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cantharids [family Cantharidae] Canthariden {pl}
cantharids [family Cantharidae] Soldatenkäfer {pl}
cantharids [family Cantharidae] Weichkäfer {pl}
cantharis livida [genus Cantharis, family Cantharidae] [a species of soldier beetle] Variabler Weichkäfer {m}
cantharophile flower Käferblume {f}
cantharophilyKäferblütigkeit {f}
cantharophily [pollination by beetles] Cantharophilie {f} [Bestäubung durch Käfer]
canthaxanthin <CX> [C40H52O2] Canthaxanthin {n} <CX>
cantholysisKantholyse {f}
canthopexy Kanthopexie {f}
canthoplastyKanthoplastik {f}
canthorrhaphy Kanthorrhaphie {f}
canthotomy Kanthotomie {f}
canthus Augenwinkel {m}
Canthus Kanthos {m}
canthus Lidwinkel {m}
Cantiaci Cantiaci {pl}
cantible [misspelling of "cantabile"]kantabel
canticleLobgesang {m}
canticleCanticum {n}
Canticle of Canticles Hohelied {n} Salomos
canticlesLobgesänge {pl}
canticlesCantica {pl}
cantil [organ in Arabidopsis thaliana] Cantil {m}
cantilena Kantilene {f}
cantileverAusleger {m}
cantilever Konsole {f}
cantilever Mastausleger {m} [Hochspannungsmast]
cantilevervorspringender Träger {m} [Ausleger]
cantileverKragträger {m}
cantilever Kragarm {m}
cantilever Kragbalken {m}
cantileverPratze {f}
cantilever Biegebalken {m}
cantilever [measuring needle of an atomic force microscope] Cantilever {m} [Messnadel von Rasterkraftmikroskopen]
cantilever action diagonal cutting pliers {pl} [Br.] [one pair]Hebelseitenschneider {m}
cantilever action end cutting pliers {pl} [Br.] [one pair] Hebelvornschneider {m}
cantilever arched bridgeAuslegerbogenbrücke {f}
cantilever arm Auskragung {f}
cantilever armAuslegerarm {m}
cantilever beamKragträger {m}
cantilever beam freitragender Balken {m}
cantilever beam Auslegerbalken {m}
cantilever beam Freiträger {m}
cantilever beam Kragbalken {m}
cantilever (beam) freitragender Arm {m} [Freiträger]
cantilever (beam) bridge Kragbalkenbrücke {f} [Kragbrücke, Auslegerbrücke]
cantilever brake Kipphebelbremse {f}
cantilever bridge Auslegerbrücke {f}
cantilever bridge Extensionsbrücke {f}
cantilever bridge Freiendbrücke {f}
cantilever bridge Anhängerbrücke {f}
cantilever bridgeKragbrücke {f}
cantilever caliper brake Cantilever-Felgenbremse {f}
cantilever chairFreischwinger {m}
cantilever chair Freischwingersessel {m}
cantilever chair Kragstuhl {m}
cantilever construction Freivorbau {m}
cantilever crab Winkelkatze {f}
cantilever crane Auslegerkran {m}
cantilever effectKragwirkung {f}
cantilever fixed dental prosthesisFreiendprothese {f}
cantilever length freitragende Länge {f}
cantilever length Kraglänge {f}
cantilever method Kragträgerverfahren {n}
cantilever plate Kragscheibe {f}
cantilever pontic Freiendbrücke {f}
cantilever rackKragarmregal {n}
cantilever roof Kragdach {n}
cantilever step eingespannte Stufe {f}
cantilever winchLukenwinde {f}
cantilever wingTiefdecker {m}
cantilevered roofKragdach {n}
cantilevered stairs {pl} Kragstufentreppe {f}
cantilevered steps {pl}freischwebende Treppe {f}
cantilevering roof Kragdach {n}
cantillation Kantillation {f}
cantina [southwestern US] [a bar that serves liquor] Saloon {m} [eine Kneipe, die Alkohol ausschenkt]
canting heuchelnd
canting kippend
canting scheinheilig
canting arms {pl} redendes Wappen {n}
canting arms {pl}sprechendes Wappen {n}
canting arms {pl} Namenwappen {n}
cantional setting Kantionalsatz {m}
cantle Hinterzwiesel {m}
cantlet [rare]Ecke {f} [Stück, Fragment]
canto Canto {m}
canto Gesang {m} [Teil einer Dichtung]
canto fermoCantus firmus {m}
Canto for a Gypsy [Martin Cruz Smith as Martin Smith] Totentanz um eine Königskrone
cantometricsKantometrik {f}
cantonBezirk {m}
canton Kanton {m}
canton Quartier {n}
cantonStand {m} [schweiz.] [Kanton]
Canton [old] [Guangzhou] Kanton {n} [Stadt und Provinz in China]
canton [recruiting district (Prussia)]Kanton {m} [Wehrverwaltungsbezirk (in Preußen)]
« canncanncanocanoCan'cantcantCantcanycappcapa »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers