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computer protection Rechnerschutz {m}
computer reservation system <CRS> Computerreservierungssystem {n} <CRS>
computer reservations system <CRS> Computerreservierungssystem {n} <CRS>
computer resources Computerressourcen {pl}
computer resourcesRechnerressourcen {pl}
computer restart Rechnerneustart {m}
computer restart Computerneustart {m}
computer retailerComputereinzelhändler {m}
computer retailer Systemhaus {n}
computer retailer Computerhändler {m}
computer role-playing game Computer-Rollenspiel {n}
computer roomComputerraum {m}
computer room Maschinenraum {m}
computer room Rechnerraum {m}
computer run Arbeitsgang {m}
computer run Rechnerlauf {m}
computer running timeComputerlaufzeit {f} [ugs.]
computer running timeRechnerlaufzeit {f}
computer sabotage Computersabotage {f}
computer scienceInformatik {f}
computer science and multimedia <CS&M>Informatik und Multimedia
computer science educationInformatikausbildung {f}
computer science graduateInformatikabsolvent {m}
computer science in construction Bauinformatik {f} [Informatik im Bauwesen]
computer science in sport Sportinformatik {f}
computer science student Informatikstudent {m} [auch: Informatik-Student]
computer science student [female] Informatikstudentin {f} [auch: Informatik-Studentin]
computer science studies Informatik-Studium {n}
computer sciences {pl}Informatik {f}
computer scientist Informatiker {m}
computer scientist [female]Informatikerin {f}
computer screen Computerbildschirm {m}
computer searchRasterfahndung {f} [Computerfahndung]
computer search Computerfahndung {f} [Suche per Computer, Rasterfahndung]
computer section Computerabteilung {f}
computer sector Computerbranche {f}
computer sector Computerbereich {m}
computer security IT-Sicherheit {f}
computer securityRechnersicherheit {f}
computer security Computersicherheit {f}
Computer Security Incident Response Team <CSIRT> Reaktionsteam {n} für Computersicherheitsverletzungen
computer security incident response team <CSIRT> CSIRT {n} [eine Organisation od. ein spezielles Team von IT-Sicherheitsfachleuten]
computer selectionRechnerauswahl {f}
computer serviceComputerdienst {m}
computer service Rechnerwartung {f}
computer service center [Am.]Dienstleistungsrechenzentrum {n}
computer service centre [Br.]Computerdienstleistungszentrum {n}
computer setup Computerschaltung {f}
computer shopComputergeschäft {n} [Laden]
computer shop Computerladen {m}
computer show Computerschau {f}
computer simulation Computersimulation {f}
computer skillsComputerkenntnisse {pl}
computer skills Computerfertigkeiten {pl}
computer slot module Computereinschubmodul {n}
computer snoopingComputerschnüffelei {f}
computer software <CS>Computersoftware {f} <CS>
computer software <CS> Rechnersoftware {f} [Computersoftware (bei QM)]
computer software documentation <CSD> Computersoftware-Dokumentation {f} <CSD>
computer specialistComputerspezialist {m}
computer specialist [female] Computerspezialistin {f}
computer speedRechengeschwindigkeit {f}
computer staff Computerpersonal {n}
computer statement Rechenanweisung {f}
computer store Computergeschäft {n}
computer store Computerladen {m}
computer storedcomputergespeichert
computer stored data computergespeicherte Daten {pl}
computer structureRechnerstruktur {f}
computer studies Computerstudien {pl}
computer supportRechnerunterstützung {f}
computer support Computerunterstützung {f}
computer support Computerhilfe {f}
computer supported collaborative learning computergestütztes kollaboratives Lernen {n}
Computer Supported Cooperative Work <CSCW> computerunterstützte Kooperation {f}
computer system Computersystem {n}
computer system Rechnersystem {n}
computer system [EDP system] EDV-Anlage {f}
computer system failure EDV-Ausfall {m}
computer system generation Computergeneration {f}
computer system manager PC-Systembetreuer {m}
computer system manager [female]Computer-System-Managerin {f}
computer system validation <CSV>Computersystemvalidierung {f} [auch: Computer-System-Validierung, Computersystem-Validierung]
computer tapeComputerdatenband {n}
computer tape Magnetband {n}
computer technicianComputertechniker {m}
computer technology Computertechnologie {f}
computer technology Rechnertechnik {f}
computer technologyRechentechnik {f}
computer technology <CT> Computertechnik {f} <CT>
Computer Telephony Integration <CTI>computergestützte Telefonie {f}
computer testComputerprüfung {f}
computer testComputertest {m}
computer time Computerzeit {f}
computer to plate <CTP> digitale Druckplattenbelichtung {f} <DDB>
computer tomograph <CT> Computertomograph {m} <CT>
computer tomograph <CT> Computertomograf {m} <CT>
computer tomography [WRONG for: computed tomography][Computertomographie, Computertomografie, CT]
computer tomography <CT> Computertomographie {f} <CT>
computer tradeComputerhandel {m}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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