kompaktbauweise {f}
compact disc <CD> Compact Disc {f} <CD>
compact disc <CD> Compactdisc {f} <CD>
compact disc <CD> Compact Disk {f} <CD> [Rsv.]
compact disc <CD> CD {f} [Kurzwort für Compact Disc]
compact disc playerCD-Spieler {m}
compact disk Kompaktplatte {f} <CD> [veraltet]
Compact Disk - Read Only Memory <CD-ROM> Compact Disc {f} - Read-Only Memory <CD-ROM>
compact disk <CD> Kompakt-Diskette {f} [veraltend] [selten] [Compact Disk]
compact disk <CD>Compact Disc {f} <CD>
compact dock [Rumex thyrsiflorus]Straußblütiger Sauerampfer {m}
compact dock [Rumex thyrsiflorus] Rispen-Sauerampfer {m}
compact dock [Rumex thyrsiflorus]Bahndamm-Ampfer / Bahndammampfer {m}
compact dock [Rumex thyrsiflorus] Rispenampfer {m}
compact feather-moss [Conardia compacta]Dichtes Kleinschnabeldeckelmoos {n}
compact floppy diskKompaktdiskette {f}
compact floppy diskMikrodiskette {f}
compact fluorescent lamp <CFL>Kompaktleuchtstofflampe {f}
compact fluorescent light <CFL>Kompaktleuchtstofflampe {f}
compact grape hyacinth [Muscari botryoides, syn.: M. heldreichii, Hyacinthus botryoides] Kleine Träubelhyazinthe {f}
compact grape hyacinth [Muscari botryoides, syn.: M. heldreichii, Hyacinthus botryoides] Kleine Traubenhyazinthe {f}
compact grape hyacinth [Muscari botryoides, syn.: M. heldreichii, Hyacinthus botryoides] Bisamhyazinthe {f} [Kleine Traubenhyazinthe]
compact housing Kompaktgehäuse {n}
compact manifold Kompaktverteiler {m}
compact manifoldkompakte Mannigfaltigkeit {f}
compact mass dichte Masse {f}
compact mass feste Masse {f}
compact moduleKompaktmodul {n}
compact molecule kompaktes Molekül {n}
compact moleculeskompakte Moleküle {pl}
compact muon solenoid detector <CMS detector> CMS-Detektor {m}
compact open-end spanner [Br.] Elektriker-Doppelmaulschlüssel {m}
compact operatorkompakter Operator {m}
compact parcel kleines Paket {n}
compact powder Kompaktpuder {m} [ugs. auch {n}]
compact radiator Kompaktheizkörper {m}
compact radiatorRaumsparheizkörper {m}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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