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English-German Dictionary

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computer crash Rechnerabsturz {m}
computer crime Computerverbrechen {n}
computer crime [collectively] Computerkriminalität {f}
computer criminalComputerverbrecher {m}
computer dataComputerdaten {pl}
computer data logging systemDatenerfassungssystem {n}
computer database Computerdatenbank {f}
computer department Computerabteilung {f}
computer desk Computertisch {m}
computer development Computerentwicklung {f}
computer dictionaryComputerwörterbuch {n}
computer disk Computerdiskette {f}
computer down-timeRechnerausfallzeit {f}
computer drawing Computerzeichnung {f}
computer driveComputerlaufwerk {n}
computer efficiency Computerleistung {f}
computer efficiencyComputerleistungsfähigkeit {f}
computer efficiencyNutzungsgrad {m} eines Rechners
computer emergency response team <CERT>CERT {n} [eine Organisation od. ein spezielles Team von IT-Sicherheitsfachleuten]
computer emergency serviceComputer-Notdienst {m}
computer engineer Computertechniker {m}
computer engineer Informatik-Ingenieur {m}
computer engineer [female] Informatik-Ingenieurin {f}
computer engineeringRechentechnik {f}
Computer Engineering Technische Informatik {f}
computer engineeringTechnische Informatik {f} [Studienlehrgang]
computer engineering <CE> Computertechnik {f} <CT>
computer environmentComputerumgebung {f}
computer equipment Computerausstattung {f}
computer equipment Computerausrüstung {f}
computer era Computerzeitalter {n}
computer error Computerfehler {m}
computer errors Computerfehler {pl}
computer espionage Computerspionage {f}
computer evaluationComputerauswertung {f}
computer experiment Computerexperiment {n}
computer expert Computerfachmann {m}
computer expert Computerexperte {m}
computer expert Rechnerfachmann {m} [selten für: Computerfachmann]
computer expert [female]Computerexpertin {f}
computer expo Computerausstellung {f}
computer factory Computerfabrik {f}
computer failureRechnerausfall {m}
computer fairComputermesse {f}
computer family Rechnerfamilie {f}
computer fault Computerfehler {m}
computer file Datei {f}
computer fileComputerdatei {f}
computer firm Computerfirma {f}
computer folderComputerordner {m}
computer forensic scienceComputer-Forensik {f}
computer forensics Computerforensik {f}
computer fraud Computerbetrug {m}
computer fraudComputerkriminalität {f}
computer freak [coll.] Computerfreak {m} [ugs.]
computer function Computerfunktion {f}
computer game Computerspiel {n}
computer game industry Computerspielindustrie {f}
computer games Computerspiele {pl}
computer games industry Computerspieleindustrie {f} [seltener für: Computerspielindustrie]
computer gaming Computerspielen {n}
computer gaming industryComputerspielindustrie {f}
computer geek [esp. Am.] [coll.] Computerfreak {m} [ugs.]
computer generationComputergeneration {f}
computer giant Computergigant {m}
computer giant Computerriese {m}
computer glasses {pl} [one pair] Bildschirmarbeitsplatzbrille {f}
computer glitch [coll.] Computerstörung {f}
computer graphicsgraphische Datenverarbeitung {f}
computer graphicsComputergrafik {f}
computer graphics and image processing Computergrafik und Bildverarbeitung <CGBV> [auch Studiengangsbezeichnung]
computer graphics system Computergraphiksystem {n} [auch: Computergraphik-System]
computer hardware Computerhardware {f} [auch: Computer-Hardware]
computer housing Computergehäuse {n}
computer independent language rechnerunabhängige Sprache {f}
computer industry Computerindustrie {f}
computer industry Computerbranche {f}
computer information Computerinformation {f}
computer installationRechnerinstallation {f}
computer instructionMaschinenbefehl {m}
computer instructionComputeranweisung {f}
computer instruction codeMaschinenbefehlscode {m}
computer instruction set Befehlsvorrat {m}
computer integrated manufacturing <CIM> computergestützte Produktion {f} <CIM>
computer interface Computerschnittstelle {f}
computer interface <CI>Rechnerschnittstelle {f} <RS, RSS>
computer jargon Computerfachsprache {f}
computer key Computertaste {f}
computer knowledge {sg} Computerkenntnisse {pl}
computer lab [coll.]Computerlabor {n}
computer lab [in schools, libraries etc.] Computerraum {m} [in Schulen, Bibliotheken etc.]
computer language Maschinensprache {f}
computer languageComputersprache {f}
computer languageProgrammiersprache {f}
computer licenseRechner-Lizenz {f}
computer linguist Computerlinguist {m}
computer linguist [female]Computerlinguistin {f}
computer linguistics Computerlinguistik {f}
computer linguistics linguistische Datenverarbeitung {f}
computer literacy Computerkompetenz {f}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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