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composition with one's creditors Vergleich {m} mit den Gläubigern
compositional kompositionell
compositional methodKompositionsverfahren {n}
compositional style Kompositionsweise {f}
compositional style Kompositionsstil {m}
compositional technique Satztechnik {f}
compositional technique Kompositionstechnik {f}
compositionally kompositorisch
compositions Kompositionen {pl}
compositor Setzer {m}
compositorTypensetzer {m}
compositor Schriftsetzer {m}
compositor-printerSchweizerdegen {m}
compositor's error Setzfehler {m}
compossibilityKompossibilität {f}
compossible kompatibel
compostKompost {m}
compost bin Komposttonne {f}
compost bin Kompostbehälter {m}
compost forkKompostgabel {f}
compost heapKomposthaufen {m}
compost heapsKomposthaufen {pl}
compost lung [coll.] [hypersensitivity pneumonitis] Kompostlunge {f} [ugs.] [Hypersensitivitätspneumonitis]
compost maker Komposter {m}
compost of plant waste Pflanzenabfallkompost {m}
compost pile [Am.]Komposthaufen {m}
compost soil Komposterde {f}
compostable kompostierbar
composted kompostiert
composterKomposter {m}
compostingKompostierung {f}
composting Kompostieren {n}
composting bin Bioabfalltonne {f}
composting plant Kompostieranlage {f}
composting plant Kompostierungsanlage {f}
composting plant Kompostwerk {n}
composure Gelassenheit {f}
composure Fassung {f} [Selbstbeherrschung]
composure Ruhe {f} [Fassung, Beherrschung]
composureGemütsruhe {f}
composure Sammlung {f} [Ruhe, Konzentration]
composureContenance {f} [geh.]
composure [emotional control, calmness]Beherrschung {f} [Selbstbeherrschung, Fassung]
compotation [rare] Zechgelage {n}
compotator Zechkumpan {m}
compote Kompott {n}
compote [Am.] [bowl-shaped dish with long stem for serving e.g. desserts, sweets, nuts] Schale {f} mit Stiel [z. B. für Kompott, Süßigkeiten, Nüsse]
compote jarMarmeladenglas {n}
compotierKompottschale {f}
compoundPräparat {n}
compoundVerbindung {f}
compound Verbund {m}
compound zusammengesetzt
compound Grundstück {n} einer Niederlassung
compound Zusammensetzung {f}
compoundKompositum {n}
compoundLager {n} [für Gefangene, Arbeiter etc.]
compound Gehege {n}
compoundzusammengesetztes Wort {n}
compound Wortverbindung {f}
compound [attr.] [consisting of several parts or elements]aus mehreren Teilen bestehend [attr.]
compound [building(s) set off and enclosed by a barrier]Anwesen {n}
compound [enclosure] Zwinger {m} [Gehege]
compound [mixture] Mischung {f}
compound [multi-layered] [e.g. epithelial tissue]mehrschichtig [z. B. Epithelgewebe]
compound [of leaves: feathered] gefiedert
compound [open area enclosed by a fence] Gelände {n} [von einem Zaun umschlossenes Gelände, z. B. Werksgelände]
compound / complex joint [Articulatio composita] zusammengesetztes Gelenk {n}
compound action potential <CAP>Summenaktionspotential {n} <SAP>
compound action potential <CAP> auditorisches Summenpotential {n}
compound amountEndwert {m}
compound (animal) feedstuff Mischfuttermittel {n}
compound annual growth rate <CAGR>kumulierte jährliche Wachstumsrate {f}
compound anode Verbundanode {f}
compound arch gemischter Bogen {m}
compound arrangement Verbundanordnung {f}
compound augmented fifth [augmented twelfth] übermäßige Duodezime {f}
compound augmented fourth [augmented eleventh]übermäßige Undezime {f}
compound augmented second [augmented ninth]übermäßige None {f}
compound body Gemisch {n}
compound bodyzusammengesetzte Substanz {f}
compound bow [archery] Verbundbogen {m}
compound bow [archery]Compoundbogen {m} [Bogenschießen]
compound character zusammengesetztes Zeichen {n}
compound classesVerbindungsklassen {pl}
compound coilKompensationsspule {f}
compound complex sentence Reihe {f} von Satzgefügen
compound complex sentencesReihen {pl} von Satzgefügen
compound computation of interest Zinseszinsrechnung {f}
compound condition zusammengesetzte Bedingung {f}
compound deck Verbunddeck {m}
compound diminished fifth [diminished twelfth] verminderte Duodezime {f}
compound diminished fourth [diminished eleventh]verminderte Undezime {f}
compound distribution [mixed distribution]Mischverteilung {f}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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